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[SOLVED] Can't display and link image correctly


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I am trying to display an image thumbnail that links to the image file.

            $maincontent .= "<br />\n<div id=\"result". $row['id'] ."\" class=\"result\">\n";
            $img = compimg($row['id']);
            $thumb = compthumb($row['id']);

            $maincontent .= "<a href=\"$img\" rel=\"lightbox\"><img src=\"$thumb\" class=\"preview\" /></a>";


functions are


    //Returns the filename of the image for a specified post
    function compimg($id) {
        $files = glob("images/Posts/$id.*");
        if ($files == false)
            return '';
        if (!isset($files[0]))
            return '';
            return $files[0];
    //Returns the filename of the thumbnail for a specified post
    function compthumb($id) {
        $files = glob("images/Post_Thumbs/$id.*");
        if ($files == false)
            return '';
        if (!isset($files[0]))
            return '';
            return $files[0];


the result is supposed to be


href = "http://www.iasfc.com/images/48.gif

src = "http://www.iasfc.com/iasfc.com/images/Post_Thumbs/48.gif"


i keep getting:


href = "http://www.iasfc.com/comment/iasfc.com/images/48.gif

src = "http://www.iasfc.com/comment/iasfc.com/images/Post_Thumbs/48.gif"


How do i eliminate the comment dirctory in the URL?



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Thanks for the quick response. Here is the whole shebang. does this help?

$comment = $_POST['comment'];


    $q = "SELECT * FROM `comps` WHERE `id` = '". $comp ."'";

    $r = mysql_query($q);

    $voting_array = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `votes` WHERE `ip`='$ip'"));

    $vote_explode = explode(',', $voting_array['comp_id']);

    foreach($vote_explode as $vote_ex){

        $vote_ex = explode(":", $vote_ex);

        $compnum = $vote_ex[0];
        $compvote = $vote_ex[1];
        $compvotearray[$compnum] = $compvote;

    if(mysql_num_rows($r) > 0){
        while($row = mysql_fetch_array($r, MYSQL_ASSOC)){
            // count the comments
            $commentsCountQuery = "select * from comments where comp_id=" . $comp;
            $commentsCountResult = mysql_query($commentsCountQuery);
            $commentsCount = mysql_num_rows($commentsCountResult);

            $maincontent .= "<br />\n<div id=\"result". $row['id'] ."\" class=\"result\">\n";
		$img = compimg($row['id']);
            $thumb = compthumb($row['id']);

            $maincontent .= "<a href=\"$img\" rel=\"lightbox\"><img src=\"$thumb\" class=\"preview\" /></a>";

            $maincontent .= stripslashes($row['message']) ."\n<br /><br />\n<div class=\"clear\"></div>\n";
            $maincontent .= '<span class="sentBy"><span class="lside">('. $commentsCount .') comments </a></span>';
            $maincontent .= '<a href="" class="commlink">IASFC #'. $row['id'] .'</a>';


                $maincontent .= '<span id="vote_buttons'. $row['id'] .'" class="vote_buttons">
                <span id="a1votes_count'. $row['id'] .'">
                <a id=":'. $row['id'] .':1:'. $row['votes1'] .':'. $row['votes2'] .':" class="vote_up" title="'. $phrase1 .':'. $phrase2 .'" href="javascript:;">
                '. $phrase1 .' ('. $row['votes1'] .')</a></span>';
                $maincontent .= '   -   <span id="a2votes_count'. $row['id'] .'">
                <a id=":'. $row['id'] .':2:'. $row['votes1'] .':'. $row['votes2'] .':" class="vote_down" title="'. $phrase1 .':'. $phrase2 .'" href="javascript:;">
                '. $phrase2 .' ('. $row['votes2'] .')</a>
                </span></span><br />';
            } else {

                $maincontent .= '<span id="vote_buttons'. $row['id'] .'" class="vote_buttons voted">
                <span id="a1votes_count'. $row['id'] .'">
                '. $phrase1 .' ('. $row['votes1'] .')</span>';
                $maincontent .= '   -   <span id="a2votes_count'. $row['id'] .'" class="vote_buttons voted">
                '. $phrase2 .' ('. $row['votes2'] .')
                </span></span><br />';



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return $files[0];



return str_replace('comments/','',$files[0]);


thats the only thing I can see to fix that maybe glob somehow gets the 'comments/' or whatever but if its not THERE it hasta be somewhere else in your script


lol I put "comments" instead of "comment" change:

return str_replace('comments/','',$files[0]);



return str_replace('comment/','',$files[0]);

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