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Do Non-obligatory (optional) subpatterns exist?


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The Question

Is it possible to make a subpattern non-obligatory in the same way that you that you can make alpha-numeric characters (ex: "https?" matches both "http" and "https" non-obligatory?


The Reason

The reason I ask is because I'm trying to match a BB-Code tag with an optional-attribute. What I'm trying to match is <URL>( align=<left|center|right>) where the " align=..." is non-obligatory.


Currently I am using:

'/(\[img=(.*?)\])|(\[img=(.*?) align=(left|center|right))\]/i'

This patterns works perfectly, but in search of something (potentially) more efficient... I am trying to utilize optional-subpatterns:

Attempt 1:

Attempt 2:


So is what I'm attempting to do completely oblivious of me? I did check the PHP-Manual for some help and I came across Conditional-Subpatterns, but I Non-Obligatory Subpatterns seemed to be the way to go.

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Aside from having more brackets than you appear to need you don't seen far off, something like this should suffice.


'#\[img=(.*?)(?: align=(left|center|right))?\]#i'


Of course you asked about pattern matching, whereas in this situation the trick will probably be the replacement.

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Alternatively you could save yourself the horror and use pecl bbcode extension http://php.net/manual/en/book.bbcode.php or the PEAR extension http://pear.php.net/package/HTML_BBCodeParser


I would take that route instead but unfortunately, the server I'm using doesn't have the BBCode Extension installed. I can't install it either as it isn't my server. =\


Aside from having more brackets than you appear to need you don't seen far off, something like this should suffice.


'#\[img=(.*?)(?: align=(left|center|right))?\]#i'


Of course you asked about pattern matching, whereas in this situation the trick will probably be the replacement.


I took the Expression you provided and modified it slightly. I made the first subpattern greedy by removing the "(*?)" and replaced it with a subpattern that only matches URLs:

'#\[img=(https?://\S+)(?: align=(left|center|right))?\]#i'

Now it will work as a matching-expression.


I tested it:

    $str = '[img=http://google.com align=left]';
if(preg_match_all('#\[img=(https?://\S+)(?: align=(left|center|right))?\]#i', $str, $match))
	echo '$str was not matched!';


With that, you should get an array:

    [0] => Array
            [0] => [img=http://google.com align=left]

    [1] => Array
            [0] => http://google.com
    [2] => Array
            [0] => left



Thank you very much for your replies, cags and ignace! :)

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