seventheyejosh Posted December 11, 2009 Share Posted December 11, 2009 So for my c++ class, we have to write a program that creates a deck of cards, shuffles it, deals a hand, and determine your highest hand. I've decided to use a vector (deck) of class object pointers (Card). I can create it, shuffle it, and deal it, and am not 'stuck' persay, but am 'stuck' at the logic part. I can obviously program it all from scratch, but was wondering if anyone has ever written any, or seen any poker logic code. I'm still googling as I post this, so don't just suggest that. Also, whether I get help or not, I'll complete this project, so please don't go all `nO homewurk halp nOOb!!11!`. Thanks! Josh. (ps, here is the source, which apparently can't be attatched. I was gonna rename it to like poker.cpp.php... but didn't wanna annoy the mods ). also, I'm compiling with g++ thru terminal on snow leopard. #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespace std; class Card{ private: //holder variables string suit; int number; bool dealt; //print variables string word; public: //setters void setSuit(string input){ suit=input; }//end setSuit void setNumber(int input){ number=input; }//end setNumber void setDealt(bool input){ dealt=input; }//end setDealt //getters string getSuit(){ return suit; }//end getSuit int getNumber(){ return number; }//end getNumber bool getDealt(){ return dealt; }//end getDealt void printCard(){ switch(number){ case 1: word="Ace"; break; case 2: word="One"; break; //!! OOPS, long night, killed later... case 3: word="Two"; break; case 4: word="Three"; break; case 5: word="Four"; break; case 6: word="Five"; break; case 7: word="Six"; break; case 8: word="Seven"; break; case 9: word="Eight"; break; case 10: word="Nine"; break; case 11: word="Ten"; break; case 12: word="Jack"; break; case 13: word="Queen"; break; case 14: word="King"; break; }//end switch cout << word << " of " << suit << "\t"; }//end printCard };//end Card bool checkHiCard(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkPair(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkTwoPair(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkThreeKind(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkStraight(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkFlush(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkFullHouse(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkFourKind(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkStraightFlush(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkRoyalFlush(vector<Card>& hand); int main(){ vector<Card> deck; //cout << deck[0].getNumber(); string buildSuit; int buildNumber; bool buildDealt; for(int i=1,j=1,k=1; i<57; i++,k++){ switch(i){ case 15: j=2; k=1; break; //make suit spades case 29: j=3; k=1; break; //make suit diamonds case 43: j=4; k=1; break; //make suit clubs }//end switch switch(j){ case 1: buildSuit="Hearts"; break; case 2: buildSuit="Spades"; break; case 3: buildSuit="Diamonds"; break; case 4: buildSuit="Clubs"; break; }//end switch buildNumber= k; buildDealt= false; Card *card; card= new Card; card->setSuit(buildSuit); card->setNumber(buildNumber); card->setDealt(buildDealt); if(k!=2){ //OMG, 1 of anything doesn't exist T_T deck.push_back(*card); }//end if }//end for srand(time(NULL)); random_shuffle(deck.begin(), deck.end()); //shuffle the deck cout << endl; for(int l=0,n=1; l<52; l++,n++){ cout << l+1 << ". "; deck[l].printCard(); if(n==3){ n=0; cout << endl; }//end if }//end for cout << endl; vector<Card> yourHand; cout << "\nYou've Been Dealt:\n\n"; for(int m=15,o=1; m<20; m++,o++){ //process hand buildSuit= deck[m].getSuit(); buildNumber= deck[m].getNumber(); buildDealt= true; Card *card; card= new Card; card->setSuit(buildSuit); card->setNumber(buildNumber); card->setDealt(buildDealt); yourHand.push_back(*card); //display hand cout << o << ". "; deck[m].printCard(); cout << endl; }//end for string yourResult; if(checkHiCard(yourHand)){ yourResult="A Hi Card"; }//end if if(checkPair(yourHand)){ yourResult="A Pair"; }//end if if(checkTwoPair(yourHand)){ yourResult="Two Pair"; }//end if if(checkThreeKind(yourHand)){ yourResult="Three Of A Kind"; }//end if if(checkStraight(yourHand)){ yourResult="A Straight"; }//end if if(checkFlush(yourHand)){ yourResult="A Flush"; }//end if if(checkFullHouse(yourHand)){ yourResult="A Full House"; }//end if if(checkFourKind(yourHand)){ yourResult="Four Of A Kind"; }//end if if(checkStraightFlush(yourHand)){ yourResult="A Flush"; }//end if if(checkRoyalFlush(yourHand)){ yourResult="A Royal Flush!!"; }//end if cout << "\nYou Have... " << yourResult << "!!!\n"; cout << endl; return 0; }//end main //process hand vector bool checkHiCard(vector<Card>& hand){ return true; }//end function bool checkPair(vector<Card>& hand){ return true; }//end function bool checkTwoPair(vector<Card>& hand){ return true; }//end function bool checkThreeKind(vector<Card>& hand){ return true; }//end function bool checkStraight(vector<Card>& hand){ return true; }//end function bool checkFlush(vector<Card>& hand){ if((hand[0].getSuit()==hand[1].getSuit()) && (hand[0].getSuit()==hand[2].getSuit()) && (hand[0].getSuit()==hand[3].getSuit()) && (hand[0].getSuit()==hand[4].getSuit()) ){ return true; }else{ return false; }//end if }//end function bool checkFullHouse(vector<Card>& hand){ return true; }//end function bool checkFourKind(vector<Card>& hand){ return true; }//end function bool checkStraightFlush(vector<Card>& hand){ return true; }//end function bool checkRoyalFlush(vector<Card>& hand){ return true; }//end function Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
seventheyejosh Posted December 12, 2009 Author Share Posted December 12, 2009 Update: So I now have all but the full house and 2 pair logic done, and my brain is tired. So I figured I'd see if anyone had any thoughts for direction on these two. Thanks, Josh #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespace std; class Card{ private: //holder variables string suit; int number; bool dealt; //print variables string word; public: //setters void setSuit(string input){ suit=input; }//end setSuit void setNumber(int input){ number=input; }//end setNumber void setDealt(bool input){ dealt=input; }//end setDealt //getters string getSuit(){ return suit; }//end getSuit int getNumber(){ return number; }//end getNumber bool getDealt(){ return dealt; }//end getDealt void printCard(){ switch(number){ case 1: word="Ace"; break; case 2: word="One"; break; //!! OOPS, long night, killed later... case 3: word="Two"; break; case 4: word="Three"; break; case 5: word="Four"; break; case 6: word="Five"; break; case 7: word="Six"; break; case 8: word="Seven"; break; case 9: word="Eight"; break; case 10: word="Nine"; break; case 11: word="Ten"; break; case 12: word="Jack"; break; case 13: word="Queen"; break; case 14: word="King"; break; }//end switch cout << word << " of " << suit << "\t"; }//end printCard };//end Card bool checkHiCard(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkPair(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkTwoPair(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkThreeKind(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkStraight(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkFlush(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkFullHouse(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkFourKind(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkStraightFlush(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkRoyalFlush(vector<Card>& hand); int findLeast(int a[], int start, int end); void swap(int a[], int pos1, int pos2); void selectionSort(int a[], int s); int main(){ vector<Card> deck; //cout << deck[0].getNumber(); string buildSuit; int buildNumber; bool buildDealt; for(int i=1,j=1,k=1; i<57; i++,k++){ switch(i){ case 15: j=2; k=1; break; //make suit spades case 29: j=3; k=1; break; //make suit diamonds case 43: j=4; k=1; break; //make suit clubs }//end switch switch(j){ case 1: buildSuit="Hearts"; break; case 2: buildSuit="Spades"; break; case 3: buildSuit="Diamonds"; break; case 4: buildSuit="Clubs"; break; }//end switch buildNumber= k; buildDealt= false; Card *card; card= new Card; card->setSuit(buildSuit); card->setNumber(buildNumber); card->setDealt(buildDealt); if(k!