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Adding meta tags under Zend FW


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Hello there, recently has come to my hands the FTP of a website which is running under Zend, I would like to add some meta to the website but the index file is just a bunch of classes and includes so I'm a little lost about where to find the correct file to add the meta tags...

Can anybody point me in the right direction?


Thanks a lot.

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Does the application use the new Zend_Application object to bootstrap the application? If so, you might locate a view boostrap resource and meta data there via the headmeta helper.


Otherwise, it might be a little more difficult to track down. Probably the simplest solution (for someone that doesn't know Zend that well) would be to simply add the meta tags to your layout.n Somewhere within the project should (may) be a directory called layout, this generally holds the layout pages that are used by all other views.

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it is quite daunting but the structure is quite simple, you have your url


blah.com/{maybe module}/controller/method


and you see the view for that method, the controller is under controllers maybe inside its module directory and the method is inside it, but yes you can add it to the layout depending on wich layout is being used.


find the controller find the method in that controller and dont worry about it,


just go to views/controller name/method name.phtml


check what layout is being used


go to layouts/layout name


and then you can add meta content there statically or dynamically


odds are your entire site uses one layout or maybe 2, they will all be under layouts directory



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