random1 Posted December 21, 2009 Share Posted December 21, 2009 Hey All, I've got: I've got a few issues with getting autocomplete working for input fields. I have a script: (Code from: http://wick.sourceforge.net/) /* WICK: Web Input Completion Kit http://wick.sourceforge.net/ Copyright (c) 2004, Christopher T. Holland All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. Neither the name of the Christopher T. Holland, nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* start dhtml building blocks */ function freezeEvent(e) { if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); e.returnValue = false; e.cancelBubble = true; if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); return false; }//freezeEvent function isWithinNode(e,i,c,t,obj) { answer = false; te = e; while(te && !answer) { if ((te.id && (te.id == i)) || (te.className && (te.className == i+"Class")) || (!t && c && te.className && (te.className == c)) || (!t && c && te.className && (te.className.indexOf(c) != -1)) || (t && te.tagName && (te.tagName.toLowerCase() == t)) || (obj && (te == obj)) ) { answer = te; } else { te = te.parentNode; } } return te; }//isWithinNode function getEvent(event) { return (event ? event : window.event); }//getEvent() function getEventElement(e) { return (e.srcElement ? e.srcElement: (e.target ? e.target : e.currentTarget)); }//getEventElement() function findElementPosX(obj) { curleft = 0; if (obj.offsetParent) { while (obj.offsetParent) { curleft += obj.offsetLeft; obj = obj.offsetParent; } }//if offsetParent exists else if (obj.x) curleft += obj.x return curleft; }//findElementPosX function findElementPosY(obj) { curtop = 0; if (obj.offsetParent) { while (obj.offsetParent) { curtop += obj.offsetTop; obj = obj.offsetParent; } }//if offsetParent exists else if (obj.y) curtop += obj.y return curtop; }//findElementPosY /* end dhtml building blocks */ function handleKeyPress(event) { e = getEvent(event); eL = getEventElement(e); upEl = isWithinNode(eL,null,"wickEnabled",null,null); kc = e["keyCode"]; if (siw && ((kc == 13) || (kc == 9))) { siw.selectingSomething = true; if (siw.isSafari) siw.inputBox.blur(); //hack to "wake up" safari siw.inputBox.focus(); siw.inputBox.value = siw.inputBox.value.replace(/[ \r\n\t\f\s]+$/gi,' '); hideSmartInputFloater(); } else if (upEl && (kc != 38) && (kc != 40) && (kc != 37) && (kc != 39) && (kc != 13) && (kc != 27)) { if (!siw || (siw && !siw.selectingSomething)) { processSmartInput(upEl); } } else if (siw && siw.inputBox) { siw.inputBox.focus(); //kinda part of the hack. } }//handleKeyPress() function handleKeyDown(event) { e = getEvent(event); eL = getEventElement(e); if (siw && (kc = e["keyCode"])) { if (kc == 40) { siw.selectingSomething = true; freezeEvent(e); if (siw.isGecko) siw.inputBox.blur(); /* Gecko hack */ selectNextSmartInputMatchItem(); } else if (kc == 38) { siw.selectingSomething = true; freezeEvent(e); if (siw.isGecko) siw.inputBox.blur(); selectPreviousSmartInputMatchItem(); } else if ((kc == 13) || (kc == 9)) { siw.selectingSomething = true; activateCurrentSmartInputMatch(); freezeEvent(e); } else if (kc == 27) { hideSmartInputFloater(); freezeEvent(e); } else { siw.selectingSomething = false; } } }//handleKeyDown() function handleFocus(event) { e = getEvent(event); eL = getEventElement(e); if (focEl = isWithinNode(eL,null,"wickEnabled",null,null)) { if (!siw || (siw && !siw.selectingSomething)) processSmartInput(focEl); } }//handleFocus() function handleBlur(event) { e = getEvent(event); eL = getEventElement(e); if (blurEl = isWithinNode(eL,null,"wickEnabled",null,null)) { if (siw && !siw.selectingSomething) hideSmartInputFloater(); } }//handleBlur() function handleClick(event) { e2 = getEvent(event); eL2 = getEventElement(e2); if (siw && siw.selectingSomething) { selectFromMouseClick(); } }//handleClick() function handleMouseOver(event) { e = getEvent(event); eL = getEventElement(e); if (siw && (mEl = isWithinNode(eL,null,"matchedSmartInputItem",null,null))) { siw.selectingSomething = true; selectFromMouseOver(mEl); } else if (isWithinNode(eL,null,"siwCredit",null,null)) { siw.selectingSomething = true; }else if (siw) { siw.selectingSomething = false; } }//handleMouseOver function showSmartInputFloater() { if (!siw.floater.style.display || (siw.floater.style.display=="none")) { if (!siw.customFloater) { x = findElementPosX(siw.inputBox); y = findElementPosY(siw.inputBox) + siw.inputBox.offsetHeight; //hack: browser-specific adjustments. if (!siw.isGecko && !siw.isWinIE) x += 8; if (!siw.isGecko && !siw.isWinIE) y += 10; siw.floater.style.left = x; siw.floater.style.top = y; } else { //you may //do additional things for your custom floater //beyond setting display and visibility } siw.floater.style.display="block"; siw.floater.style.visibility="visible"; } }//showSmartInputFloater() function hideSmartInputFloater() { if (siw) { siw.floater.style.display="none"; siw.floater.style.visibility="hidden"; siw = null; }//siw exists }//hideSmartInputFloater function processSmartInput(inputBox) { if (!siw) siw = new smartInputWindow(); siw.inputBox = inputBox; classData = inputBox.className.split(" "); siwDirectives = null; for (i=0;(!siwDirectives && classData[i]);i++) { if (classData[i].indexOf("wickEnabled") != -1) siwDirectives = classData[i]; } if (siwDirectives && (siwDirectives.indexOf(":") != -1)) { siw.customFloater = true; newFloaterId = siwDirectives.split(":")[1]; siw.floater = document.getElementById(newFloaterId); siw.floaterContent = siw.floater.getElementsByTagName("div")[0]; } setSmartInputData(); if (siw.matchCollection && (siw.matchCollection.length > 0)) selectSmartInputMatchItem(0); content = getSmartInputBoxContent(); if (content) { modifySmartInputBoxContent(content); showSmartInputFloater(); } else hideSmartInputFloater(); }//processSmartInput() function smartInputMatch(cleanValue, value) { this.cleanValue = cleanValue; this.value = value; this.isSelected = false; }//smartInputMatch function simplify(s) { return s.toLowerCase().replace(/^[ \s\f\t\n\r]+/,'').replace(/[ \s\f\t\n\r]+$/,''); //.replace(/[Ž,,,‘,\u00E9,\u00E8,\u00EA,\u00EB]/gi,"e").replace(/[ˆ,‰,\u00E0,\u00E2]/gi,"a"). }//simplify function getUserInputToMatch(s) { a = s; fields = s.split(","); if (fields.length > 0) a = fields[fields.length - 1]; return a; }//getUserInputToMatch function getUserInputBase() { s = siw.inputBox.value; a = s; if ((lastComma = s.lastIndexOf(",")) != -1) { a = a.replace(/^(.*\,[ \r\n\t\f\s]*).*$/i,'$1'); } else a = ""; return a; }//getUserInputBase() function runMatchingLogic(userInput, standalone) { userInput = simplify(userInput); uifc = userInput.charAt(0).toLowerCase(); if (uifc == '"') uifc = (n = userInput.charAt(1)) ? n.toLowerCase() : "z"; if (standalone) userInput = uifc; if (siw) siw.matchCollection = new Array(); pointerToCollectionToUse = collection; if (siw && siw.revisedCollection && (siw.revisedCollection.length > 0) && siw.lastUserInput && (userInput.indexOf(siw.lastUserInput) == 0)) { pointerToCollectionToUse = siw.revisedCollection; } else if (collectionIndex[userInput] && (collectionIndex[userInput].length > 0)) { pointerToCollectionToUse = collectionIndex[userInput]; } else if (collectionIndex[uifc] && (collectionIndex[uifc].length > 0)) { pointerToCollectionToUse = collectionIndex[uifc]; } else if (siw && (userInput.length == 1) && (!collectionIndex[uifc])) { siw.buildIndex = true; } else if (siw) { siw.buildIndex = false; } tempCollection = new Array(); re1m = new RegExp("^([ \"\>\<\-]*)("+userInput+")","i"); re2m = new RegExp("([ \"\>\<\-]+)("+userInput+")","i"); re1 = new RegExp("^([ \"\}\{\-]*)("+userInput+")","gi"); re2 = new RegExp("([ \"\}\{\-]+)("+userInput+")","gi"); for (i=0,j=0;(i<pointerToCollectionToUse.length);i++) { displayMatches = ((!standalone) && (j < siw.MAX_MATCHES)); entry = pointerToCollectionToUse[i]; mEntry = entry; if (!standalone && (mEntry.indexOf(userInput) == 0)) { userInput = userInput.replace(/\>/gi,'\\}').replace(/\< ?