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New to PHP so please be gentle!


I code in HTML and run these locally in my browser to check their progress (can't seem to get any of the servers to work btw?! - another day maybe?) Anyhow I send the HTML files to my webspace and my ftp client will automatically change them to PHP. Good so far!


Now, this is where my problem starts - in the HTML there are links to other HTML but they will not call from the webspace as they have been re-named PHP; with me so far?!


Is there a trick to overcoming this or is it a handball job - I also have external page links which are HTML so a 'global' change is not practical.


Any advice please would be much appreciated :-)

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(can't seem to get any of the servers to work btw?! - another day maybe?)


Ah ha - pleased to say that I have just got EasyPHP to work so I can now view my PHP locally!


Would still welcome any help/comment about my original question please?



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Ah ha - pleased to say that I have just got EasyPHP to work so I can now view my PHP locally!


Ya, because php is so hard to install....


Your original question makes little sense. If you want your links to be valid they need t point to valid uri's, full stop. An ftp client is renaming your files? Why?

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When I wrote my original question I couldn't get PHP files to display locally; now I can  :D


You answered just before I was about to answer my own question as I have now the ability to name everything PHP and see the fruits of my efforts directly on my PC  ;)


So thanks to everyones input - must try to explain myself better in the future though  :shrug:


btw, I can cope with sarcasm when it is required - not sure it was here seeing as I said I was new to this; we all have to learn and I have ::)

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