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Questions regarding Facebook


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I m quite curious about facebook,  below are the queries i have.


1. How status bar of facebook remains unrefreshed when pages are navigated? Well its possible that they have used ajax to load pages without anything refresh, but i can see  page loading bar in browser's statusbar if any link is clicked.


2. How it can manage to be so fast when comment to on post is made and is instantly visible by another user? Even in poor internet connection, facebook seems to be very fast in executing query.


3. They are using loads of javascript timer to call loads of ajax functions to change contents automatically, how it still manage to be so fast.


Can anyone can explain?



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are they loading contents in iframe??


Yes. A simple view source would reveal that to be the case.


No, the iFrame is solely used to load content from an external site (something about Ajax not supporting external sites in certain functions).


What Facebook does to keep the chat-bar static, is to load each new page's content into the "main" div on the page, thereby creating a sort of iframe-like effect. If you look at the address-bar when you navigate around, you can see the hash (#) changing with every link you click, that data after the hash is used to tell their Ajax scripts where to get the content from.

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