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Array help


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Ok so I own an online RPG, and yes it's Pokemon. A little immature I know, but I've owned the site for close to 10 years now, so when I started it, Pokemon was very much in fashion for my age group and now the site has grown so much I can't let it go. Anyways I have a problem with a page of mine, so I'll describe the problem as best as I can, any help is appreciated thank you in advance.


So I have a field on my form which looks like this:

<input type='text' name='Price[]' value='$suggested'></input>


Now how do I get that to give me the input value for each value relative to that part of the form? I mean I'm listing the items to be sold, with two text input fields for each item 'Price' and 'Private' along with a checkbox that determines the 'ID' of the selected item, well the ID and checkboxes work it outputs the item name of each item checked in order.


I just can't get it to give me the inputed price for each selected item. I hope you understand, if you need it, the whole code for the page is below.


<center><font face='verdana' size='2'><b>Sell Unwanted Pokemon</b></font><br><br><font face='verdana' size='1'>You can sell Pokemon that you no longer want, to sell a Pokemon first check the box under the image of that Pokemon, then you must fill in a price you want to sell the Pokemon for, and determine if the sale will be 'private' or to the general trainer population. The suggested price is a price determined by that Pokemon's rarity and other factors, it does not mean you have to sell a Pokemon for that price.<br><br>


if(isset($_POST['Submit']) && isset($_POST['Sell']))
$Sell = $_POST['Sell'];

print "<font face='verdana' size='2' color='Green'><b>The selected Pokemon have been sold!</font></b><br><br>";

$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM t_pokemon where Trainer!=''");
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($result);

$D = 0;
$P = 0;

$getall="SELECT *  FROM `t_pokemon` where Trainer='$getuser3[username]' ORDER BY `ID` ASC";
   $getall2=mysql_query($getall) or die("Could not get PokeMail data.");  
if($D <= $num_rows)
$getsold="SELECT * from t_pokemon where ID='$Sell[$D]' AND Trainer='$getuser3[username]'";
    $getsold2=mysql_query($getsold) or die("Could not get user info");

$Price = $_POST['Price[$P]'];

print "$getsold3[Pokemon] - $Price";

$P = $P+1;
$D = $D+1;

print "<div style='width: 100%; height: 700px; overflow: auto; border-top:1px solid black; border-bottom:1px solid black'><form name='Sell' action='index.php?function=Sell' method='POST'><table width='100%' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='2'><tr>";

$b = 0;
$r = 0;
$P = 0;

@$getbox="SELECT *  FROM `t_pokemon` WHERE `Trainer`='$getuser3[username]' AND ID!='$getselected3[iD]' AND `Pokemon` LIKE CONVERT(_utf8 '$Box%' USING latin1) COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci order by Pokemon ASC";
    @$getbox2=mysql_query($getbox) or die("Could not get box Pokemon.");  
if($getuser3[starter] != $getbox3[iD] && $getuser3[second] != $getbox3[iD] && $getuser3[Third] != $getbox3[iD] && $getuser3[Third] != $getbox3[iD] && $getuser3[Fourth] != $getbox3[iD] && $getuser3[Fifth] != $getbox3[iD] && $getuser3[sixth] != $getbox3[iD])

$poke1 = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS usercount FROM t_pokemon where Pokemon='$getbox3[Pokemon]'";

      $poke2=mysql_query($poke1) or die(mysql_error());

      $pokecount= mysql_result($poke2, 0); 

$suggested= ROUND(($getbox3[Level]*$getbox3[MHP]*100)/($pokecount/10));

print "<td style='";
if($b > 0)
print "background: #FFFFF0;";
print " border-bottom:1px solid black; border-right:1px solid black'><font face='verdana' size='1'><center><b>$getbox3[Pokemon]</b>";

$female = '&#9792';
$male = '&#9794';

if($getbox3[Gender] == 'Male')
{print "$male";}
if($getbox3[Gender] == 'Female')
{print "$female";}

print "<i> $getbox3[shiny]</i><br><img src='images/pokemon/small/$getbox3[Pokemon].png'><br><b>Level:</b> $getbox3[Level]<br><br><b>Selling Price</b><br><i>Without commas.<br></i>$<input type='text' name='Price[]' size='20' style='border:1px solid black; font: verdana; font-size: 10px;' maxlength='12' value='$suggested'></input><br>Max $999,999,999,999.<br><br><b>Private Sale</b><br><i>Leave blank if global sale.</i><br><input type='text' name='privatesale' size='20' style='border:1px solid black; font: verdana; font-size: 10px;' maxlength='20'></input><br><br><b>Sell $getbox3[Pokemon]?</b> <input type='Checkbox' name='Sell[]' value='$getbox3[iD]'></input><br></td>";

$P = $P+1;

$r = $r+1;

if($r == '3')
print "</tr><tr>";
$r = 0;

$b = $b+1;

if($b == '2')
$b = 0;

print "</table></div>";
if($getuser3[username] == 'NackelShipley')
print "<br><br><input type='Submit' name='Submit' value='Sell Pokemon!' style='border:1px solid black; font: verdana; font-size: 10px'></input>";
print "</form>";

print "<br><br>";



My coding is a little primative and messy I know.

Thanks again for any help. :)


EDIT: I accidentaly made an obvious mistake in the code so I changed it to what it is now.

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when you pass an HTML array like that, the returned value in the post array is an array itself. so

$Price = $_POST['Price[$P]'];

is actually incorrect, it should be

$Price = $_POST['Price'];


and you could then loop through that array by doing something like

foreach($Price as $eachPrice){

or one of PHP's other looping functions


in your case, since you seem to already have a counter variable ($P) you may be able to just do

$Price = $_POST['Price;'][$P];

and that would get you the price at offset $P

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