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HELP to make an advanced search phpscript


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I am a management student and lately i got an opportunity to make a website on a city based college directory. Well i have a mysql database with 5columns in it, namely "Name of College, Location, University, Stream, Subjects". Its a very big list and hence i like to provide a search option in the website, so that the visitors can search different colleges.


Well ofcourse it will be not a very simple search option. I want to make such a search option, so that our visitors can search the colleges by their name or location or university or stream or subjects. Again they can make their choice i.e. they can also search by subjects and university together or by different combination(like subject, university and location together.........etc etc).


Okay now after the search i want to display the results in that same table format as it is in the mysql database.


I attached a MSWord(doc) file, where u can find exactly what i want.


Please guyz help me out, just post the codes or php scripts, which i can use directly to my website. I am not a programmer so I need a serious help over here as this project will decide my future.


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I'd probably go with some MySQL FULLTEXT searching, a query like this should get you on the way:

SELECT * FROM `table` WHERE MATCH (`name`,`location`,`university`,`stream`,`subjects`) AGAINST ('keywords' IN BOOLEAN MODE);


Fore more information on MySQL FULLTEXT searching, check out the manual page.


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