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mySQL Update another field monthly with Cron & reset original field HELP!


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I would really appreciate any help anyone can offer updating fields in the same table on a monthly basis with Cron and/or PHP, my level is novice.


I am on a hostgator shared server running:

cpanel version 11.24.5-RELEASE

Apache version 2.2.11 (Unix)

PHP version 5.2.9

MySQL version 5.1.30


I have a table called stats with the following fields:



each time a certain id (page) is visited it inserts a count in the visit field.

What I would like to do is at the end of each month at midnight copy the count in the visit field to a month field in the same table and reset the visit field to zero.

Also at the end of each year at midnight copy the total for all month fields in a year field and reset the months to zero.


So far I have added the following fields after visit field so the table now looks like this...



















I have looked around the internet and found out how to do this manually by running the following SQL query in phpmyadmin:


UPDATE stats SET `Jan`=`visit`


This inserts the data in the visit field into the month of Jan field.

This is ok if I can remember to do this at exactly midnight of each month but I am pretty sure I will forget one or not do it on time.

I would like to automate this with a cron job or php which I am usure how to do.

I am also unsure of how to set the original field (visit) back to zero.


Basically this is what I would like but am sort of stuck.


Midnight - Last day in January update Jan field with current visits and reset visit field to zero

Midnight - Last day in February update Feb field with current visits and reset visit field to zero

Midnight - Last day in March update Mar field with current visits and reset visit field to zero

Midnight - Last day in April update Apr field with current visits and reset visit field to zero

Midnight - Last day in May update May field with current visits and reset visit field to zero

Midnight - Last day in June update Jun field with current visits and reset visit field to zero

Midnight - Last day in July update Jul field with current visits and reset visit field to zero

Midnight - Last day in August update Aug field with current visits and reset visit field to zero

Midnight - Last day in September update Sep field with current visits and reset visit field to zero

Midnight - Last day in October update Oct field with current visits and reset visit field to zero

Midnight - Last day in November update Nov field with current visits and reset visit field to zero

Midnight - Last day in December update Dec field with current visits and reset visit field to zero


Midnight - Last day in December 2009 update 2009 field with the total from all months fields Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec BUT NOT RESET month fields to zero instead just overwriting each month as and when...

For example: the data in month Jan (which would be the count for January 2009) would be overwritten on the midnight 31st January 2010 with data from the visit field.


I hope this makes sense and someone can help me out to run on autopilot!


Please remember I'm a novice!


Thanks in advance.


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