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FULLTEXT Boolean mode - wildcards - Need Urgent Help


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Hello all..

I am using a FULLTEXT search on my database (yes, I know it is slow..) , creating a user defined filters , and later plotting a graph..

A user can choose between country, product, warehouse, customer, and any boolean combination of the above to plot a statistics graph.


SELECT client_name,count(client_name) as unit,sum(pic_sale_price) as gross FROM mgminibar_reports_view where MATCH (client_name) AGAINST ('Client_name' IN BOOLEAN MODE) group by client_name



plot graph for Germany , all Warehouses (MINUS) WarehouseX + US (minus) Florida - CustomerY..


It works ok, but I have one problem...

I  can not find the way to make (Select All) .

(Or in other words, Using a wildcard without appending a string to it )


For example , Germany, ALL Clients,






I could not find anything in the reference ..


in the code here below :


SELECT client_name,count(client_name) as unit,sum(pic_sale_price) as gross FROM mgminibar_reports_view where MATCH (client_name) AGAINST ('Client_name' IN BOOLEAN MODE) group by client_name


what would be the operator to Select ALL clients ??


I tried


SELECT client_name,count(client_name) as unit,sum(pic_sale_price) as gross FROM mgminibar_reports_view where MATCH (client_name) AGAINST ('+*' IN BOOLEAN MODE) group by client_name


But did not work...


How to use a wildcard WITHOUT appending it to a search term (ALL) ??





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Thanks for replying , I was starting to think no one see this post !


I don't follow... why use a search if your search would simply find everything?


well, this is a part of a system that is generating graphs for an automated distributed warehouses chain

I have ONE graph, that a user can change parameters.

the parameters are : Country , City , Supplier ,product , Client, Warehouse.

the search is to populate the array to generate the graph.


So the user can generate a graph for example


Germany (-) berlin (-) supplierX (+) productY


This will generate a graph from germany, EXCLUDING teh city of berlin , EXCLUDING supplier X and INCLUDING ONLY product Y


The problem is :

how to make , with the same feature ,for example :


ALL COUNTRIES (-) productX (-)Supplier Y (+) ALL warehouses


I hope it is more clear ....





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