=2){ //OMG, 1 of anything doesn't exist T_T deck.push_back(*card); }//end if }//end for srand(time(NULL)); random_shuffle(deck.begin(), deck.end()); //shuffle the deck /*******************/ /* FOR DEBUGGING */ /*******************/ deck[15].setNumber(11); deck[16].setNumber(12); deck[17].setNumber(13); deck[18].setNumber(14); deck[19].setNumber(2); deck[15].setSuit("Spades"); deck[16].setSuit("Spades"); deck[17].setSuit("Spades"); deck[18].setSuit("Spades"); deck[19].setSuit("Spades"); /*******************/ cout << endl; for(int l=0,n=1; l<52; l++,n++){ cout << l+1 << ". "; deck[l].printCard(); if(n==3){ n=0; cout << endl; }//end if }//end for cout << endl; vector<Card> yourHand; cout << "\nYou've Been Dealt:\n\n"; for(int m=15,o=1; m<20; m++,o++){ //process hand buildSuit= deck[m].getSuit(); buildNumber= deck[m].getNumber(); buildDealt= true; Card *card; card= new Card; card->setSuit(buildSuit); card->setNumber(buildNumber); card->setDealt(buildDealt); yourHand.push_back(*card); //display hand cout << o << ". "; deck[m].printCard(); cout << endl; }//end for string yourResult; if(checkHiCard(yourHand)){ yourResult="A Hi Card"; }//end if if(checkPair(yourHand)){ yourResult="A Pair"; }//end if if(checkTwoPair(yourHand)){ yourResult="Two Pair"; }//end if if(checkThreeKind(yourHand)){ yourResult="Three Of A Kind"; }//end if if(checkStraight(yourHand)){ yourResult="A Straight"; }//end if if(checkFlush(yourHand)){ yourResult="A Flush"; }//end if if(checkFullHouse(yourHand)){ yourResult="A Full House"; }//end if if(checkFourKind(yourHand)){ yourResult="Four Of A Kind"; }//end if if(checkStraightFlush(yourHand)){ yourResult="A Flush"; }//end if if(checkRoyalFlush(yourHand)){ yourResult="A Royal Flush!!"; }//end if cout << "\nYou Have... " << yourResult << "!!!\n"; cout << endl; return 0; }//end main //search int findLeast(int a[], int start, int end) { int posOfLeastSoFar = start; int i; for (i = start+1; i<=end; i++) { if (a[i] < a[posOfLeastSoFar]) { posOfLeastSoFar = i; } } return posOfLeastSoFar; } void swap(int a[], int pos1, int pos2) { int temp = a[pos1]; a[pos1] = a[pos2]; a[pos2] = temp; } void selectionSort(int a[], int s) { for (int pos = 0; pos < s; pos++) { swap(a, pos, findLeast(a, pos, s-1)); } } //process hand vector bool checkHiCard(vector<Card>& hand){ return true; }//end function bool checkPair(vector<Card>& hand){ bool pair=false; int temp1[5],temp2[5]; for(int x=0;x<5;x++){ temp1[x]=hand[x].getNumber(); temp2[x]=hand[x].getNumber(); }//end for for(int y=0;y<5;y++){ for(int z=0;z<5;z++){ if((temp1[y]==temp2[z])&&(z!=y)){ pair=true; }//end if }//end for }//end for return pair; }//end function bool checkTwoPair(vector<Card>& hand){ return false; }//end function bool checkThreeKind(vector<Card>& hand){ bool three=false; int temp1[5],temp2[5],temp3[5]; for(int x=0;x<5;x++){ temp1[x]=hand[x].getNumber(); temp2[x]=hand[x].getNumber(); temp3[x]=hand[x].getNumber(); }//end for for(int y=0;y<5;y++){ for(int z=0;z<5;z++){ for(int a=0;a<5;a++){ if( (temp1[y]==temp2[z] && temp1[y]==temp3[a]) && ( (y!=z)&&(z!=a)&&(y!