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Unread Inbox Message


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//check Messages
$qry2="SELECT * FROM messages WHERE to_id='$id'";
$result2=mysql_query($qry2) or trigger_error('Query error! Query: <pre>'.$qry2.'</pre>Reason: ' . mysql_error());


//Check for Unread Messages
while ($a < $num2) {
   if ($msg < 1) { ++$unread; }

This is my current working code to check if a user has unread messages and if they do then the inbox link is bold. Is there a way to make php send a pop up with just an ok button which closes the popup to alert the user they have unread messages?

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sorry i don't understand what you mean by this.


1. Page Loads

2. Div is created with a hidden display. Div contains only a message (You have unread messages) and a button (possibly an image that acts as a button)

3. Php checks database to see if there are unread messages

4. If php finds unread messages then use javascript to set the div's display to visible

5. If user clicks the button the image goes away

6. Understanding achieved ;)

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Just curious what kind of forum is this you are making?

Its not a forum its just the member section of a website but i coded a pm system for the members as well. If you want i can pm you the link and make you an account cos the accounts are admin controlled atm.




Also: that jQuery tutorial isn't helping much. I loaded the script into a test web-page and it still loaded the link. I'm using firefox if this affects it

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jQuery is cross browser, so it doesn't matter what browser you use,

did you include the jQuery correctly? Also, the download on the jQuery website

puts a .js.txt extension at the back of the file, rename it to jquery.js

jQuery normally has all the scripting you want to achieve, this speeds up

development quite a lot...


And always make sure you end the statements correctly, it won't throw

out errors even though there are... e.g.:




    alert("As you can see, the link no longer took you to jquery.com");




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