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Maybe you should look at str_replace and see what you're doing wrong. Are you trying to just replace a comma? Or a ',' (quotations) as well?


str_replace(',' ,  "" , $_SESSION['L_NAME0']);


As you're using a $_SESSION variable, why are you removing commas? Are you wanting to explode ?

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The str_replace() you posted does what you are asking, provided you use it like I stated (edit: and CV just re-quoted for your convenience since you apparently did not see or read the post) -

$_SESSION['L_NAME0'] = "O'Malley";
$_SESSION['L_NAME0'] = str_replace("'", "", $_SESSION['L_NAME0']);
echo $_SESSION['L_NAME0'];


Are you sure you want to remove the single-quotes or do you actually need to escape them? What overall problem are you having that you are trying to solve?

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The single quote is at the end of the string and str_replace don't work, it'll work if the quote is anywhere else in the string though which is weird. The reason I want to remove the quote is because I am trying to send the data over to the paypal server but the quote causes the paypal server to return an error.

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You will need to be way more specific about what you are trying that does not work, because the following DOES work with the single-quote at the end of the string -


$_SESSION['L_NAME0'] = "OMalleys'";
$_SESSION['L_NAME0'] = str_replace("'", "", $_SESSION['L_NAME0']);
echo $_SESSION['L_NAME0'];

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It's either not a single-quote or the first parameter in the str_replace() "'" is not a single-quote.


What does this show, when put right after the line that sets $row -

$arr = str_split($row->name);
foreach($arr as $char){
echo ord($char),'.';


Also, something unusual is going on with your database, because the \ escape character should not be present in the data in the database (though it could be in the data retrieved if magic_quotes_runtime is ON.)

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The 39 value is a single-quote. That means that the actual data is correct. That either means that your str_replace() code does not have a single quote in the first paramter (are you using an English keyboard and an ASCII programming editor and type the ' rather than copy/pasted it from somewhere) or your actual code after the str_replace() is adding a single quote.


Here is the escape \ story one more time -


The \ escape characters must be present in the query string so that special SQL characters, such as a single-quote, don't break the syntax of the query (or allow sql injection.) The \ characters are NOT inserted into the database. If you have \ characters in the database it means that your data was escaped twice. This usually happens if magic_quotes_gpc was ON at the time the data was inserted and your code also escaped the data. If the \ characters are not present in the database (which is correct) but they are present when the data is retrieved by php, that means that magic_quotes_runtime is on and it should simply be turned off in your script.

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Ah, Ok - I ran the query again on a diff value which also has the single quote at the end of it and this is what it returned:


What does 59 translate to ?


As for magic quotes, I checked the php.ini file and this is what I found:

magic_quotes_gpc = Off

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I checked the php.ini file

Always use a phpinfo() statement to check what settings are in case the php.ini that you are looking at is not the one that php is using.


59 is a ; (semi-colon) unless that is part of a multi-byte encoded character. It would help if you posted the string that corresponds to.

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okay well you can clearly (hopefully) count that there are more numbers than there are in that string...if you use chr() instead of ord() or if you rightclick > view source you will see that your string contains


instead of '  so at some point in time in your script, it's being encoded.

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