=a) ) ){ three=true; }//end if }//end for }//end for }//end for return three; }//end function bool checkStraight(vector<Card>& hand){ int a[5]; a[0]=hand[0].getNumber(); a[1]=hand[1].getNumber(); a[2]=hand[2].getNumber(); a[3]=hand[3].getNumber(); a[4]=hand[4].getNumber(); //check for low straight A-5 to 10-K for(int b=0;b<5;b++){ if(a[b]==1){ a[b]=2;//since there is no 'One' card T_T }//end if }//end for selectionSort(a,5); if( ((a[0]+1)==a[1])&& ((a[0]+2)==a[2])&& ((a[0]+3)==a[3])&& ((a[0]+4)==a[4]) ){ return true; }else{ a[0]=hand[0].getNumber(); a[1]=hand[1].getNumber(); a[2]=hand[2].getNumber(); a[3]=hand[3].getNumber(); a[4]=hand[4].getNumber(); //check for hi straight 2-6 to J-A for(int b=0;b<5;b++){ if(a[b]==1){ a[b]=15; }//end if }//end for selectionSort(a,5); if( ((a[0]+1)==a[1])&& ((a[0]+2)==a[2])&& ((a[0]+3)==a[3])&& ((a[0]+4)==a[4]) ){ return true; }else{ return false; }//end if }//end if }//end function bool checkFlush(vector<Card>& hand){ if((hand[0].getSuit()==hand[1].getSuit()) && (hand[0].getSuit()==hand[2].getSuit()) && (hand[0].getSuit()==hand[3].getSuit()) && (hand[0].getSuit()==hand[4].getSuit()) ){ return true; }else{ return false; }//end if }//end function bool checkFullHouse(vector<Card>& hand){ return false; }//end function bool checkFourKind(vector<Card>& hand){ bool four=false; int temp1[5],temp2[5],temp3[5],temp4[5]; for(int x=0;x<5;x++){ temp1[x]=hand[x].getNumber(); temp2[x]=hand[x].getNumber(); temp3[x]=hand[x].getNumber(); temp4[x]=hand[x].getNumber(); }//end for for(int y=0;y<5;y++){ for(int z=0;z<5;z++){ for(int a=0;a<5;a++){ for(int b=0;b<5;b++){ if( (temp1[y]==temp2[z] && temp1[y]==temp3[a] && temp1[y]==temp4[b]) && ( (y!=z)&&(z!=a)&&(y!=a)&&(y!=b)&&(z!=b)&&(a!=b) ) ){ four=true; }//end if }//end for }//end for }//end for }//end for return four; }//end function bool checkStraightFlush(vector<Card>& hand){ if(checkFlush(hand)&&checkStraight(hand)){ return true; }else{ return false; }//end if }//end function bool checkRoyalFlush(vector<Card>& hand){ bool hasKing=false; bool hasAce=false; for(int x=0;x<5;x++){ if(hand[x].getNumber()==1){ hasAce=true; }//end if if(hand[x].getNumber()==14){ hasKing=true; }//end if }//end for if(hasKing&&hasAce&&checkStraightFlush(hand)){ return true; }else{ return false; }//end if }//end function Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
seventheyejosh Posted December 12, 2009 Author Share Posted December 12, 2009 Just thought of Full House, 2 Pair anyone? #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespace std; class Card{ private: //holder variables string suit; int number; bool dealt; //print variables string word; public: //setters void setSuit(string input){ suit=input; }//end setSuit void setNumber(int input){ number=input; }//end setNumber void setDealt(bool input){ dealt=input; }//end setDealt //getters string getSuit(){ return suit; }//end getSuit int getNumber(){ return number; }//end getNumber bool getDealt(){ return dealt; }//end getDealt void printCard(){ switch(number){ case 1: word="Ace"; break; case 2: word="One"; break; //!! OOPS, long night, killed later... case 3: word="Two"; break; case 4: word="Three"; break; case 5: word="Four"; break; case 6: word="Five"; break; case 7: word="Six"; break; case 8: word="Seven"; break; case 9: word="Eight"; break; case 10: word="Nine"; break; case 11: word="Ten"; break; case 12: word="Jack"; break; case 13: word="Queen"; break; case 14: word="King"; break; }//end switch cout << word << " of " << suit << "\t"; }//end printCard };//end Card bool checkHiCard(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkPair(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkTwoPair(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkThreeKind(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkStraight(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkFlush(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkFullHouse(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkFourKind(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkStraightFlush(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkRoyalFlush(vector<Card>& hand); int findLeast(int a[], int start, int end); void swap(int a[], int pos1, int pos2); void selectionSort(int