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I am an absolute newby at PHP.  This is my first project.  Read the PHP/MySQL for Dummies book over and over.  Can you tell me what I am missing?  This is really driving me nuts.  Code is as follows:






      or die ("Couldn't Connect To Server");


      or die ("Couldn't Select Database");


  $query="SELECT * FROM tblMaterials


          ORDER BY tblMaterials.MatSortOrder";



      or die ("Couldn't Execute Query");


/* Display Results in a Table */


echo    "<div id='samptable'


          style='width: 794'>";

echo        "<table id='matsamp'

                    summary='Examples of natural and dyed woods along with man-made materials used to create your custom hand made pen or pencil'

                    style='border-collapse: collapse; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 10pt; color: #800000'


echo            "<tr>

                  <td width='295'


                      <img alt='{$row['MatName']} Material Sample'






                  <td width='295'


                      <img alt='{$row['MatName']} Material Sample'






echo    "</table>";

echo  "</div>";

echo  "<div id='footer'>


 <hr style='text-align:center; width:500px; height:1px; color:#800000;'>


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What I get when I run this is the results at http://www.beautybeneaththebark.com/MaterialSamps.php


What it should look very similar to is http://www.beautybeneaththebark.com/matsamp1.htm


All assistance is greatly appreciated.

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Where's the $row variable coming from?


When doing any programming, your best writing out the comments first to get in your head in plain english the process you want to go to... So:


Create connection


If connection created perform query


If query success get results


Loop through results...

I'll give you a hand here, use...


while (($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) !== false) {




Show material image etc...


You may want to check that mysql_fetch_row is the right command you wish to use... A handy resource we all hammer every day we're programming is http://www.php.net. Also, I'd recommend that you use MySQLi as soon as you feel comfortable as the traditional MySQL extension is being phased out :D


Hope this helps,



Assuming your query works correctly $result will contain a resource object. In order to access the information in this object you need to use one of the other mysql_ functions and you will also need to loop through the results. Judging by your code further down you want to be using mysql_fetch_assoc. Without being able to test it's difficult to say for sure, but your code should probably look more like this...


echo    "<div id='samptable'
           style='width: 794'>";
echo        "<table id='matsamp'
                    summary='Examples of natural and dyed woods along with man-made materials used to create your custom hand made pen or pencil'
                    style='border-collapse: collapse; font-family: Tahoma; font-size: 10pt; color: #800000'
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
   echo "<tr>
                   <td width='295'
                       <img alt='{$row['MatName']} Material Sample'
echo    "</table>";
echo  "</div>";
echo  "<div id='footer'>

Bare in mind that will only produce 1 item per line, but if this works we'll go from there, I didn't want to take too big a step.


Bare in mind that will only produce 1 item per line, but if this works we'll go from there, I didn't want to take too big a step.


From working with MS Access, I knew the setup I had would repeat the same info in column 1 and 2 of my table.  All I really wanted to do was setup the table and make sure it worked and then try to figure out how to get the data to flow correctly.  With your help, I was able to get it to output the look I wanted.  Thank you.


I really appreciated the fact that you said it in English and then wrote it out in PHP.  It makes it much easier to interpret what you wrote.


Next question, how do I get two records per row?  I am having a problem finding the correct help because I don't know the correct terminology. 

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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