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Introductions and help requests

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I have been reading some member introductions as of late that also happen to include some request of some sort for a coding problem.  :anim_reading: Am I the only one irked by this? An introduction is supposed to be just that... an introduction (at least in my opinion anyway). We have a php help section for php problems, so I fail to see why people are inclined to kill two birds with one stone so to speak by lumping their introduction and problem at hand into one post. From how I see it, it clutters the intros with unnecessary info (given the nature of the forum in question).



If you agree, perhaps we should consider including the "This is NOT a help forum!" message beneath the Introductions forum link (much like we have with the Questions, Comments & suggestions). Not trying to be rude or sound discouraging (especially towards new comers), but I personally think that it really would be better to separate intros from problems at hand. Keeping these issue separate allow for users who have similar problems to find them more easily in the appropriate forum while leaving intros more pure and simplified.


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