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Organizing the database (sample .pdf form included)


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First of all, I'd like to say thank-you if you're taking the time to read this and respond to me.


This question merely has to do with the fact of setting up / organizing the database(s) within mySQL.  I'm working on a project with the attached .pdf form that collects data.  I already have it up and running through excel via vba, etc...  The excel version spits out nice graphs, data sheets, statistics, etc...  Now, I'm moving on and trying to create this on the web so that it's OS independent and can be accessible and written to from any computer.  I figured the best solution would be to manage the results through mySQL databases and access them with php (and hopefully in the future the zend framework + flex/flash + php).  But that's not important.


I'm not asking for this to be coded for me - I'm just asking for opinions and information.  With the given form, what is the best way to store this information that's recorded?  In excel it's easy, all I have to manage is cells.


I was thinking that each section should be a database (i.e. PPE, Fall Avoidance, etc...) and each entry under that being a table with the corresponding fields (Safe, At Risk, Code, Comments, ID).  But, I got to thinking, that could be a lot of databases if I want to extend the form in the future with more sections.


Safe and At Risk will be INTs - Code will only contain a letter A, B, or C.  Comments will hold, well, comments.


I need to be able to have a location to place the date, area, time, project #, and the person who recorded this too (as seen at the top of the form).


I hope I'm not being vague - ultimately, what is the best way to store the information using the given form?


I'll also attach another form to show you what the information looks like once it is filled out.


Thanks for any information!



[attachment deleted by admin]

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Like I said, I'm not asking for someone to spoon feed me answers.  I'm looking for the basic structure of setting up the database in regards to the form I uploaded.  What's the best way of setting up the database to record the information that's given on the forms?


My way seems inefficient, in that setting up a database for each 'section' of the form can create a lot of databases (especially if I want to split this up and create the forms for different job sites).  I'm just having difficulty organzing the data on an excel spreadsheet to a database.


Any help would be appreciated.

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