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I am currently creating a table like so:

while (!feof($fp)) {
$line = fgets($fp,1024); //use 2048 if very long lines
list ($website, $description)= split ("\|", $line);
//$website= "<a href=\"" . $website . "\">" . $website . "</a><br/>";
$Http = substr($website, 0,7);
if ($Http=="http://") {
   $website= "<a href=\"".$website. "\">" . $website . "</a><br/>";
} else {
   $website="<a href=\"http://".$website. "\">" . $website . "</a><br/>";
$col[$row] = array($row, $website, $description, $adsense);


reset ($col);

$arrays = count($col) - 1;

$loop = -1;
while ($loop < $arrays) {
echo '



echo '
<p><small>1 December 2004 · Last updated: '.date('j F Y', getlastmod());  
$HtmlCode= ob_get_contents(); 




I want to take the table that is created in cookies.html and create cookies1.html, cookies2.html with every 3 rows created.





A lot of your code makes no sense. If you are giving $row an incremental value, then why are you sorting the array? It will already be in sequential value. Plus sort() is not meant to be used on a multidimensional array. reset() will also not be needed since the array will already be at the first element. In fact, you don't need $row at all.



while (!feof($fp))
   $line = fgets($fp,1024); //use 2048 if very long lines
   list ($website, $description) = split ("|", $line);
   //$website= "<a href="" . $website . "">" . $website . "</a><br/>";

   $http = (substr($website, 0,7)=="http://") ? '' : 'http://' ;
   $website = "<a href="{$http}{$website}">{$website}</a><br/> ";
   $rows[] = array(
      'website'     => $website,
      'description' => $description,
      'adsense'     => $adsense


$tableCount = ceil(count($rows)/3);
$recordsPerTable = 3;
$tablesHTML = '';

for($i=1; $i<=$tableCount; $i++)
   $rowsHTML = '';
   for ($j=1; $j<=$recordsPerTable; $j++)
      $rowsHTML .= "  <tr> ";
      $rowsHTML .= "    <td>{$rows[$i]['website']}</td> ";
      $rowsHTML .= "    <td>{$rows[$i]['description']}</td> ";
      $rowsHTML .= "    <td>{$rows[$i]['adsense']}</td> ";
      $rowsHTML .= "  </tr> ";

   $tablesHTML .= "<table> {$rowsHTML}</table> ";

echo $tablesHTML;
echo "<p><small>1 December 2004 · Last updated: ".date('j F Y', getlastmod());  

$HtmlCode = ob_get_contents();




Oh yeah I initially had it set to arrange in alphabetical order.

that code gave me an error, 

$http = (substr($website, 0,7)=="http://") ? '' : 'http://' ;

$website = "<a href="{$http}{$website}">{$website}</a><br/> ";


the $website= gives an error of

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{' in /home/content/e/m/p/empireestate/html/list/listcreator.php on line 115


and im not good that yet

OK, I misread your first post and thought you wanted separate tables on the same page. No matter the logic is still valid. You just need to create a new file on each iteration of the first for loop where this line is

   $tablesHTML .= "<table> {$rowsHTML}</table> ";

You are making no sense now. I don't see what that question has to do with what you originally asked. You need to understand that we are not sitting there with you involved in whatever you are working on. We only know what you tell us, and that isn't much.


However, I will venture a guess that what you are doing is trying to process some data file and create multiple flat HTML pages. And now you are wanting to create links in those HTML files to navigate from one page to another. Why?


If you are using PHP, just create ONE PHP page that will allow the user to dynamically display the different "pages"? The whole point of using a server-side language is that you don't have to hard code the pages - they can be dynamic. And, you seem to have taken the approach of using PHP to generate hard coded pages.


Give this a try. Just set the $dataFile to the file you are reading data from. You can now have all your "pages" with a single file. And if your input file with the data changes you don't have to regenerate the flat files - this page will continue to work with the new data.



$recordsPerPage = 3;
$dataFile = 'somefile.txt';

$fileContents = file($dataFile);

foreach ($fileContents as $line)
   list ($website, $description) = explode('|', $line);
   $website = trim($website);
   $description = trim($description);

   $http = (substr($website, 0,7)=="http://") ? '' : 'http://' ;
   $website = "<a href=\"{$http}{$website}\">{$website}</a><br/> ";
   $rows[] = array(
      'website'     => $website,
      'description' => $description,
      'adsense'     => $adsense

//Set number of total pages
$pageCount = ceil(count($rows) / $recordsPerPage);

//Set current page
$page = (int) $_GET['page'];
if ($page<1 || $page>$pageCount)
    $page = 1;

//Create page specific output
$rowsHTML = '';
for ($i=0; $i<$recordsPerPage; $i++)
    $record = ($page-1) * $recordsPerPage + $i;
    $rowsHTML .= "  <tr> ";
    $rowsHTML .= "    <td>{$rows[$record]['website']}</td> ";
    $rowsHTML .= "    <td>{$rows[$record]['description']}</td> ";
    $rowsHTML .= "    <td>{$rows[$record]['adsense']}</td> ";
    $rowsHTML .= "  </tr> ";

//Create page navigation
$nav = "Page {$page} of {$pageCount}: ";
$nav .= ($page==1) ? 'Prev': '<a href="?page='.($page-1).'">Prev</a>';
$nav .= ' | ';
$nav .= ($page==$pageCount) ? 'Next': '<a href="?page='.($page+1).'">Next</a>';

//Set todays date
$lastUpdate = date('j F Y', getlastmod());  


<?php echo $nav; ?>
<br /><br />
<?php echo $rowsHTML; ?>
<br /><br />
<p><small>1 December 2004 · Last updated: <?php echo $lastUpdate; ?>  

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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