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New to all this - please be gentle.  Need help with securing before testing it here.  Sample code follows:









include "config/connect.php";



if (isset($_GET['search']))


$search = $_GET['search'];

$search = strip_tags($search);

$search = stripslashes($search);

echo "<title>Searching for $search</title>";




echo "<img src=\"images/logo_480.jpg\"><p>";

echo "Search Listings:";


echo "<form method=\"GET\" action=\"searchpage.php\" name=\"listingssearch\">";

echo "<input type=\"text\" name=\"search\">";

echo "<input type=\"Submit\" name=\"Search\" value=\"Search\">";

echo "</form>";

echo "<p>";



if (isset($_GET['search']))


$sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM links WHERE approved = '1' AND sitename LIKE '%$search%'");

    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql))


$id = $row["id"];

$company = $row["sitename"];


echo "$id : $company<br />";




echo "- - - - - - - - - - - -<br />";






//  CODE



It apparently passese the XSS Me tests but not the Access Me tests:


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


Attack Details:


    * HTTP Method: SECCOMP


The attacked page is dangerously similar to the original page. It is 100% similar. Got access to a resource that should be protected. Server response code: 200 OK.


searchpage.php :: Http Method


Attack Details:


    * HTTP Method: HEAD


Got access to a resource that should be protected. Server response code: 200 OK. The attacked page is not very similar to the original page. It is 8.333% similar.


= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


I want to learn so don't tell me the answers, but please point me in the right direction.


Thanks in advance.


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$search = stripslashes($search);


I'd suggest reading up on magic quotes as it looks like you're trying to implement code using this deprecated feature. You should be applying mysql_real_escape_string to secure your input strings instead.


At the moment you're $search variable is open to SQL injection; even if magic quotes is turned on you're actually removing the slashes it adds to prevent against SQL attacks.

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