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hey guys i have an unlimited category systeme and i need to print out the path of a specifique id ...



Canada -> Montreal -> Comercial -> Shop -> T-Shirts


The SQL has a normal unlimited category structure with a top_id to know the parent category.

id,  nom,  type,  nom_en,  top_id,  ordre 


My code so fare looks like this

function filigrame($categ, $nom){ 

    $filigrame = @mysql_fetch_assoc(@mysql_query("SELECT * FROM page_categ WHERE id = '$categ'"));
    $nom = $nom." -> $filigrame[nom]";
    if ($filigrame[top_id]!="0"){
        filigrame($filigrame[top_id], $nom);
       return "Accueil ".$nom; 



Right now it only print out categories that has no parent id (top_id=0). Looks like for some reason it's not relooping at the if $filigrame[top_id]!="0" part ...


Any help would be very appreciated. Thx in advance.

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Nothing jumps out at me as being wrong, my best guess it that since you are surpressing errors, you are encountering an error and don't know ones occuring. Try changing...


$filigrame = @mysql_fetch_assoc(@mysql_query("SELECT * FROM page_categ WHERE id = '$categ'"));



$sql = "SELECT * FROM page_categ WHERE id = '$categ'";
$result = mysql_query($sql) or trigger_error("SQL: $sql, ERROR: " . mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
$filigrame = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);

NB: This does require error_reporting being on, which I hope it is, if not then replace the trigger_error with die and remove the , E_USER_ERROR part.

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No errors


function filigrame($categ, $nom){ 

    $sql = "SELECT * FROM page_categ WHERE id = '$categ'";
    $result = mysql_query($sql) or trigger_error("SQL: $sql, ERROR: " . mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
    $filigrame = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
    $nom = $nom." -> $filigrame[nom]";
    if ($filigrame[top_id]!="0"){
        filigrame($filigrame[top_id], $nom);
       return "Accueil ".$nom; 



This is my table


CREATE TABLE `page_categ` (
  `id` int(9) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `nom` varchar(250) NOT NULL,
  `type` int(9) NOT NULL,
  `nom_en` varchar(250) NOT NULL,
  `top_id` int(9) NOT NULL,
  `ordre` int(10) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`)

