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Bad Certificate?

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When I come to the forum through my bookmark, I use http. When I click a link inside an email, it automatically defaults to https.


I am getting a warning from my browser when I click links inside email. Photo attached.


The site's security certificate is not trusted!

You attempted to reach www.phpfreaks.com, but the server presented a certificate issued by an entity that is not trusted by your computer's operating system.


Just wanted to share.


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I'm not sure why that would happen. In SMF's Settings.php it's set to

$boardurl = 'http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums';


Anyways, for the certificate, it's not "bad" per se. It's just that your browser doesn't trust our certificate. You can mark our root certificate as trusted somewhere in your browser's settings. It's just an extra for whomever wants to use it, and that's why it isn't the default URL (at least it shouldn't be).


Edit: It wouldn't happen to be a link to this post, right? I posted it using the SSL connection so maybe SMF is being stupid and is just using my URL instead of the config URL.

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