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What should this return?


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substr(clean($res['StudentName']),0,strrpos($res['StudentName'],' '));
substr(clean($res['StudentName']),(strrpos($res['StudentName'],' ')+1));


If the following is the case:


	function clean($str) {
	$str = @trim($str);
	if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
		$str = stripslashes($str);
	return mysql_real_escape_string($str);

$res['StudentName'] = Testy "Mc" Testerson

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substr(clean($res['StudentName']),0,strrpos($res['StudentName'],' '));

Nothing as it is not assigned to a variable! However your function will return a string that is safe to use in a database query

$res['StudentName'] = "Joe Bloggs";
// Will store 'Joe' in $firstname
$firstname = substr(clean($res['StudentName']),0,strrpos($res['StudentName'],' '));
// insert into database
$result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO students SET firstname='".$firstname."'");

Also using the substr() function is not the best way to split the students name into parts

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substr(clean($res['StudentName']),0,strrpos($res['StudentName'],' '));

Nothing as it is not assigned to a variable! However your function will return a string that is safe to use in a database query

$res['StudentName'] = "Joe Bloggs";
// Will store 'Joe' in $firstname
$firstname = substr(clean($res['StudentName']),0,strrpos($res['StudentName'],' '));
// insert into database
$result = mysql_query("INSERT INTO students SET firstname='".$firstname."'");

Also using the substr() function is not the best way to split the students name into parts


I figured you could assume that the echo was before the substr's  :P

But I need to know what it should do with the str Testy "Mc" Testerson

I thought that the first should return Testy "Mc" and the second should return Testerson but it's not. It's returning Testy / and the second is returning nothing. What would be better than substr?

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What would be better than substr?

$res['StudentName'] = 'Testy "Mc" Testerson';

$nameParts = explode(" ", $res['StudentName']);
// you can view the parts of the name using print_r
// print_r($nameParts);
for($x = 0; $x < count($nameParts)-1; $x++) {
$firstname .= clean($nameParts[$x]);
$lastname = clean($nameParts[count($nameParts)-1]);
print $firstname." ".$lastname;

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What would be better than substr?

$res['StudentName'] = 'Testy "Mc" Testerson';

$nameParts = explode(" ", $res['StudentName']);
// you can view the parts of the name using print_r
// print_r($nameParts);
for($x = 0; $x < count($nameParts)-1; $x++) {
$firstname .= clean($nameParts[$x]);
$lastname = clean($nameParts[count($nameParts)-1]);
print $firstname." ".$lastname;


A bit longer but truly a better idea ;)

I still have one problem though. I took out the clean. This is actually reading it from a database and displaying it in a textbox. I realized I didn't want the clean until i was inserting it back into the database. My problem however is that I can save the quoted names to the database but I cannot display them in the text box correctly.

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Probably because the name contains a " and is causing a textfield to cut short in its value param. Remove quotes from a person's name. Nobody should have a quote in their name!


Unfortunately I got retards that do put quotes in their name and since this is a public system that is automatic I won't be able to get them to stop :(

Is there any way that I can make it account for it?

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Is there any way that I can make it account for it?

Prior to any insert strip them out!

$name = 'Joe "idiot" Bloggs";
$name = str_replace('"',"", strip_tags($name));

I would run a replace command on your database to get rid of them. If you cannot then convert them into their html entity before displaying in a text field.

<input type="text" name="name" value="<?php print htmlentities($res['StudentName']); ?>" />

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So I've tried doing both of the following with the clean function and it is still storing the quotes :/


	function clean($str) {
	$str = @trim($str);
	str_replace('\"',"", strip_tags($str));
	if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
		$str = stripslashes($str);
	return mysql_real_escape_string($str);

function clean($str) {
	$str = @trim($str);
	str_replace('"',"", strip_tags($str));
	if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
		$str = stripslashes($str);
	return mysql_real_escape_string($str);

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When using php functions you must check what the return value of the fuction is!

You have added the str_replace function but not stored its return value

str_replace('\"',"", strip_tags($str));


should be

// remove any " from $str also strip any HTML tags
$str = str_replace('"',"", strip_tags($str));

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When using php functions you must check what the return value of the fuction is!

You have added the str_replace function but not stored its return value

str_replace('\"',"", strip_tags($str));


should be

// remove any " from $str also strip any HTML tags
$str = str_replace('"',"", strip_tags($str));


Lol dumb mistake >< Thanks a lot buddy! You've helped a lot!

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