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help with jquery conditional statement


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I built a slider with four links. when you click the next link, the next page slides up from the bottom. and the previous page gets hidden. All is good. Here is a code sample. All the pages are the same


	$("#headerBottom p:eq(4)").hide();
	$("#content span").slideUp();
	$("#content span:eq(1)").slideDown(); 
	$("#headerBottom p").hide();
	$("#headerBottom p:eq(0)").show();

  when you click the anchor link with the id of aboutPage, I first hide some text inside a P tag with the index of 4, then make any content inside the span tag slideUp to hide all previous content, then slideDown the content I want. In this example, it's the about content. Then I hide a message in the header and show a different one.


what I need is a conditional statement that says if I am already showing this content, then to unbind the click event so that they page doesn't slide every time you press the about link when you are on the about page.


Here is what I have been trying

if($("#content span:eq(1)").is(':visible'))


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well, I got it partially figured out I think. My content is simple. about page, work page, social page, and contact page.  each page is in a div


div id="about"

div id="work"

div id="social

div id="contact"


I wrapped every div in a span so that I would not need  the exact id of the div in order to hide it. I could just do $(span).hide() and every div would be gone. So now I did this



	if($("#content span:eq(1)").is(':visible'))
	} else {
	$("#headerBottom p:eq(4)").hide();
	$("#content span").slideUp();
	$("#content span:eq(1)").slideDown(); 
	$("#headerBottom p").hide();
	$("#headerBottom p:eq(0)").show();


when I click the about nav link that hs the id aboutPage, the page does not slide again, however, I can not go back to it once I leave it. everything works fine until i go back to the about page and click the about link a second time. I can go to any other page, just not the about page again.




try it out

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figured it out. changed to this


	if($("#content span:eq(1)").is(':visible'))
	} else {
	$("#headerBottom p:eq(4)").hide();
	$("#content span").slideUp();
	$("#content span:eq(1)").slideDown(); 
	$("#headerBottom p").hide();
	$("#headerBottom p:eq(0)").show();

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