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$usernamematch = $_POST['username'];
$passwordmatch = $_POST['password'];

$fp = fopen("registrationinfo/info.txt","a");

$array = explode(':', $fp);

$username = trim($array[0]); //user-name
$password = trim($array[2]); //password

if ($username == $usernamematch && $password == $passwordmatch)
$_SESSION['loginsuccessfull'] = true;
header('location indexsuccessfull.php');
} else {
header('location wronginfo.php');



but at the moment its doing nothing

just a blank page.

im not sure how to work with txt files this way.


any help is much appricatied

You seem to assume that opening a file is the same as reading it.

$array = explode(':', $fp);

should be something like:

$fileData = fread($fp,filesize("registrationinfo/info.txt"));
$array = explode(':', $fileData);

Should i remove the $fp = $fp = fopen("registrationinfo/info.txt","a");



well with the modified code i still didnt get anything.

$usernamematch = $_POST['username'];
$passwordmatch = $_POST['password'];

$fp = fopen("registrationinfo/info.txt","a");
$fileData = fread($fp,filesize("registrationinfo/info.txt"));
$array = explode(':', $fileData);

$username = trim($array[0]); //user-name
$password = trim($array[1]); //password

if ($username == $usernamematch & $password == $passwordmatch)
$_SESSION['loginsuccessfull'] = true;
header('location indexsuccessfull.php');
} else {
header('location wronginfo.php');


also, can I point out that because you're using a file with the extension .txt if somebody gueses the location and name of this file then they will be able to see all of your usernames/password in their browser in plain text, not very secure at all.


you'll need a htaccess file in the same directory with the following in it (Google htaccess):


IndexIgnore *.txt

im still getting a a empty page...


ive tried fixing it with soloution's and i keep changing it and its always a blank page


heres the complete code.

$usernamematch = $_POST['username'];
$passwordmatch = $_POST['password'];

$fp = fopen("registrationinfo/info.txt","a+");
$fileData = fread($fp,filesize("registrationinfo/info.txt"));
$array = explode(':', $fileData);
$username = trim($array[0]); //user-name
$password = trim($array[1]); //password

if ($username == $usernamematch & $password == $passwordmatch)
$_SESSION['loginsuccessfull'] = true;
header('location indexsuccessfull.php');
} else {
header('location wronginfo.php');


ok, do me a favour, change to the following:


$fp = fopen("registrationinfo/info.txt","a+");
$fileData = fread($fp,filesize("registrationinfo/info.txt"));


You will get the headers error again but ignore that and paste the printed data to this thread.






wont work for me.

What do you mean "wont work for me"? What are you getting?


could it be that $usernamematch == $username ?

insted of $username == $usernamematch

By the rules of logic, A = B is the same as B = A.

So $usernamematch == $username and $username == $usernamematch are identical




echo '$username=';
echo '<br />$usernamematch=';
echo '<br />$password=';
echo '<br />$passwordmatch=';
echo '<br />';

That way, you can see whether it's the values you're reading from the file that are wrong, or if it's the $_POST data that isn't right

so its $_POST that is causing the issues...

ill be having a look.

$_POST['Variable'] is the correct way to post isnt it?

It is the correct way, and remember that the Variable is case-sensitive... it must match the name in your html form exactly.

Try putting print_r($_POST) at the top of your script.

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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