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Date function problem when switching to 2010


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Hi all,

I'm having an issue pulling up a print report(csv file) when the new year started. I didn't write the code but I need help in fixing it. I know its a simple fix of 2-3 lines at the most.


This is what the code currently looks like.


//get last month for the filenames

$lastMonth = sprintf("%02d", date("m") - 1);

$thisYear = date("Y");

$fileLastMonth = $thisYear . $lastMonth;


$filename[0] = "HP/HPUsage" . $fileLastMonth . ".csv";

$filename[1] = "Lexmark/Room10/mfpUsage_192.168.1.46_" . $fileLastMonth . ".csv";

$friendlyName[1] = "Lexmark Rm 10";

$filename[2] = "Lexmark/Room19/mfpUsage_192.168.2.12_" . $fileLastMonth . ".csv";

$friendlyName[2] = "Lexmark Rm 19";

$filename[3] = "Lexmark/Room29/mfpUsage_192.168.1.32_" . $fileLastMonth . ".csv";

$friendlyName[3] = "Lexmark Rm 29";

$filename[4] = "Lexmark/Room31/mfpUsage_192.168.1.47_" . $fileLastMonth . ".csv";

$friendlyName[4] = "Lexmark Rm 44";

$filename[5] = "Sharp/Sharp_MX-M550N" . $fileLastMonth . ".csv";

$friendlyName[5] = "Sharp Mail Room";

echo "done<br />";

//enumerate the files to read

$y = 5;

$friendly = 1;


//pull last month and year

$tablename = date("FY",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m")-1, date("d"),  date("Y")));


I understand its not able to pull "thisYear" because its 2010 and its not looking for last year. I also understand that it doesn't understand the last month is 12/2009 since its now January 2010. Any assistance in fixing this issue permanently would be much appreciated. If I need to post the entire php file, I will but I'm pretty sure the issue lies in these 2-3 lines of code.

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Replace these lines

//get last month for the filenames
$lastMonth = sprintf("%02d", date("m") - 1);
$thisYear = date("Y");
$fileLastMonth = $thisYear . $lastMonth;


With these lines

//get last month for the filenames
$fileLastMonth =  date("Ym", strtotime("last month"));

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What would I change the "last month" text to?


Why would you change it? The strtotime() function will "Parse about any English textual datetime description into a Unix timestamp". So, when it uses "last month" it will literally return a timestamp for last month. And, that is what you want, right?


Also I found another line of code that's directly related to the function mentioned previously.


//pull last month and year

$tablename = date("FY", strtotime("last month"));


That must be some really FooBar code if it is creating a different datbase tabe for each month of records.


This should work fo rthat line:


$tablename = date("FY",mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m")-1, date("d"),   date("Y")));

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