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[SOLVED] php no longer connects


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I have php 5.3.0 installed on my snow leopard mac. mysql 5.1 is installed and running. everything is local. I can log into mysql from the command line but for some reason even tho I am feeding my php scripts the correct login and they used to work they can no longer connect to my local mysql install.


I could use some help troubleshooting this.


Specifically this line used to work:


if (!($connection = @ mysql_connect("localhost","user","shhhhh")))
          die("Could not connect");


now this script jumps right to the die line.


I'm honestly not sure what changed here.




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these are the permissions on my my.cnf which lives in /private/etc on the mac


mazdayasna:etc bluethundr$ ls -la my.cnf
-rw-r--r--  1 root  wheel  10 Nov 10 14:10 my.cnf


also I've noticed that it is empty, except for the statement [mysqld]


I tried to add the large packets directive in my.cnf




but then mysql wouldn't launch. so I removed it, and it started launching again. I think this is when php stopped being able to connect.


I noticed when I installed mysql on my mac, unlike my linux boxen the my.cnf is curiously empty.

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Well I just fixed this problem with the help of spox on #php on freenode.



The mac install of MySQL does not conform to all the "usual" locations you are used to on a linux install. The most important things you have to change in your php.ini file are where the sock lives.


On linux any reference to mysqld.sock in your ini file should point to /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

On the mac you need to change those references to /opt/local/var/run/mysql5/mysqld.sock


But the most important thing in my case in solving this problem was adding the line mysql.default_socket = /tmp/mysql.sock (which was missing in my ini file) and resetting mysqli.default_socket to mysqli.default_socket = /tmp/mysql.sock.


This was the source of the WIN after struggling for a week. THANKS SPOX!!!


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