-- Contenu de la table `page_categ`

INSERT INTO `page_categ` (`id`, `nom`, `type`, `nom_en`, `top_id`, `ordre`) VALUES (97, 'Répertoire des commerces', 6, '', 0, 0),
(81, 'Vêtements hommes', 4, '', 79, 0),
(80, 'Vêtements femmes', 4, '', 79, 0),
(98, 'Carte de  l'artère', 2, '', 97, 0),
(79, 'Ma plaza mode', 2, '', 78, 0),
(78, 'Ma plaza', 6, '', 0, 0),
(99, 'Liste par addresse', 2, '', 97, 0),
(82, 'Chaussures', 4, '', 79, 0),
(83, 'Accessoires, lingerie & maillots', 4, '', 79, 0),
(84, 'Ma plaza gourmande', 2, '', 78, 0),
(85, 'Alimantation spécialisée', 4, '', 84, 0),
(86, 'Restaurant', 4, '', 84, 0),
(87, 'Ma plaza divertissante', 3, '', 78, 0),
(89, 'Ma plaza mariage ', 2, '', 78, 0),
(90, 'Nouvelles', 4, '', 89, 0),
(91, 'Répertoire', 4, '', 89, 0),
(92, 'Portraits', 4, '', 89, 0),
(93, 'Promotion', 4, '', 89, 0),
(94, 'Témoignages', 4, '', 89, 0),
(95, 'Ma plaza, mes services', 2, '', 78, 0),
(96, 'Ma plaza kitch', 3, '', 78, 0),
(100, 'Liste par catégorie', 2, '', 97, 0),
(101, 'Liste par ordre alphabétique', 2, '', 97, 0),
(102, 'Actualités', 6, '', 0, 0),
(103, 'Nouvelles', 4, '', 102, 0),
(104, 'Évènement', 4, '', 102, 0),
(105, 'Nouveaux commerces', 4, '', 102, 0),
(106, 'Promotions', 4, '', 102, 0),
(107, 'Photos', 4, '', 102, 0),
(108, 'Emplois', 4, '', 102, 0),
(109, 'À propos de la plaza', 6, '', 0, 0),
(110, 'Historique', 2, '', 109, 0),
(112, '59 à 79', 3, '', 110, 0),
(113, '59 à 89', 3, '', 110, 0),
(114, '59 à 2009', 3, '', 110, 0),
(115, 'Accessibilité', 3, '', 109, 0),
(116, 'Stationnements', 3, '', 109, 0),
(117, 'Heures d'ouvertures', 3, '', 109, 0),
(118, 'FAQ', 4, '', 109, 0),
(119, 'Médias', 3, '', 109, 0),
(120, 'Photos et vidéos', 2, '', 109, 0),
(121, 'Photos', 4, '', 120, 0),
(122, 'Vidéos', 4, '', 120, 0),
(123, 'La SDC', 6, '', 0, 0),
(124, 'Mission', 3, '', 123, 0),
(125, 'Conseil d'aministration', 3, '', 123, 0),
(126, 'Équipe', 3, '', 123, 0),
(127, 'Partenaires', 3, '', 123, 0),
(128, 'Contact', 3, '', 123, 0),
(129, 'Annoncer ici', 3, '', 0, 0),
(130, 'Membres SDC', 6, '', 0, 0),
(131, 'Services', 3, '', 130, 0),
(132, 'Nouveautés', 4, '', 130, 0),
(133, 'Locaux à louer', 4, '', 130, 0),
(134, 'PR@M', 3, '', 130, 0),
(135, 'Intranet', 2, '', 130, 0),
(136, 'Modifier votre profile', 3, '', 135, 0),
(137, 'Communiqués', 3, '', 135, 0),
(138, 'Règlements', 3, '', 135, 0),
(139, 'Assemblées générales', 3, '', 135, 0),
(140, 'Dates importantes', 3, '', 135, 0),
(141, 'Info - Plaza', 3, '', 135, 0),
(142, 'FAQ - Membres', 3, '', 135, 0),
(143, 'Liens utiles', 3, '', 135, 0),
(144, 'Photos et vidéos', 2, '', 130, 0),
(145, 'Photos', 4, '', 144, 0),
(146, 'Vidéos', 4, '', 144, 0),
(147, 'Contact', 0, '', 0, 0),
(148, 'Accueil', 1, '', 0, 0),
(149, 'Cyberbuletin', 0, '', 0, 1);


As you can see, Restaurant is id 86 and that category is in top_id 84. 84 is Ma plaza gourmande and thats in top_id 78. 78 is Ma plaza and has 0 as top_id so that would be the top of the categories.


That should show

Ma plaza -> Ma plaza gourmande -> Restaurant


But it's not returning anything


my php code to call the function looks like this:

$mysql = "(page.titre like '%$recherche%' or page.texte1 like '%$recherche%' or page.texte2 like '%$recherche%' or page.texte3 like '%$recherche%' or page.description_photo like '%$recherche%' or page.entreprise like '%$recherche%' or page.adresse like '%$recherche%') and page.categ=page_categ.id"; //and page_categ.id=page.categ and page_categ.type!='5'
$mselect = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM page, page_categ where $mysql limit $offset, $nombre_par_page") or die(mysql_error());
while ($list = mysql_fetch_array($mselect)) {
echo filigrame($list[categ], "");

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Got it ... it needed a return ...


function filigrame($categ, $nom){ unset($filigrame);

    $sql = "SELECT * FROM page_categ WHERE id = '$categ'";  
    $filigrame = @mysql_fetch_assoc(@mysql_query("$sql"));
    $nom = $nom." -> $filigrame[nom]";
    if ($filigrame[top_id]!="0"){
        return filigrame($filigrame[top_id], $nom);
        return "Accueil ".$nom; 


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