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First things first - Fresh music scene is a free online website for unsigned/new musicians (ages 13-25) to advertise what they do. Find new gigs, get info from other musicians who have played there, update your own page in our forum telling fans and other artist's about your gigs. Learn how the music scene in your area works, and view links to advice, concerts, and information pages for artists. etc.


it needs to stay simple as ofcourse 13 year olds will use it, but needs to stay profetional as the 20-25 age gap will use it.

i have taken my research in nabouring towns and learned there is a area of interest for this website before making,


i would just like to know what you think of it please


The link is http://freshmusicscene.co.nr  -Free domain untill i get reviews.


Thank you, Fresh Music Scene Admin.

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I thought that the main site was a bit thin on a widescreen monitor.  If you need it to be so narrow, could you make it resize dynamically (eg. width:70%;)?


The more important factor was that I didn't see any navigation back to the main site from the forum.  I got to the forum and then couldn't get back.... not that I tried very hard... but who would?


On my monitor it is very difficult to discern between site and background.  Could you consider making the background a few shades lighter?


I like black and white, but don't make me strain to see anything.

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My monitor resolutions is about 1400x1200 and the webpage content looks very thin on it. If you want to size the content based on a fixed width, I would research on the most common size resolution most people have today. Then set it to that or you can always scale by percentage.


I did my website content by a fixed width on www.blogoberry.com

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I agree with the others. The website is a little too narrow.

You could increase the text size a little. You could also put the Facebook div on the right-hand side of the Youtube video.


You could tidy up the left column. Make the 3 links it a Navigation area.

Again, you could increase text size and add some extra padding.

The header image looks good, however it looks a little stretched down. If you increase it in width, it will look better.



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