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Hello, I am completely lost..need help with php and mysql


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Hello, I am having trouble with a script.  I'm pretty sure it is correct, but it keeps shooting me a syntax error "t_variable" im not sure what that means.  All im tryna do is, setup a site which information can be entered, and i want that info to go to a table in mysql....and it just wont work....any suggections



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<html><head><title>Adding a User </title></head>
if( (!$firstname) or (!$lastname) or (!$username) or (!$password) )
$form ="Please enter all new user details";
$form.="<form action=\"$PHP_SELF\"";
$form.=" method=\"post\">First Name: ";
$form.="<input type=\"text\" name=\firstname\"";
$form.=" value=\"$firstname\"><br>Last Name: ";
$form.="<input type=\"text\" name=\"lastname\"";
$form.=" value=\"$lastname\"><br>UserName: ";
$form.="<input type=\"text\" name=\"username\"";
$form.=" value=\"$username\"><br>PassWord: ";
$form.="<input type=\"text\" name=\"password\"";
$form.=" value=\"$password\"><br>";
$form.="<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\">";
{ $conn = mysql_connect("mysql4.000webhost.com")or die("Try Again Punk");
  $db = mysql_select_db("a3213677_snorre",$conn)or die("NOOPE")
  $sql = "insert into User Table(first_name,last_name,user_name,password) values(\"$firstname\",\"$lastname\",\"$username\",password(\$password\") )";
  $result = mysql_query($sql,$conn)or die ("NOT EVEN");
  if($result) { echo("New User $username ADDED DUH!"); }
?> </body></html>


LINE 24 has the problem

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I tried out the code it seems to work when I added the semicolon at this line ?


$db = mysql_select_db("a3213677_snorre",$conn)or die("NOOPE");



i copied and pasted what u just sent me....and now its giving me a t_string....everytime i change it theres a new syntax

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Where are you testing this? A local PC? Live web hosting?


yea its webhost, and its has a server/database of its own with a mysql, and i want this info to go into the mysql tables, and for some reason i dont know what im doing wrong cause ive tried many times

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Live web servers often have disk caching setup with long TTL (time to live) settings that prevent checking for file changes. You would need to output no caching settings for all your files and then wait for the cache to be cleared out so that the no caching setting applies.


You should be learning php, developing php code, and debugging php code on a local development system. You will save a ton of time in the development cycle.

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Live web servers often have disk caching setup with long TTL (time to live) settings that prevent checking for file changes. You would need to output no caching settings for all your files and then wait for the cache to be cleared out so that the no caching setting applies.


You should be learning php, developing php code, and debugging php code on a local development system. You will save a ton of time in the development cycle.


i have a small company, and all i want is a basic thing that sends info to that database....theres no way i can fix this? there are no cache settings on webhost.  is there a different possible code i can use to relay simple information from website to a datebaste

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