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Extract specific text from html elements using Xpath - help needed


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hi guys,


how can i use preg_match or any other condition when trying to extract information from a html page? I've tried preg_match but i get an error because i'm using it in xpath query.


This is my query code:


$prod_quicklinx_node = $xpath->query('//table[@class=maintbl]/descendant::div/td[@class=textblacksmblue]');

$prod_mfr_node = $xpath->query('//table[@class=maintbl]/descendant::td[@class=textblacksm] and not(contains(@*, "Manufacturer"))');


I don't get no results.



SOURCE CODE OF HTML ENTITIES (i only need the BOLD items, code, mfr name and mfr#)

                        <td align="left" nowrap="nowrap">
                                <a href="javascript:MM_openBrWindow('http://img.misco.co.uk/images/uploadedimages/large/20091027141548.jpg','LargeImage','scrollbars=no,width=350,height=350')" class="details"> 
                                <img src="/images/itemdetails/icon-enlarge.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" hspace="0"></a>
                                <!--<img src="http://img3.misco.co.uk/images/misc/pixel-clr.gif" width="2" height="1" alt="">-->
                                <a href="/applications/email/emailafriend.asp"> <img src="/images/itemdetails/icon-email.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" hspace="6"></a><a href="http://www.misco.co.uk/applications/SearchTools/item-details-print.asp?EdpNo=336830&Sku=Q151273"><img src="/images/itemdetails/icon-print.gif" alt="" align="absmiddle" border="0" hspace="4"></a> 
                        <td width="44" align="right" valign="top"><img src="http://img1.misco.co.uk/images/itemdetails/itemtitle_yellowleft.gif" alt="" width="44" height="24"></td>
                        <td style="background-image: url(http://img.misco.co.uk/images/itemdetails/itemtitle_yellow_bg.gif); background-repeat: repeat-x;" class="textblackmed" width="340" valign="middle">
                            <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" height="18">
                            <tbody><tr valign="top"> 
                                <td class="textblacksm" width="35" nowrap="nowrap">Misco No: </td>
                                    [b]<td class="textblacksmblue" width="40%"><b>Q151273</b></td>[/b]
                                <td align="right" nowrap="nowrap">
                                   <table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0">
                                   <tbody><tr valign="top">                                   
                                     <td><div style="position: relative; top: -3px;"><a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="postReview();" alt="Add Review" style="font-size: 12px;">
						                 <img src="/images/itemdetails/ADD_REVI.GIF" alt="Add Review" border="0">
                        <td width="18" align="right" valign="top"><img src="http://img3.misco.co.uk/images/itemdetails/itemtitle_yellowright1.gif" alt="" width="18" height="24"></td>
                    <td align="left">
                    <td align="left">
                    <tbody><tr><td class="textblacksm" width="110">Manufacturer:</td>[b]<td class="textblacksm" nowrap="nowrap"> <strong>Canon </strong> </td>[/b]</tr>
                    <tr><td class="textblacksm" width="110">Manufacturer Part No:</td>[b]<td class="textblacksm" nowrap="nowrap"> <strong>2925B008AA </strong> </td>[/b]


Thanks for any help you can provide.





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One way would to be grab the table which wraps all of your required information, then use a couple of XPath queries looking for the specific details within that wrapping table. For example:


$table = $xpath->query('//table[4]')->item(0);
$code  = $xpath->query("//td[starts-with(text(), 'Misco')]/following-sibling::td/b", $table)->item(0)->nodeValue;
$man   = rtrim($xpath->query("//td[.='Manufacturer:']/following-sibling::td/strong", $table)->item(0)->nodeValue);
$part  = rtrim($xpath->query("//td[.='Manufacturer Part No:']/following-sibling::td/strong", $table)->item(0)->nodeValue);

var_dump($code, $man, $part);

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One way would to be grab the table which wraps all of your required information, then use a couple of XPath queries looking for the specific details within that wrapping table. For example:


$table = $xpath->query('//table[4]')->item(0);
$code  = $xpath->query("//td[starts-with(text(), 'Misco')]/following-sibling::td/b", $table)->item(0)->nodeValue;
$man   = rtrim($xpath->query("//td[.='Manufacturer:']/following-sibling::td/strong", $table)->item(0)->nodeValue);
$part  = rtrim($xpath->query("//td[.='Manufacturer Part No:']/following-sibling::td/strong", $table)->item(0)->nodeValue);

var_dump($code, $man, $part);


Hi Salathe,


thank you for the reply mate.


I'll give this a go but one problem i have is that the wrapping TABLE does not have any name, class or id and also all the three elements are in a "td" that has the same class which is <td class="textblacksm">.


would this make any difference? i'm going to try ur idea first anyway. cheers



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That looks like it's to do with character encoding. I'd suggest you set the encoding of the page it's being output on to UTF-8 either through the HTML in the <head> section with meta tags or with the header function.


Edit: salathe beat me to it.

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Only within 10 minutes of posting them. Mine was technically a 'Faux Edit' (as you can tell by the fact it doesn't have an edit time at the bottom). I clicked post and it warned me salathe had posted so I stuck the disclaimer in before hitting submit again.

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