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Undefined offset when using a flat file with pipe symbols


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Hi, I've got a flat file/text file which I'm currently using as a member database for my site (not advisable I know.. but still learning here).


In a section of code I need to separate the fields to make various checks later in the code


I use this line to do that..


list ($name, $pass, $fileidnumber) = split ('\|', $line);


Yet.. I keep getting "undefined offset" messages.. even when all 3 fields are filled in for all records.. eg..



Is it the new line causing the problem?


Also, the server is a bit peculiar in behaviour, it won't let me upload empty text files to start with (0kb).. the only way around it is for me to add a blank line or something to make it at least 1kb so the server notices it.. so in other words.. if Fred's record was the only one in the database, there'd be a space (I guess) underneath his record (all future records are added to the top of the file, but the space will always come last when checking)


If anyone out there can help or give ideas as to why this is happening I'd be grateful.. thanks

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Thanks for the help.. I've tried explode but it still keeps nagging about this "undefined offset" palarva


The text file basically looks like this..






The first field is username, 2nd field is password, 3rd field is id number


I'm using this line now instead (thanks for letting me know about "split" depreciation btw)..


list ($name, $pass, $id) = explode ('|', $line);


The silly thing is still complaining about undefined offsets (1 and 2 in this case)

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Sure.. here are the relevant bits..



//get viewer's id number


$getid = fopen('nunyabiz.txt','r');

if (!$getid) {echo 'ERROR1: Unable to open file.<br>'; exit;}

while (!feof($getid))


    $line = fgets($getid, 1024); //use 2048 if very long lines

    if ($line != "" || $line != "\n")


        list ($name, $pass, $fileidnumber) = explode ('|', $line);

        if ($chatname == $name)










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This does nothing.

//get viewer's id number



Stop with the fopen stuff. use something like this:

$lines = file('nunyabiz.txt');

// Loop through our array, show HTML source as HTML source; and line numbers too.

?why are you doing line numbers, you dont use them anywhere?

foreach ($lines as $line) {
list ($name, $pass, $fileidnumber) = explode ("|", $line);
$fileidnumber=trim($fileidnumber);//trim off the \n
        if ($chatname == $name)

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Thanks for cleaning up the code and that works fine now


I made the same changes for another loop checking a different file and for a while was still getting the same error but this time it was because there were 2 new lines at the end of that file!.. I'm going to learn mysql once this project is finished



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