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if statement question


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i have an onclick that calls a js function.


Am I able to have something like


onclick="if (condition) {do something}


if so. my condition would be my other js function that validates a form. here is my validation function.(special thanks to the members of phpfreaks for my validation function)

function validate(form1)
    var valid = true;

    if (!form1.item_name.value)
        document.getElementById('item_name_error').innerHTML = '*';
        valid = false;
        document.getElementById('item_name_error').innerHTML = '';
if (!form1.description.value)
        document.getElementById('description_error').innerHTML = '*';
        valid = false;
        document.getElementById('description_error').innerHTML = '';

if (!form1.in_return.value)
        document.getElementById('in_return_error').innerHTML = '*';
        valid = false;
        document.getElementById('in_return_error').innerHTML = '';

if (form1.listmenu.value == '1')
        document.getElementById('listmenu_error').innerHTML = '*';
        valid = false;
        document.getElementById('listmenu_error').innerHTML = '';

if (!form1.image.value)
        document.getElementById('image_error').innerHTML = '*';
        valid = false;
        document.getElementById('image_error').innerHTML = '';
return valid;

Basicaly , what I'm looking for is for my onclick to check that the validation is good, and the run the onclick

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i have an onclick that calls a js function.


Am I able to have something like


onclick="if (condition) {do something}


Nope, that kind of thing isn't possible.  Event handlers must be functions.  What's stopping you from doing


someElement.onclick = function() {
   if (condition) { /* do something */ }
   else { /* do other thing */ }



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I'm a little lost. Are you saying that would go into the input tag like a onclick would. I'm still learning here.


Ah, sorry.  I don't tend to use inline JavaScript (i.e., JavaScript that's placed inside HTML elements).  I prefer an unobtrusive  (JavaScript that's separate from the HTML) style as it's easier to maintain, debug, and alows sites to degrade gracefully if the user is viewing it with an incompatible browser.


So, my example would apply to a page that looks like:


<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>Unobtrusive JavaScript Example</title>

      <form name ="myForm" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post">
         <!-- Inputs go here -->
         <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" />

   <script type="text/javascript"/>
      var submit = document.forms["myForm"].elements["submit"];

      submit.onclick = function() {
         if (/* condition */) { /* Do something */ }
         else { /* Do other thing */ } 


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Still a little confused. Sorry This is what I got so far. What I'm trying to do is if my validation passess when the submit button is clicked, then show the hidden div. If validation is not passed, then keep the div hiding.

<script type="text/javascript"/>
var submit = document.forms["form1"].elements["submit"];
submit.onclick = function()
if (valid = false)
  var messID = document.getElementById(message_box);
  messID.style.display = 'block';
  var messID = document.getElementById(message_box);
  messID.style.display = 'none';

Here is my div inside the form

<form action="postnewitem_test0167.php" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form1" id="form1" onSubmit="return validate(this);">
<table id="message_box" width="600" border="0" bgcolor="#9AA4AD" style="display:none">
                  Uploading... Please be patient while your item is posting.</p>

the return validate is my validation which is this.

<script type="text/javascript"/>
function validate(form1)
    var valid = true;

    if (!form1.item_name.value)
        document.getElementById('item_name_error').innerHTML = '*';
        valid = false;
        document.getElementById('item_name_error').innerHTML = '';
if (!form1.description.value)
        document.getElementById('description_error').innerHTML = '*';
        valid = false;
        document.getElementById('description_error').innerHTML = '';

if (!form1.in_return.value)
        document.getElementById('in_return_error').innerHTML = '*';
        valid = false;
        document.getElementById('in_return_error').innerHTML = '';

if (form1.listmenu.value == '1')
        document.getElementById('listmenu_error').innerHTML = '*';
        valid = false;
        document.getElementById('listmenu_error').innerHTML = '';

if (!form1.image.value)
        document.getElementById('image_error').innerHTML = '*';
        valid = false;
        document.getElementById('image_error').innerHTML = '';
return valid;


I'm still attempting to learn javascript

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You shouldn't have two functions here.  Just tie your div display function to your validate function:


function validate(form) {
   // all your previous validation code

   if (!valid) {
      var messID = document.getElementById("message_box");
      messID.style.display = "block";

   return valid


You don't need an else-clause there as you should make the div have a display set to "none" by default in the CSS, and if the form is valid, the user will be sent to where ever the form's action takes them.

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