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Advance thank you.


I was creating a advance basket for a company and i am stuck.


not used the old maths function's for years can you help..


looks wrong.















echo "Complete total ".£.number_format($total,2)."\n
<br> $payments monthly payments ".£.number_format($monthly,2)." ";





Complete total £79.31 // how this correct no way?


12 monthly payments £6.61  // looks ok? from above result.




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Once thing I noticed


$total = $total - $discount


$discount is 20%. Can you subtract a real with a percent?



Also, that would total to about  87.5 without taxes. Whats so wrong about the numbers? Whats it supposed to be?


Also, everything looks fine to me besides the percent subtracting from a real.


EDIT: I just calculated myself and came to about 80 pounds. I don't think your code is wrong. Thats just the price. 17.5% is a hefty tax.



20 * 4 = (Price without anything)


80 * .8 ( .8 = 4/5 = 80% of orignal)

64 * 1.175 = 75.2 (Taxes)

75.2 + 7.50 = 81.2 (Shipping, shipping doesn't have sales tax)


Edit: Yeah I screwed up my statistics and modified them to be accurate.


80$ is price, then discount, then you add the taxes, then shipping price.

London is hefty lol, not my fault, not prime minister pal, lol...



can you show me the same in a OOP code please i love learning that stuff....


whale i thort ill ask on here because i am no good at php and i got it correct first time no way?


Here a function way, nice i think ?


function add_shopping($price,$quienty,$shipping,$discount,$tax,$payments){
echo "Complete total ".£.number_format($total,2)."\n
<br> $payments monthly payments ".£.number_format($monthly,2)." ";
echo add_shopping('20.00','10','7.50','10%','17.50','12');


short version

function add_shopping($price,$quienty,$shipping,$discount,$tax,$payments){
echo "Complete total ".£.number_format($total,2)."\n
<br> $payments monthly payments ".£.number_format($monthly,2)." ";
echo add_shopping('20.00','1','7.50','10%','17.50','12');


shortest i personally can go.

function add_shopping($price,$quienty,$shipping,$discount,$tax,$payments){
echo "Complete total ".£.number_format($total,2)."\n
<br> $payments monthly payments ".£.number_format($monthly,2)." ";
echo add_shopping('20.00','1','7.50','10%','17.50','12');

Last post on this sorry.


I added session's so the design of the web page, can be set up correctly.



<?php session_start();
function add_shopping($price,$quienty,$shipping,$discount,$tax,$payments){
echo add_shopping('20.00','1','7.50','10%','17.50','12');
echo "Complete total ".£.number_format($_SESSION['total'],2)."\n
<br> {$_SESSION['payments']} monthly payments ".£.number_format($_SESSION['monthly'],2)." ";


If you learn all this maths stuff, as i have posted you can design a grate cart script.

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