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- I like the look of the website. Very clean & proffesional.

- Your HTML is invalid which is IMO a serious problem

- I like the integration of SaaS services (like flickr)

- Your fancy flyout menu is not usable (decreased accessibility)

- Only few pages have SEO focused page title's

- Meta tags do almost never match the page content

- Properly indent sub-pages on the sitemap

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Sorry to sound quite naive too, but by


- Only few pages have SEO focused page title's

- Meta tags do almost never match the page content


What would you say are SEO focused page titles? Im not too good on the SEO front, And should each meta tag be individual too the page as opposed to me using the same one on each?


Thanks again :)

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For the homepage I would create something like:


Signworld Group - Web Design, Manufacturing, On-Site Installation, Project Management, Site Surveys, Maintenance


These keywords address a broad audience which is actually not so good because most of these keywords have high-value. So it would be better to focus on specific keywords for which you want to rank high. You can do this by including the area's your company delivers to (if any) which is called geo-targeting.

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in regards to

- Your fancy flyout menu is not usable (decreased accessibility)

would you recommend I have in purley css based? My boss loves is a hard man to convince and he seems to love the animation, what would you recommend? Ive took the rest of your advice so thanks a lot ignace (Y)!


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Well there are flyout menu's that support accessibility (like Suckerfish) but are hard to implement. Modify the href attribute of both About and Services from # to the first element in the list or create a new page that lists all sub-items (make sure these list links have tabindex starting from 1)

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