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[SOLVED] Send an SMS from PHP


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Hi, I am using sms server software named Ozeki NG it has an http api which allows you to send sms'es from your website and works great, but I can't seem to figure out how to extract specific values from the response it sends back to my php page. The response is set to send back a url encoded response which is not sent as an array which makes things more difficult for me.


Is there a way that I can convert the received response into an array so I can validate whether or not the message was actually received or not by the sms software or am I missing something very obvious and simpler! I want to be able to validate certain values contained in the response back from the sms server, similar to the way I have shown in red in the code below.


It is important for me to know whether or the message was actually accepted or not, I can't just blindly submit messages the way the code is at the moment for my particular application, so I need a way to verify certain values contained in the response string!


Here is the PHP for sending the sms and receiving a response from the sms server software:



# Login information for the SMS Gateway

$ozeki_user = "admin";
$ozeki_password = "admin";
$ozeki_url = "";

# Functions used to send the SMS message
function httpRequest($url){
    $pattern = "/http...([0-9a-zA-Z-.]*).([0-9]*).(.*)/";
    $in = "";
    $fp = fsockopen("$args[1]", $args[2], $errno, $errstr, 30);
    if (!$fp) {
       return("$errstr ($errno)");
    } else {
        $out = "GET /$args[3] HTTP/1.1\r\n";
        $out .= "Host: $args[1]:$args[2]\r\n";
        $out .= "User-agent: Ozeki PHP client\r\n";
        $out .= "Accept: */*\r\n";
        $out .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";

        fwrite($fp, $out);
        while (!feof($fp)) {
           $in.=fgets($fp, 128);

function ozekiSend($phone, $msg, $debug=false){
      global $ozeki_user,$ozeki_password,$ozeki_url;

      $url = 'username='.$ozeki_user;
      $url.= '&password='.$ozeki_password;
      $url.= '&action=sendmessage';
      $url.= '&originator=5554443333';
      $url.= '&messagetype=SMS:TEXT';
      $url.= '&recipient='.urlencode($phone);
      $url.= '&messagedata='.urlencode($msg);
      $url.= '&responseformat=urlencoded';

      $urltouse =  $ozeki_url.$url;
      if ($debug) { echo "Request: <br>$urltouse<br><br>"; }

      //Open the URL to send the message
      $response = httpRequest($urltouse);

      if ($debug) {
           echo "Response: <br><pre>".
           "</pre><br>"; }

      [color=#FF0000]if ($response['acceptreport.statusmessage'] == 'Message+accepted+for+delivery') {
           //do something here;
           //do something else here


# GET data from sendsms.html

$phonenum = $_POST['recipient'];
$message = $_POST['message'];
$debug = true;





And this is what is echoed to screen for sendsms.php:






HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate

Pragma: no-cache

Content-Length: 329

Content-Type: text/xml

Last-Modified: Sat, 07 Nov 2009 17:10:47 GMT

Server: OzekiNG/3.14.1 Microsoft-HTTPAPI/1.0

Date: Sat, 07 Nov 2009 15:10:47 GMT

Connection: close




Here is the original article on their website explaining the usage of the http api: http://www.ozekisms.com/index.php?owpn=327


The demo software can be downloaded from the same page from the menu at the top of the page... Any help will be highly appeciated!




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Lots of ways you could do it. If all you want to do is check that particular value though, why not just use...


if(strstr('acceptreport.statusmessage=Message+accepted+for+delivery')) {
   // message accepted
} else {
   // message not accepted

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Cags, that would work, but the response string returns other values too, this is an example of the returned string in red::




I would need to have the string only return 'acceptreport.statusmessage=Message+accepted+for+delivery' in order for your solution to work, but the string returns other info with that. How would I select a specific part of the string to compare against?



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Cags, that would work, but the response string returns other values too, this is an example of the returned string in red::




I would need to have the string only return 'acceptreport.statusmessage=Message+accepted+for+delivery' in order for your solution to work, but the string returns other info with that. How would I select a specific part of the string to compare against?




Erm... no it wouldn't require that at all. The function strstr looks if string a contains string b. Perhaps that would have been more obvious if I hadn't been rushing so much and passed both arguments in.


if(strstr($response, 'acceptreport.statusmessage=Message+accepted+for+delivery')) {
   // message accepted
} else {
   // message not accepted

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Add this into your code and manually look if the string from $needle is contained in $haystack exactly. I'd personally copy the needle value and use 'Find' in your browser make sure it picks up both strings.


$haystack = $response;
$needle = 'acceptreport.statusmessage=Message+accepted+for+delivery';

echo '<pre>';
echo $haystack;
echo '<br/>';
echo '<br/>';
echo $needle;
echo '<pre>';

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Sorry cags, kept missing you there, having some problems with my wireless 3G! it works just fine, I had typo in the string, it works great thanks the help...


if(strstr($response,'acceptreport.statusmessage=Message+accepted+for+delivery')) {
   // message accepted
   echo 'message accepted';
} else {
   // message not accepted
   echo 'message not accepted';

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