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Login Issue - how to secure properly


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I'm having issues with a login form, multiple users use this form, basically I took over the project from the last person and it has a ton of security holes in it, I'm trying to redo the login form so that it doesn't post the userid, right now a link is something like form.php?companyid=4 and I noticed that if I take out that 4 and put in a 3 or any number for that matter, I'm taken to someone elses page, and if I take out the number and just leave the companyid= I see all info, so I need to change that asap, but I'm having some issues with trying to get it set up. I'm trying to change the link to not rely on companyid and on a session, basically my code looks like:



if ($_POST['Email'] && $_POST['Password']) {

//db info
//open db



//This is how I want to show the company, instead of using their number, I'd rather have a random number stored in the db

//store it in the db
mysql_query("UPDATE tbl_company SET sess = '$randval' WHERE Email ='". $_POST['Email'] ."' and Password='". $_POST['Password'] ."'");

//select db

$strSQL = "SELECT Company_Id, Company_Name, sess FROM tbl_company WHERE Email = '". $_POST['Email'] ."' AND Password = '". $_POST['Password'] ."' LIMIT 0, 1";

$dbQuery = mysql_query($strSQL,$MyDB) or die(mysql_error());

$dbResults = mysql_num_rows($dbQuery);

if ($dbResults > 0) {

	// user is authorized

	while($dbx = mysql_fetch_row($dbQuery)) {

		$_SESSION['SessID'] = session_id();

		//changed below from 0 to 16
		//$_SESSION['sess'] = $dbx['16'];

		//$session = $dbx['16'];


		//added the insert

			//$_SESSION['SessID'] = session_id();

		$_SESSION['sess'] = $dbx['sess'];


	setcookie("Name", $dbx[1], time()+3600);



// mysql_free_result($dbQuery);



if ($dbResults > 0) {

// user login success

header("Location: MyAccount.php?sess=$session");

} else {

// user login failed

header("Location: index.php?error=1");




The problem with this code is that it's giving me the link Myaccount.php?sess= without anything when I login. Also, I had another question, how can I make sure that users can't see other users info, that's the main problem.



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if ($_POST['Email'] && $_POST['Password']) {
//db info
//open db



    //This is how I want to show the company, instead of using their number, I'd rather have a random number stored in the db
    //$randval=mt_rand(); //TODO delete me
    //store it in the db
    //mysql_query("UPDATE tbl_company SET sess = '$randval' WHERE Email ='". $_POST['Email'] ."' and Password='". $_POST['Password'] ."'");

    //select db
    // TODO ESCAPE YOUR DATABASE VALUES WITH mysql_real_escape_string()
    $strSQL = "SELECT Company_Id, Company_Name FROM tbl_company WHERE Email = '". $_POST['Email'] ."' AND Password = '". $_POST['Password'] ."' LIMIT 0, 1";

    // TODO GET RID OF OR DIE(), IT'S TERRIBLE (See the tutorial on the main PHP freaks page)
    $dbQuery = mysql_query($strSQL,$MyDB) or die(mysql_error());

    $dbResults = mysql_num_rows($dbQuery);

    if ($dbResults > 0) {

        // user is authorized

        while($dbx = mysql_fetch_row($dbQuery)) {

            $_SESSION['CompanyId'] = $dbx['Company_Id'];

            //changed below from 0 to 16
            //$_SESSION['sess'] = $dbx['16'];
            //$session = $dbx['16'];

            //added the insert
            //$_SESSION['SessID'] = session_id();

            //$_SESSION['sess'] = $dbx['sess'];

            // Don't see why you need this.
            //setcookie("Name", $dbx[1], time()+3600);




    // mysql_free_result($dbQuery);



if ($dbResults > 0) {

    // user login success

    header("Location: MyAccount.php");

} else {

    // user login failed

    header("Location: index.php?error=1");




Then in MyAccount.php

print_r( $_SESSION ); // You should see CompanyId, which you can use to identify
                        // and the user is unable to change it

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That's great, thanks for the comments also! I had one more question, it's the core of the program. I updated the program with the comments and the todo's but right now, if a user logs in, they can see all the records for all users. I didn't really understand what you ment by "You should see CompanyId, which you can use to identify". Before, the user went to his information by clicking on a link like:


But now that it's just index.php, all users info is showing up. How can I keep it as just having the specific users info showing up?


Thanks again

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i think u should use a database to give them permissoins, like which they can go, if they can view some of all your users

if they can only view them self, then u dont need db

have a code to check the follow (based on condition)

if the user can view themselves only

just check the company id match the $_GET['company_id']


if the user can see a few others

select their permission from database, or from text file, store them in array

use in_array($company_id, $db_company_id)  //<<this isnt right syntax i think

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But now that it's just index.php, all users info is showing up. How can I keep it as just having the specific users info showing up?


Your old index.php is probably like:

$company_id = $_GET['CompanyId'];
// now do stuff based off $company_id


Your login form should now be saving CompanyId in the session, so your new pages can just use that.

$CompanyID = $_SESSION['CompanyId'];
// now that company ID is set, it should work just the same as before

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