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thread tags

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I was just thinking.. perhaps something nice to add would be thread tag keywords (didn't check to see if SMF has a mod for this or not). This would make it easier to screen out specific threads in the search results.. so instead of searching for say, "regex phonenumber" and getting bombarded with every thread containing either or both terms, only specific tagged threads show up. The benefit is that if someone wants to be able to quickly recall a thread (without necessarily needing to bookmark it), if they remember the embed tag, they'll find it more quickly.


I suppose the one drawback is if everyone started using tags, the tag search results could become convoluted. Granted, I would suspect many members probably wouldn't bother entering tag key words in their threads (which could keep the clutter of tagged threads down to a minimum.. that with members using multiple key words that more accurately describes a post would also refine searches more easily).


I suppose a cheap 'hack' would be to mimic twitter with its hashtags (in a nutshell, a hashtag is simply a tweet (post) that has a specific hashtag (# followed by a key word) embedded for fast finding reference). So if this thread had something like "#hashtag" in it, a search for #hashtag would find this post pretty quickly. By using a more formal example, a post with "#regex #ctype" would yield more precise results than a bombarded results page filled with posts containing regex or ctype.  :shrug:

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Hmmm... as it turns out, using this site's search for #hashtag doesn't yield any results. Kinda kills that idea. :(


That's just because the search index is stale. I think it gets updated hourly. I suppose I could increase the frequency because it's not a very resource intensive task.

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