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close table function


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I found this script online for hiding the divs.

function closeall()
var divs=document.getElementsByTagName('div')
for(var i=0; i<divs.length; i++)

What I'm looking to do is tweak it a bit so it doesn't close all the divs, actually not a div at all, a table with the id of "second".

Could this function be modified a little or should I start over with a new function?

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I found this script online for hiding the divs.

function closeall()
var divs=document.getElementsByTagName('div')
for(var i=0; i<divs.length; i++)

What I'm looking to do is tweak it a bit so it doesn't close all the divs, actually not a div at all, a table with the id of "second".

Could this function be modified a little or should I start over with a new function?


function closeTable(id) {
   var oTable = document.getElementById(id);
   oTable.style.display = 'none';

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this may be easier. here is the click function that opens and closes my menu options

function clicked(element)
var div=document.getElementById(element)

When the page loads, all the menu options are expanded. Then when clicked upon they will close, so couldn't i just use a few lines of the function above to create a new function that keeps the menu closed on page load?

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Instead of using JavaScript to make something 'closed' when the page loads, use CSS and set its display to 'none.'  Then, have a JavaScript function tied to some sort of event elsewhere on the page (a button's onclick event, for example) toggle that table's display.  Something like:


<!DOCTYPE html>
         #second { display: none; }

      <table id="second">
         <!-- table data -->

      <button id="toggle">Click to toggle the display of the second table</button>

   <script type="text/javascript">
      var oButton = document.getElementById('toggle');
      var oTable = document.getElementById('second');

      oButton.onclick = function() {
         oTable.style.display = (oTable.style.display == 'none') ? '' : 'none';



If you still insist on tying the JavaScript to the elements directly inside the HTML (which I do not recommend, but that's not really the topic here), then be sure to put quotes around the id you pass into the function.

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