a[], int s); int main(){ vector<Card> deck; //cout << deck[0].getNumber(); string buildSuit; int buildNumber; bool buildDealt; for(int i=1,j=1,k=1; i<57; i++,k++){ switch(i){ case 15: j=2; k=1; break; //make suit spades case 29: j=3; k=1; break; //make suit diamonds case 43: j=4; k=1; break; //make suit clubs }//end switch switch(j){ case 1: buildSuit="Hearts"; break; case 2: buildSuit="Spades"; break; case 3: buildSuit="Diamonds"; break; case 4: buildSuit="Clubs"; break; }//end switch buildNumber= k; buildDealt= false; Card *card; card= new Card; card->setSuit(buildSuit); card->setNumber(buildNumber); card->setDealt(buildDealt); if(k!=2){ //OMG, 1 of anything doesn't exist T_T deck.push_back(*card); }//end if }//end for srand(time(NULL)); random_shuffle(deck.begin(), deck.end()); //shuffle the deck /*******************/ /* FOR DEBUGGING */ /*******************/ deck[15].setNumber(11); deck[16].setNumber(11); deck[17].setNumber(12); deck[18].setNumber(3); deck[19].setNumber(2); deck[15].setSuit("Diamonds"); deck[16].setSuit("Spades"); deck[17].setSuit("Spades"); deck[18].setSuit("Spades"); deck[19].setSuit("Spades"); /*******************/ cout << endl; for(int l=0,n=1; l<52; l++,n++){ cout << l+1 << ". "; deck[l].printCard(); if(n==3){ n=0; cout << endl; }//end if }//end for cout << endl; vector<Card> yourHand; cout << "\nYou've Been Dealt:\n\n"; for(int m=15,o=1; m<20; m++,o++){ //process hand buildSuit= deck[m].getSuit(); buildNumber= deck[m].getNumber(); buildDealt= true; Card *card; card= new Card; card->setSuit(buildSuit); card->setNumber(buildNumber); card->setDealt(buildDealt); yourHand.push_back(*card); //display hand cout << o << ". "; deck[m].printCard(); cout << endl; }//end for string yourResult; if(checkHiCard(yourHand)){ yourResult="A Hi Card"; }//end if if(checkPair(yourHand)){ yourResult="A Pair"; }//end if if(checkTwoPair(yourHand)){ yourResult="Two Pair"; }//end if if(checkThreeKind(yourHand)){ yourResult="Three Of A Kind"; }//end if if(checkStraight(yourHand)){ yourResult="A Straight"; }//end if if(checkFlush(yourHand)){ yourResult="A Flush"; }//end if if(checkFullHouse(yourHand)){ yourResult="A Full House"; }//end if if(checkFourKind(yourHand)){ yourResult="Four Of A Kind"; }//end if if(checkStraightFlush(yourHand)){ yourResult="A Flush"; }//end if if(checkRoyalFlush(yourHand)){ yourResult="A Royal Flush!!"; }//end if cout << "\nYou Have... " << yourResult << "!!!\n"; cout << endl; return 0; }//end main //search int findLeast(int a[], int start, int end) { int posOfLeastSoFar = start; int i; for (i = start+1; i<=end; i++) { if (a[i] < a[posOfLeastSoFar]) { posOfLeastSoFar = i; } } return posOfLeastSoFar; } void swap(int a[], int pos1, int pos2) { int temp = a[pos1]; a[pos1] = a[pos2]; a[pos2] = temp; } void selectionSort(int a[], int s) { for (int pos = 0; pos < s; pos++) { swap(a, pos, findLeast(a, pos, s-1)); } } //process hand vector bool checkHiCard(vector<Card>& hand){ return true; }//end function bool checkPair(vector<Card>& hand){ bool pair=false; int temp1[5],temp2[5]; for(int x=0;x<5;x++){ temp1[x]=hand[x].getNumber(); temp2[x]=hand[x].getNumber(); }//end for for(int y=0;y<5;y++){ for(int z=0;z<5;z++){ if((temp1[y]==temp2[z])&&(z!=y)){ pair=true; }//end if }//end for }//end for return pair; }//end function bool checkTwoPair(vector<Card>& hand){ return false; }//end function bool checkThreeKind(vector<Card>& hand){ bool three=false; int temp1[5],temp2[5],temp3[5]; for(int x=0;x<5;x++){ temp1[x]=hand[x].getNumber(); temp2[x]=hand[x].getNumber(); temp3[x]=hand[x].getNumber(); }//end for for(int y=0;y<5;y++){ for(int z=0;z<5;z++){ for(int a=0;a<5;a++){ if( (temp1[y]==temp2[z] && temp1[y]==temp3[a]) && ( (y!=z)&&(z!=a)&&(y!