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Event Scheduler shutting down MySQL


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I'm running XAMPP on Windows Server 2003 and have been for a few months now. When I first set it up I got this weird error in err.log:


091027 22:52:09 [Note] Event Scheduler: Purging the queue. 0 events
091027 22:52:09 InnoDB: Starting shutdown...
091027 22:52:10 InnoDB: Shutdown completed; log sequence number 0 69112
091027 22:52:10 [Note] PrimeBase XT Engine shutdown...
091027 22:52:10 [Warning] Forcing shutdown of 1 plugins
091027 22:52:10 [Note] C:\XAMPP\mysql\bin\mysqld.exe: Shutdown complete 


This went away randomly for ages, and then today it came back and proceeded to shut MySQL down every 13 minutes... I've renamed all the 'event' files in 'XAMPP\mysql\data\mysql' as well as trying to disable the 'event scheduler' via 'my.ini', but it says it's a unknown command. The guide I followed told me to try 'my.cfg' but I can't find this anywhere.


Has anyone got any other ideas? This is really getting annoying now.

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Interesting. Can you tell us HOW it was fixed? Did you need to upgrade your server or something else?

Trust be told, I don't actually know. I was using two different versions of the game. One made it crash and one didn't. To diagnose the difference would take hours as it queries something like 50-200 times a minute and it used to sometimes take over 3 hours to crash. It would close MySQL though with no errors what-so-ever. I even updated to the latest version.

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