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iterating through an array and escape each value independently.


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I have a set up where the variable being escaped is an array and it needs to be iterated and escaped by separate. I need some help.



$arrFoodTypes = isset($_REQUEST['frmSearch']['food_types'])?mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['frmSearch']['food_types']):array();


How can I fit that if else statment inside the below foreach loop. the indexes has  been a  difficult to place them


foreach($_REQUEST as ['frmSearch]=>'['food_types'])


Is this correctly syntaxed it?  if any syntax error or mistake please correct me. Is iteration possible with the above set up at the foreach loop?

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Your code is all over the place and without a decent description, hard to give you a better example. Is $_REQUEST['frmSearch']['food_types'] ? an array? If so, your code would be....


$data = array();
foreach ($_REQUEST['frmSearch']['food_types'] as $foodtypes) {
  $data[] = mysql_real_escape_string($foodtypes);


Assuming that is what your actually trying to do.

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Arrays can be multidimensional. eg: arrays within arrays.


The example you posted looked like you are working with a multidimensional array, but obviously you are not. This is where YOU need to describe what the array you are working with actually looks like.


print_r can help you if you would like to show us the contents of the $_REQUEST array.

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This is the array print


    [frmSearch] => Array
            [name] => 
            [zipcode] => 10468
            [state] => NY
            [food_types] => Array
                    [0] => 

            [submit] => Submit



Notice that the offerings index is not inside the print_r indexes that's the notice and warning below, That might be coming from the form name. Don't know cause the form name is identical to the index at the iteration, don't know why throwing those warning and notices below..



Notice: Undefined index: offerings in C:\wamp\www\nyhungry\indexpagination.php on line 16


Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\wamp\www\nyhungry\indexpagination.php on line 16



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Alright, so the code I posted in my first reply was correct and will loop through the $_REQUEST['frmSearch']['food_types'] array, escaping data and save it within an array called $data.


If that isn't what you want you might want to actually describe what it is you do want.

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someone has suggested me to iterate through so the notice below stop from happening


<b>Warning</b>:  mysql_real_escape_string() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in <b>C:\wamp\www\nyhungry\indexpagination.php</b> on line <b>12</b><br



The original problem was that a query apart from this extraction from the url display the content for an html frame based on the values extracted from the url variables coming from a form in page.1


After the display from the query i have to scape some of the results rows becuase they had apostrophe's preventing the INSERT query to put it in the database. I have sucessfully escaped the string with addslashes or stripslahes functions but still the query would not INSERT the string.


why if the data is already escaped. The only thing display in the windows that could indicate a possible suggestion to the issue was that notice above. which as you and other people has suggested requires a iteration as we have done.


help... on how could I sucessfully INSERT the string to the database

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Below is the code including the problematic query, I have also provided some comments that might lead to the root of the problem.



<?php require_once("classes/include.all.php");?>

//Extract the variable from the url, Here I iterate the arrays to escape them
// But as I said the offerings throws a notice post #12 
    $strName = isset($_REQUEST['frmSearch']['name'])?mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['frmSearch']['name']):'';
    $strZipCode = isset($_REQUEST['frmSearch']['zipcode'])?mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['frmSearch']['zipcode']):'';
    $strState = isset($_REQUEST['frmSearch']['state'])?mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['frmSearch']['state']):'';
    $arrFoodTypedata = array();
foreach ($_REQUEST['frmSearch']['food_types'] as $arrFoodTypes) {  $arrFoodTypedata[] = mysql_real_escape_string($arrFoodTypes);}
    $arrOfferingsdata = array();
foreach ($_REQUEST['frmSearch']['offerings'] as $arrOfferings) {  $arrOfferingsdata[] = mysql_real_escape_string($arrOfferings);}

//Here I had to use two variable which has the same value, the if condition //check wheter if the variable $strZipCode coming from the form in //page1.php is not empty. The else statement makes sure $striZipCodes gets //the value of the appended variable coming from a refresh in page2.php //itself it is the same value as $strZipCode the only thing that $strZipCode is //lost when user paginates through, that's why else REQUEST strZipCode.   
if (!empty ($strZipCode)){
$strZipCodes = $strZipCode;
$strZipCodes = $_REQUEST['strZipCode']; 

$setter = true;
<div id="container4">
  <div class="wrap1">

//Over here is a set of filter to later be use at the query right above the html 
    $boolIncludeZipCodes = false;

    // Zipcode filter
    if(!empty($strZipCode)) {
        $boolIncludeZipCodes = true;
        $arrSQLFilters[] = sprintf(
            "r.zip LIKE '%s'"     
    // State filter
    if(!empty($strState)) {
        $boolIncludeZipCodes = true;
        $arrSQLFilters[] = sprintf(
            "r.state = '%s'"


    // Restaurants name filter
    if(!empty($strName)) {
        $arrSQLFilters[] = sprintf(
            "r.restaurantname LIKE '%s'"

    // Food types filter
    if(!empty($arrFoodTypes) && !empty($arrFoodTypes[0])) {
    $arrSQLFilters[] = sprintf(
          'r.restaurants_id IN
                     restaurants_food_types_id IN (%s)
                     COUNT(*) = %u)'
            ,/*mysql_real_escape_string(*/ implode(',',$arrFoodTypes) /*)*/