=a) ) ){ three=true; }//end if }//end for }//end for }//end for return three; }//end function bool checkStraight(vector<Card>& hand){ int a[5]; a[0]=hand[0].getNumber(); a[1]=hand[1].getNumber(); a[2]=hand[2].getNumber(); a[3]=hand[3].getNumber(); a[4]=hand[4].getNumber(); //check for low straight A-5 to 10-K for(int b=0;b<5;b++){ if(a[b]==1){ a[b]=2;//since there is no 'One' card T_T }//end if }//end for selectionSort(a,5); if( ((a[0]+1)==a[1])&& ((a[0]+2)==a[2])&& ((a[0]+3)==a[3])&& ((a[0]+4)==a[4]) ){ return true; }else{ a[0]=hand[0].getNumber(); a[1]=hand[1].getNumber(); a[2]=hand[2].getNumber(); a[3]=hand[3].getNumber(); a[4]=hand[4].getNumber(); //check for hi straight 2-6 to J-A for(int b=0;b<5;b++){ if(a[b]==1){ a[b]=15; }//end if }//end for selectionSort(a,5); if( ((a[0]+1)==a[1])&& ((a[0]+2)==a[2])&& ((a[0]+3)==a[3])&& ((a[0]+4)==a[4]) ){ return true; }else{ return false; }//end if }//end if }//end function bool checkFlush(vector<Card>& hand){ if((hand[0].getSuit()==hand[1].getSuit()) && (hand[0].getSuit()==hand[2].getSuit()) && (hand[0].getSuit()==hand[3].getSuit()) && (hand[0].getSuit()==hand[4].getSuit()) ){ return true; }else{ return false; }//end if }//end function bool checkFullHouse(vector<Card>& hand){ if(checkThreeKind(hand)){ int a[5]; a[0]=hand[0].getNumber(); a[1]=hand[1].getNumber(); a[2]=hand[2].getNumber(); a[3]=hand[3].getNumber(); a[4]=hand[4].getNumber(); selectionSort(a,5); int threeTriggerCard=a[2]; // middle card has to be part of the 3 Kind, sorted int holderArray[2]; for(int b=0,c=0;b<5;b++){ if(a[b]!=threeTriggerCard){ // get out the two others holderArray[c]=a[b]; c++; // lol }//end if }//end for if(holderArray[0]==holderArray[1]){ return true; }else{ return false; }//end if }else{ return false; }//end if }//end function bool checkFourKind(vector<Card>& hand){ bool four=false; int temp1[5],temp2[5],temp3[5],temp4[5]; for(int x=0;x<5;x++){ temp1[x]=hand[x].getNumber(); temp2[x]=hand[x].getNumber(); temp3[x]=hand[x].getNumber(); temp4[x]=hand[x].getNumber(); }//end for for(int y=0;y<5;y++){ for(int z=0;z<5;z++){ for(int a=0;a<5;a++){ for(int b=0;b<5;b++){ if( (temp1[y]==temp2[z] && temp1[y]==temp3[a] && temp1[y]==temp4[b]) && ( (y!=z)&&(z!=a)&&(y!=a)&&(y!=b)&&(z!=b)&&(a!=b) ) ){ four=true; }//end if }//end for }//end for }//end for }//end for return four; }//end function bool checkStraightFlush(vector<Card>& hand){ if(checkFlush(hand)&&checkStraight(hand)){ return true; }else{ return false; }//end if }//end function bool checkRoyalFlush(vector<Card>& hand){ bool hasKing=false; bool hasAce=false; for(int x=0;x<5;x++){ if(hand[x].getNumber()==1){ hasAce=true; }//end if if(hand[x].getNumber()==14){ hasKing=true; }//end if }//end for if(hasKing&&hasAce&&checkStraightFlush(hand)){ return true; }else{ return false; }//end if }//end function Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
seventheyejosh Posted December 12, 2009 Author Share Posted December 12, 2009 Nevermind again I guess posting here kickstarts the old noodle. /final Josh #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespace std; class Card{ private: //holder variables string suit; int number; bool dealt; //print variables string word; public: //setters void setSuit(string input){ suit=input; }//end setSuit void setNumber(int input){ number=input; }//end setNumber void setDealt(bool input){ dealt=input; }//end setDealt //getters string getSuit(){ return suit; }//end getSuit int getNumber(){ return number; }//end getNumber bool getDealt(){ return dealt; }//end getDealt void printCard(){ switch(number){ case 1: word="Ace"; break; case 2: word="One"; break; //!! OOPS, long night, killed later... case 3: word="Two"; break; case 4: word="Three"; break; case 5: word="Four"; break; case 6: word="Five"; break; case 7: word="Six"; break; case 8: word="Seven"; break; case 9: word="Eight"; break; case 10: word="Nine"; break; case 11: word="Ten"; break; case 12: word="Jack"; break; case 13: word="Queen"; break; case 14: word="King"; break; }//end switch cout << word << " of " << suit << "\t"; }//end printCard };//end Card bool