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[SOLVED] Delete row if time is more than


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how do i delete a row from my table if it is more than 24 hours old


my code to insert the row into the MYSQL database is

include("db.php"); // Connect to DB

$browser = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
$page = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];

$now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime('+6 hours')); // My server is 6 hours behind my local timezone

mysql_query("INSERT INTO `[logs]`(`time`,`IP`,`browser`,`page`) values('$now','$IP','$browser','$page')") or die(mysql_error());



So in other words...

if the row has been in the table for more than 24 hours i would like to delete it itself.

Can anybody help me out with a basic script



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you just need to check if now subtract date field is greater than or equal to 86400 (1 day in seconds)


You will need to set up a cron job script to do this automatically



thanks but how would i go around doin this?

Im a total newbie at PHP and MYSQL


is the script like this?

$logs = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `[logs]`") or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_array($logs);

$dt = "86400";
$time = $row['time'];

if($time - $dt >= 86400) {
echo "Success";
} else {
echo "Error";


I have tried it but i cant get it to echo "Success"

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Please ignore my above comment  :shrug:


here is my code


$logs = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `[logs]` WHERE id = '1'") or die(mysql_error());
$row = mysql_fetch_array($logs);

$now = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime('+6 hours'));

$dt = "86400";
$time = $row['time'];

$diff = $now - $time;

if($diff >= $dt) {
print "Delete Now";
} else {
echo "Dont delete";


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lol yes I know. I mean what field TYPE is the TIME field (such as int, varchar, float, decimal)? can you run code in phpmyadmin?

if so can you run the query


and paste the result


i couldnt seem to do it with [logs] so i copied the structure and data to a table called logs (from operations)


Field  Type  Null  Key  Default  Extra 

      id int(11) NO PRI NULL auto_increment

      page varchar(250) NO  none 

      browser varchar(250) NO  NULL 

      IP varchar(250) NO  NULL 

      time timestamp NO  CURRENT_TIMESTAMP 

      owner smallint(1) NO  1 

      ref_web varchar(255) NO  NULL



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I found this code while searching this website



mysql_query("DELETE FROM `logs` WHERE time + 86400 >= UNIX_TIMESTAMP()") or die(mysql_error());
echo "Deleted";



But it deletes all rows from my table :wtf:


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Your operator is wrong. It would delete records which are less than 24 hours old. Plus, you need to convert the time field to seconds as well.





Thanks for that but i can seem to get it to work in php it works in phpmyadmin



$sql = 'DELETE FROM `logs` WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`time`) + 86400 < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()' or die(mysql_error());


echo '<p>Logs Successfully Deleted!</p>';

} else {

echo '<p>Error</p>';



and it doesnt give any errors

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Ah ha i found the error


fixed it

i changed the following line from

$sql = 'DELETE FROM `logs` WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`time`) + 86400 < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()' or die(mysql_error());


$sql = mysql_query("DELETE FROM `logs` WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`time`) + 86400 < UNIX_TIMESTAMP()") or die(mysql_error());

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