    // Offerings Filter ie. eat-in, lunch, dinner, etc
    if(!empty($arrOfferings)) {
      $arrSQLFilters[] = sprintf(
          'r.restaurants_id IN
                     restaurants_offerings_id IN (%s)
                     COUNT(*) = %u)'
            ,/*mysql_real_escape_string(*/ implode(',',$arrOfferings) /*)*/
            ,count($arrOfferings) );

// get the info from the db, This info coming from the database display in //html, If you see There is a Rating system in <h5> and the code for the //rating system is found insde <h4> which is rating all the string display //inside <h2> <h2 class=\"infohead\">". $arrRestaurant['restaurantname'] . //"</h2>. That indext ['restaurantname'] I believe is an string field which //display the name of the restaurnats, and I think the problem is coming from //there. Some restaurnats has an apostrophe (') in the query string and it //won't INSERT the rating of those string or restaurants names inside the //database. They need to be escaped, I have escaped the string data inside //the Rating class, found at the <h5> tagas Rating::OutputRating. and it is //escaping after echoing the variable inside the Class, which is another file //included in this page2.php but even though it is escaped it won't rated or //INSERT it into the database. It will INSERT or rate all the other string that //won't have an apostrophe  (') inside the string. I was wondering if I need //to escape it from the query below instead of the Rating Class? Or what can //be causing it not to INSERT Which is the root problem. The only that php has complain was the a warning.

//b>Warning</b>:  mysql_real_escape_string() expects parameter 1 to be //string, array given in <b>C:\wamp\www\nyhungry\indexpagination.php</b> //on line <b>12</b><br 

//line 12 was as 

//$arrFoodTypes = isset($_REQUEST['frmSearch']//['food_types'])?mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['frmSearch']//['food_types']):array();

// and that was the way it was set up before iterating that array along with //offerings 

//the rest of the code is as below.

$strSQL = sprintf(
        restaurants r
        LIMIT %d, %d'
    ,$boolIncludeZipCodes === true?'INNER JOIN restaurants_to_zip_codes rz ON r.restaurants_id = rz.restaurants_id ':''
    ,empty($arrSQLFilters)?'':' WHERE 
'.implode(' OR ',$arrSQLFilters)   
    ,$boolIncludeZipCodes === true?'GROUP BY r.restaurants_id':''
    ,$offset, $rowsperpage
$arrResult = mysql_query($strSQL) or die("Cannot execute:". mysql_error());

    while($arrRow = mysql_fetch_assoc($arrResult)) {
        $arrRestaurants[] = $arrRow;

$i = 1;
foreach($arrRestaurants as $arrRestaurant) {

  echo "<div class=\"shoeinfo1\">
   <img src=\"images/spacer.gif\" alt=\"spacer\" class=\"spacer2\" />
      <h2 class=\"infohead\">". $arrRestaurant['restaurantname'] . "</h2>
      <div class=\"pic\"><img class=\"line\" src= ". $arrRestaurant['image'] ." alt=\"picture\" width=\"100%\" height=\"100%\" /></div>

      <h5> Rating:</h5><h4>";

	$ratingData = Rating::OutputRating ($arrRestaurant['restaurantname']);
      if (Error::HasErrors())
        echo Error::ShowErrorMessages();
        echo $ratingData;
    	<div id=\"description\"><p>".$arrRestaurant['description']." </p></div> 
	<div class=\"suabe2\">Address:<span class=\"suabe\">".$arrRestaurant['address']."</span></div>
	<div id=\"state\">State:<span class=\"suabe\">". $arrRestaurant['state']. "</span></div>
       <h6>Zip:<span class=\"suabe\">". $arrRestaurant['zip'] . "</span></h6>
<p><a href=\"#\">More</a></p></div>

if ($i > 1 && $i % 4 == 0 ) 
  echo "<div class=\"clearer\"></div>";



<?php include("includes/footer.php"); 



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This is another part where the problem might origin.


How can I echo this query ExecuteQuery method?


Database::ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO `rating` (`item_name`, `rating`, `ip_address`, `date_rated`) VALUES ('{$varItem}', {$varRating}, '{$ipAddress}', NOW())", "InsertRating");



ExecuteQuery method referred in the query above.

public static function ExecuteQuery($sql, $name)
        if (self::$connection)
          if (strlen(trim($name)) != 0)
            switch (self::$type)
              case "mysql":
                if (!array_key_exists($name, self::$savedQueries))
                  self::$savedQueries[$name] = @mysql_query($sql, self::$connection) or Error::LogError("Query Failed", mysql_error(self::$connection));
              case "mysqli":
                if (!array_key_exists($name, self::$savedQueries))
                  self::$savedQueries[$name] = @mysqli_query(self::$connection, $sql) or Error::LogError("Query Failed", mysqli_error(self::$connection));
            return self::$savedQueries[$name];
            Error::LogError("Execute Query Name Missing", "The name parameter was empty, please provide a name for the query.");
        return null;


you can see in the link below how the 4th and 6th iteration is being escape but still it won't INSERT iteration where it's query string has an apostrophe in.


at the link you will see I have echoed the string to proof it is escaped but still it won't INSERT.



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