checkHiCard(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkPair(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkTwoPair(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkThreeKind(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkStraight(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkFlush(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkFullHouse(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkFourKind(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkStraightFlush(vector<Card>& hand); bool checkRoyalFlush(vector<Card>& hand); int findLeast(int a[], int start, int end); void swap(int a[], int pos1, int pos2); void selectionSort(int a[], int s); int main(){ vector<Card> deck; //cout << deck[0].getNumber(); string buildSuit; int buildNumber; bool buildDealt; for(int i=1,j=1,k=1; i<57; i++,k++){ switch(i){ case 15: j=2; k=1; break; //make suit spades case 29: j=3; k=1; break; //make suit diamonds case 43: j=4; k=1; break; //make suit clubs }//end switch switch(j){ case 1: buildSuit="Hearts"; break; case 2: buildSuit="Spades"; break; case 3: buildSuit="Diamonds"; break; case 4: buildSuit="Clubs"; break; }//end switch buildNumber= k; buildDealt= false; Card *card; card= new Card; card->setSuit(buildSuit); card->setNumber(buildNumber); card->setDealt(buildDealt); if(k!=2){ //OMG, 1 of anything doesn't exist T_T deck.push_back(*card); }//end if }//end for srand(time(NULL)); random_shuffle(deck.begin(), deck.end()); //shuffle the deck /*******************/ /* FOR DEBUGGING */ /*******************/ deck[15].setNumber(11); deck[16].setNumber(11); deck[17].setNumber(12); deck[18].setNumber(3); deck[19].setNumber(12); deck[15].setSuit("Diamonds"); deck[16].setSuit("Spades"); deck[17].setSuit("Spades"); deck[18].setSuit("Spades"); deck[19].setSuit("Spades"); /*******************/ cout << endl; for(int l=0,n=1; l<52; l++,n++){ cout << l+1 << ". "; deck[l].printCard(); if(n==3){ n=0; cout << endl; }//end if }//end for cout << endl; vector<Card> yourHand; cout << "\nYou've Been Dealt:\n\n"; for(int m=15,o=1; m<20; m++,o++){ //process hand buildSuit= deck[m].getSuit(); buildNumber= deck[m].getNumber(); buildDealt= true; Card *card; card= new Card; card->setSuit(buildSuit); card->setNumber(buildNumber); card->setDealt(buildDealt); yourHand.push_back(*card); //display hand cout << o << ". "; deck[m].printCard(); cout << endl; }//end for string yourResult; if(checkHiCard(yourHand)){ yourResult="A Hi Card"; }//end if if(checkPair(yourHand)){ yourResult="A Pair"; }//end if if(checkTwoPair(yourHand)){ yourResult="Two Pair"; }//end if if(checkThreeKind(yourHand)){ yourResult="Three Of A Kind"; }//end if if(checkStraight(yourHand)){ yourResult="A Straight"; }//end if if(checkFlush(yourHand)){ yourResult="A Flush"; }//end if if(checkFullHouse(yourHand)){ yourResult="A Full House"; }//end if if(checkFourKind(yourHand)){ yourResult="Four Of A Kind"; }//end if if(checkStraightFlush(yourHand)){ yourResult="A Flush"; }//end if if(checkRoyalFlush(yourHand)){ yourResult="A Royal Flush!!"; }//end if cout << "\nYou Have... " << yourResult << "!!!\n"; cout << endl; return 0; }//end main //search int findLeast(int a[], int start, int end) { int posOfLeastSoFar = start; int i; for (i = start+1; i<=end; i++) { if (a[i] < a[posOfLeastSoFar]) { posOfLeastSoFar = i; } } return posOfLeastSoFar; } void swap(int a[], int pos1, int pos2) { int temp = a[pos1]; a[pos1] = a[pos2]; a[pos2] = temp; } void selectionSort(int a[], int s) { for (int pos = 0; pos < s; pos++) { swap(a, pos, findLeast(a, pos, s-1)); } } //process hand vector bool checkHiCard(vector<Card>& hand){ return true; }//end function bool checkPair(vector<Card>& hand){ bool pair=false; int temp1[5],temp2[5]; for(int x=0;x<5;x++){ temp1[x]=hand[x].getNumber(); temp2[x]=hand[x].getNumber(); }//end for for(int y=0;y<5;y++){ for(int z=0;z<5;z++){ if((temp1[y]==temp2[z])&&(z!