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Loop in statment


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Hi , i have this code and i am trying to change the variable untill the loop run but can't figure out how, means in function ($var1, $vart2) when the next loop come it use the value $var3 and $var4 and in next use again $var1 and $var2 till the for loop finish it will continue this way, here the code:

$var1 = $_POST['note1'];
$var2 = $_POST['com1'];
$var3 = $_POST['note2'];
$var4 = $_POST['com2'];

for($i= 0;$i < sizeof($somevar);$i++)
//my other statements

function ($var1, $vart2);

i tried this way but it will give me the result only of $var3 and $var4 :

$var1 = $_POST['note1'];
$var2 = $_POST['com1'];
$var3 = $_POST['note2'];
$var4 = $_POST['com2'];

$note = array(1=>"$var1", "$var3 " );
$com = array(1=>"$var2", "$var4 " );
$random = rand(1,2);

$var1 = $note["$random"];
$var2 = $com["$random"];

for($i= 0;$i < sizeof($somevar);$i++)
//my other statements

function ($var1, $vart2);

Please any help

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Thanks sir it worked but now the problem is they are giving both same result, means if i write something in file with $_POST['note1'] it will also be written with $_POST['note2'] and then move to next and same again whatever is in $_POST['note1'] it will be written by $_POST['note2'], if you see there $content, it is being written twice, what i want is as in my first post i used rand() so when the loop run again it will change the value of $var1 and $var2 .here i tried the code maybe something i am missing for sure :(:

$arr = Array( $_POST['note1'],

for($a= 0;$a< sizeof($somevar);$a++)
//my other statments for content

for($i = 0, $c = count($arr);$i < $c;$i+=2)
somefunction($content,$arr[$i], $arr[$i+1]);

Thanks for help


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sorry for double post i could not edit about if you notice in somefunction($content,$arr[$i], $arr[$i+1]); i have $content, so when the loop runs second time it prints $content again, i wants to move it to next as i am using in script so only when the function run next time it change the value of $var1 and $var2 in somefunction ($content, $var1, $var2);

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sorry sir for confusion i will try to explain here is the original code, codes file are large so i am posting what is important:

$user = $_POST['user'];
$pass = $_POST['pass'];
$user2= $_POST['user2'];
$pass2 = $_POST['pass2'];

for($i= 0;$i < sizeof($links);$i++)
echo "On Page". $body . "<br />" ;
$curl = $turl[0].$links[$i]["href"];
$lcontent = getcontent($curl);
$content = getthreadcontent($lcontent);

here what i want is when next time loop run it will change the value of $user and $pass to $user2 and $pass2, so basically what i am trying to do is post with other username next content.

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What about something like this?


$arr = Array(

for($i = 0, $c = count($arr);$i < $c;$i++)
$curl = $turl[0].$links[$i]["href"];
$lcontent = getcontent($curl);
$content = getthreadcontent($lcontent);
something($content, $arr[$i][0], $arr[$i][1]);


As long as you're excluding content it's hard for me to understand exactly what you're trying to do.

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thanks sir for you quick support much appreciated,  i want to run this loop for($i= 0;$i < sizeof($links);$i++)  as you can see in my previous post so until $links will finish loop will run but $user and $pass will change randomly only to that both variables i mention above when next time loop runs.

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You want to loop through the entire $links array and randomly choose the user/pass combination? Then do something like this:


$arr = Array(

for($i = 0, $c = count($links);$i < $c;$i++)
$curl = $turl[0].$links[$i]["href"];
$lcontent = getcontent($curl);
$content = getthreadcontent($lcontent);
$rand = array_rand($arr);
something($content, $arr[$rand][0], $arr[$rand][1]);

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That won't work. It'll give output like: first iteration: name1, name1; second iteration name2, name2; third name1, name1, etc.. I think you mean something like this:


$x = 1;
for($i= 0;$i < 4;$i++) {
     $x = ($x < 4) ? $x : ($x = 1);
     someFunction(${'var'.$x}, ${'var'.++$x});


If you're going to do it that way might as well put $x inside the for()'s parameters to make it cleaner (like below). But I was under the impression that the OP wanted it to be random.


for($i= 0, $x = 1;$i < sizeof($somevar);$i++, $x = (++$x < 4) ? $x : 1)
    someFunction(${'var'.$x}, ${'var'.++$x});

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Thanks sir you are right the last one too works, one last question regarding to this what if i have more array like (I am using the last script by your sir Alex with array_rand):

$user = $_POST['user'];
$pass = $_POST['pass'];
$user2= $_POST['user2'];
$pass2 = $_POST['pass2'];
$user3 = $_POST['user3'];
$pass3 = $_POST['pass3'];
$user4= $_POST['user4'];
$pass4 = $_POST['pass4'];
//shoud i do this
$arr = Array( Array($tuser1,
			$tpass2 ),
				$tpass4 )


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