/gi,'\\{'); re = new RegExp("(" + userInput + ")","i"); if (displayMatches) { siw.matchCollection[j] = new smartInputMatch(entry, mEntry.replace(/\>/gi,'}').replace(/\< ?/gi,'{').replace(re,"<b>$1</b>")); } tempCollection[j] = entry; j++; } else if (mEntry.match(re1m) || mEntry.match(re2m)) { if (!standalone && displayMatches) { siw.matchCollection[j] = new smartInputMatch(entry, mEntry.replace(/\>/gi,'}').replace(/\</gi,'{').replace(re1,"$1<b>$2</b>").replace(re2,"$1<b>$2</b>")); } tempCollection[j] = entry; j++; } }//loop thru collection if (siw) { siw.lastUserInput = userInput; siw.revisedCollection = tempCollection.join(",").split(","); collectionIndex[userInput] = tempCollection.join(",").split(","); } if (standalone || siw.buildIndex) { collectionIndex[uifc] = tempCollection.join(",").split(","); if (siw) siw.buildIndex = false; } }//runMatchingLogic function setSmartInputData() { if (siw) { orgUserInput = siw.inputBox.value; orgUserInput = getUserInputToMatch(orgUserInput); userInput = orgUserInput.toLowerCase().replace(/[\r\n\t\f\s]+/gi,' ').replace(/^ +/gi,'').replace(/ +$/gi,'').replace(/ +/gi,' ').replace(/\\/gi,'').replace(/\[/gi,'').replace(/\(/gi,'').replace(/\./gi,'\.').replace(/\?/gi,''); if (userInput && (userInput != "") && (userInput != '"')) { runMatchingLogic(userInput); }//if userinput not blank and is meaningful else { siw.matchCollection = null; } }//siw exists ... uhmkaaayyyyy }//setSmartInputData function getSmartInputBoxContent() { a = null; if (siw && siw.matchCollection && (siw.matchCollection.length > 0)) { a = ''; for (i = 0;i < siw.matchCollection.length; i++) { selectedString = siw.matchCollection[i].isSelected ? ' selectedSmartInputItem' : ''; a += '<p class="matchedSmartInputItem' + selectedString + '">' + siw.matchCollection[i].value.replace(/\{ */gi,"<").replace(/\} */gi,">") + '</p>'; }// }//siw exists return a; }//getSmartInputBoxContent function modifySmartInputBoxContent(content) { //todo: remove credits 'cuz no one gives a shit ;] - done siw.floaterContent.innerHTML = '<div id="smartInputResults">' + content + (siw.showCredit ? ('<p class="siwCredit">Powered By: <a target="PhrawgBlog" href="http://chrisholland.blogspot.com/?from=smartinput&ref='+escape(location.href)+'">Chris Holland</a></p>') : '') +'</div>'; siw.matchListDisplay = document.getElementById("smartInputResults"); }//modifySmartInputBoxContent() function selectFromMouseOver(o) { currentIndex = getCurrentlySelectedSmartInputItem(); if (currentIndex != null) deSelectSmartInputMatchItem(currentIndex); newIndex = getIndexFromElement(o); selectSmartInputMatchItem(newIndex); modifySmartInputBoxContent(getSmartInputBoxContent()); }//selectFromMouseOver function selectFromMouseClick() { activateCurrentSmartInputMatch(); siw.inputBox.focus(); hideSmartInputFloater(); }//selectFromMouseClick function getIndexFromElement(o) { index = 0; while(o = o.previousSibling) { index++; }// return index; }//getIndexFromElement function getCurrentlySelectedSmartInputItem() { answer = null; for (i = 0; ((i < siw.matchCollection.length) && !answer) ; i++) { if (siw.matchCollection[i].isSelected) answer = i; }// return answer; }//getCurrentlySelectedSmartInputItem function selectSmartInputMatchItem(index) { siw.matchCollection[index].isSelected = true; }//selectSmartInputMatchItem() function deSelectSmartInputMatchItem(index) { siw.matchCollection[index].isSelected = false; }//deSelectSmartInputMatchItem() function selectNextSmartInputMatchItem() { currentIndex = getCurrentlySelectedSmartInputItem(); if (currentIndex != null) { deSelectSmartInputMatchItem(currentIndex); if ((currentIndex + 1) < siw.matchCollection.length) selectSmartInputMatchItem(currentIndex + 1); else selectSmartInputMatchItem(0); } else { selectSmartInputMatchItem(0); } modifySmartInputBoxContent(getSmartInputBoxContent()); }//selectNextSmartInputMatchItem function selectPreviousSmartInputMatchItem() { currentIndex = getCurrentlySelectedSmartInputItem(); if (currentIndex != null) { deSelectSmartInputMatchItem(currentIndex); if ((currentIndex - 