=y)){ pair=true; }//end if }//end for }//end for return pair; }//end function bool checkTwoPair(vector<Card>& hand){ if(checkPair(hand)&&!checkThreeKind(hand)){ int a[5]; a[0]=hand[0].getNumber(); a[1]=hand[1].getNumber(); a[2]=hand[2].getNumber(); a[3]=hand[3].getNumber(); a[4]=hand[4].getNumber(); int temp; bool twoPair=false; for(int x=0;x<5;x++){ for(int y=0;y<5;y++){ if(x!=y&&(a[x]==a[y])){ temp=a[x]; }//end if }//end for }//end for for(int x=0;x<5;x++){ for(int y=0;y<5;y++){ if( ((a[x]!=temp && a[y]!=temp)) && (x!=y&&(a[x]==a[y])) ){ twoPair=true; }//end if }//end for }//end for return twoPair; }else{ return false; }//end if }//end function bool checkThreeKind(vector<Card>& hand){ bool three=false; int temp1[5],temp2[5],temp3[5]; for(int x=0;x<5;x++){ temp1[x]=hand[x].getNumber(); temp2[x]=hand[x].getNumber(); temp3[x]=hand[x].getNumber(); }//end for for(int y=0;y<5;y++){ for(int z=0;z<5;z++){ for(int a=0;a<5;a++){ if( (temp1[y]==temp2[z] && temp1[y]==temp3[a]) && ( (y!=z)&&(z!=a)&&(y!=a) ) ){ three=true; }//end if }//end for }//end for }//end for return three; }//end function bool checkStraight(vector<Card>& hand){ int a[5]; a[0]=hand[0].getNumber(); a[1]=hand[1].getNumber(); a[2]=hand[2].getNumber(); a[3]=hand[3].getNumber(); a[4]=hand[4].getNumber(); //check for low straight A-5 to 10-K for(int b=0;b<5;b++){ if(a[b]==1){ a[b]=2;//since there is no 'One' card T_T }//end if }//end for selectionSort(a,5); if( ((a[0]+1)==a[1])&& ((a[0]+2)==a[2])&& ((a[0]+3)==a[3])&& ((a[0]+4)==a[4]) ){ return true; }else{ a[0]=hand[0].getNumber(); a[1]=hand[1].getNumber(); a[2]=hand[2].getNumber(); a[3]=hand[3].getNumber(); a[4]=hand[4].getNumber(); //check for hi straight 2-6 to J-A for(int b=0;b<5;b++){ if(a[b]==1){ a[b]=15; }//end if }//end for selectionSort(a,5); if( ((a[0]+1)==a[1])&& ((a[0]+2)==a[2])&& ((a[0]+3)==a[3])&& ((a[0]+4)==a[4]) ){ return true; }else{ return false; }//end if }//end if }//end function bool checkFlush(vector<Card>& hand){ if((hand[0].getSuit()==hand[1].getSuit()) && (hand[0].getSuit()==hand[2].getSuit()) && (hand[0].getSuit()==hand[3].getSuit()) && (hand[0].getSuit()==hand[4].getSuit()) ){ return true; }else{ return false; }//end if }//end function bool checkFullHouse(vector<Card>& hand){ if(checkThreeKind(hand)){ int a[5]; a[0]=hand[0].getNumber(); a[1]=hand[1].getNumber(); a[2]=hand[2].getNumber(); a[3]=hand[3].getNumber(); a[4]=hand[4].getNumber(); selectionSort(a,5); int threeTriggerCard=a[2]; // middle card has to be part of the 3 Kind, sorted int holderArray[2]; for(int b=0,c=0;b<5;b++){ if(a[b]!=threeTriggerCard){ // get out the two others holderArray[c]=a[b]; c++; // lol }//end if }//end for if(holderArray[0]==holderArray[1]){ return true; }else{ return false; }//end if }else{ return false; }//end if }//end function bool checkFourKind(vector<Card>& hand){ bool four=false; int temp1[5],temp2[5],temp3[5],temp4[5]; for(int x=0;x<5;x++){ temp1[x]=hand[x].getNumber(); temp2[x]=hand[x].getNumber(); temp3[x]=hand[x].getNumber(); temp4[x]=hand[x].getNumber(); }//end for for(int y=0;y<5;y++){ for(int z=0;z<5;z++){ for(int a=0;a<5;a++){ for(int b=0;b<5;b++){ if( (temp1[y]==temp2[z] && temp1[y]==temp3[a] && temp1[y]==temp4[b]) && ( (y!=z)&&(z!=a)&&(y!=a)&&(y!=b)&&(z!=b)&&(a!=b) ) ){ four=true; }//end if }//end for }//end for }//end for }//end for return four; }//end function bool checkStraightFlush(vector<Card>& hand){ if(checkFlush(hand)&&checkStraight(hand)){ return true; }else{ return false; }//end if }//end function bool checkRoyalFlush(vector<Card>& hand){ bool hasKing=false; bool hasAce=false; for(int x=0;x<5;x++){ if(hand[x].getNumber()==1){ hasAce=true; }//end if if(hand[x].getNumber()==14){ hasKing=true; }//end if }//end for if(hasKing&&hasAce&&checkStraightFlush(hand)){ return true; }else{ return false; }//end if }//end function Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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