1) >= 0) selectSmartInputMatchItem(currentIndex - 1); else selectSmartInputMatchItem(siw.matchCollection.length - 1); } else { selectSmartInputMatchItem(siw.matchCollection.length - 1); } modifySmartInputBoxContent(getSmartInputBoxContent()); }//selectPreviousSmartInputMatchItem function activateCurrentSmartInputMatch() { baseValue = getUserInputBase(); if ((selIndex = getCurrentlySelectedSmartInputItem()) != null) { addedValue = siw.matchCollection[selIndex].cleanValue; theString = (baseValue ? baseValue : "") + addedValue + ", "; siw.inputBox.value = theString; runMatchingLogic(addedValue, true); } }//activateCurrentSmartInputMatch function smartInputWindow () { this.customFloater = false; this.floater = document.getElementById("smartInputFloater"); this.floaterContent = document.getElementById("smartInputFloaterContent"); this.selectedSmartInputItem = null; this.MAX_MATCHES = 5; this.isGecko = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Gecko/200") != -1); this.isSafari = (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari") != -1); this.isWinIE = ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Win") != -1 ) && (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") != -1 )); this.showCredit = false; }//smartInputWindow Object function registerSmartInputListeners() { inputs = document.getElementsByTagName("input"); texts = document.getElementsByTagName("textarea"); allinputs = new Array(); z = 0; y = 0; while(inputs[z]) { allinputs[z] = inputs[z]; z++; }// while(texts[y]) { allinputs[z] = texts[y]; z++; y++; }// for (i=0; i < allinputs.length;i++) { if ((c = allinputs[i].className) && (c == "wickEnabled")) { allinputs[i].setAttribute("autocomplete","OFF"); allinputs[i].onfocus = handleFocus; allinputs[i].onblur = handleBlur; allinputs[i].onkeydown = handleKeyDown; allinputs[i].onkeyup = handleKeyPress; } }//loop thru inputs }//registerSmartInputListeners siw = null; if (document.addEventListener) { document.addEventListener("keydown", handleKeyDown, false); document.addEventListener("keyup", handleKeyPress, false); document.addEventListener("mouseup", handleClick, false); document.addEventListener("mouseover", handleMouseOver, false); } else { document.onkeydown = handleKeyDown; document.onkeyup = handleKeyPress; document.onmouseup = handleClick; document.onmouseover = handleMouseOver; } registerSmartInputListeners(); document.write ( '<table id="smartInputFloater" class="floater" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td id="smartInputFloaterContent" nowrap="nowrap">' +'<\/td><\/tr><\/table>' ); //note: instruct users to the fact that no commas should be present in entries. //it would make things insanely messy. //this is why i'm filtering commas here: for (x=0;x<collection.length;x++) { collection[x] = collection[x].replace(/\,/gi,''); }// collectionIndex = new Array(); ds = ""; function debug(s) { ds += ( s + "\n"); } Currently I am passing the JavaScript array: collection = ['David', 'Dean', 'Dickson', '詹姆斯', 'Larry', 'Dan', 'Davy', 'Zoro', 'Scott', 'Ave', 'Street', 'Parade']; When I type 'd' is dropping down the correct items But when I type 詹 (chinese) it does not drop down the item '詹姆斯'. How can I add utf-8 characters to be accepted as input searches? Also how can I change the behaviour of appending a ',' to accept spaces so that I could type the address '24 River Ave' into a text box and get two autocomplete drop downs (River and Ave)? Help is much appreciated Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/185827-javascript-auto-completion-for-input-fields/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
xenophobia Posted December 21, 2009 Share Posted December 21, 2009 Try put or change the meta tag in your html head section, make sure it is using utf-8 encoding: <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/185827-javascript-auto-completion-for-input-fields/#findComment-981404 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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