teentorque Posted January 30, 2010 Share Posted January 30, 2010 Hello, I'm getting the following error message: Fatal error: Call to undefined function timestamp() in xxxxxxxxxx on line 6 When I look at line 6, it's: $fletch = date ("Ymd"); There's no MySQL involved in this code, it's just PHP. For some reason it won't recognize today (current)'s date, but it recognizes anything backdated. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trq Posted January 30, 2010 Share Posted January 30, 2010 The error say you are calling a function called timestamp() which does not exist. Are you sure that is line 6? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
teentorque Posted January 30, 2010 Author Share Posted January 30, 2010 Sorry! It was the sixth line from the top so I just assumed. . . . I searched for "timestamp" and this was what came up: function timestamp() { global $date, $pest, $pest2, $year; if ($date == "archive") {echo "Archive"; } else { echo "$pest $pest2, $year"; } On the page where it's supposed to happen, it's: <?php echo timestamp(); ?> Code is below, if it helps? <?php if (file_exists("swnews.php")) { include ('swnews.php'); } if (file_exists("alttags.php")) { include ('alttags.php'); } $fletch = date ("Ymd"); $dir = dir("strips"); $num = 0; $zam = $dir->read(); $zam = $dir->read(); $testarr = array(); $testarr2 = array(); $testarr3 = array(); while ($file[$num] = $dir->read()) { $blext = substr($file[$num], 9, 3); $blmonth = substr($file[$num], 0, 6); $bodytag1 = str_replace ("$prefix", "", "$file[$num]"); $bodytag = str_replace ("$blext", "", "$bodytag1"); $bodytagx = str_replace (".", "", "$bodytag"); if (!isset($testarr[$bodytagx])) $testarr[$bodytagx] = $blext; if (!isset($testarr2[$num])) $testarr2[$num] = $bodytagx; if (!isset($testarr3[$bodytagx])) $testarr3[$bodytagx] = $bodytagx; $num++; } $dir->close(); sort($file); sort($testarr2); sort($testarr3); $bodytagg1 = str_replace ("$prefix", "", "$file[$num]"); $bodytagg = str_replace ("$blext", "", "$bodytagg1"); $garr1 = str_replace ("gif", "", "$bodytagg"); $garr2 = str_replace ("png", "", "$garr1"); $garr3 = str_replace ("jpg", "", "$garr2"); $bodytaggx = str_replace (".", "", "$garr3"); if ($date == "") { $date = $bodytaggx; } $year = substr($date, 0, 4); $month = substr($date, 4, 2); $day = substr($date, 6, 2); $yearmonth = substr($date, 0, 6); $bodytag1l = str_replace ("$prefix", "", "$file[1]"); $bodytagl = str_replace ("$blext", "", "$bodytag1l"); $bodytagxl = str_replace (".", "", "$bodytagl"); $stat = array_search ($date, $testarr2); $blextarr = array("gif"=>'gif', "jpg"=>'jpg', "png"=>'png'); $blext = substr($file[$stat], 9, 3); $ext = $blextarr[$blext]; $xy = $testarr2[$stat - 1]; $xz = $testarr2[$stat + 1]; $xf = $testarr2[0]; $xl = $testarr2[$num - 1]; $mot = substr($day, 0, 1); if ($mot == "0") { $pest2 = substr($day, 1, 1); } else { $pest2 = $day; } $monthname2 = array("01"=>'January', "02"=>'February', "03"=>'March', "04"=>'April', "05"=>'May', "06"=>'June', "07"=>'July', "08"=>'August', "09"=>'September', "10"=>'October', "11"=>'November', "12"=>'December'); $pest = $monthname2[$month]; if (file_exists("upload/$fletch.$ext")) { rename("upload/$fletch.$ext","strips/$fletch.$ext"); } elseif (file_exists("upload/$fletch.jpg")) { rename("upload/$fletch.jpg","strips/$fletch.jpg"); } elseif (file_exists("upload/$fletch.png")) { rename("upload/$fletch.png","strips/$fletch.png"); } elseif (file_exists("upload/$fletch.gif")) { rename("upload/$fletch.gif","strips/$fletch.gif"); } if (file_exists("upload/$fletch.php")) { rename("upload/$fletch.php","comments/$fletch.php"); } elseif (file_exists("upload/$fletch.txt")) { rename("upload/$fletch.txt","comments/$fletch.txt"); } $imgletter = "96"; $imgletterx = "96"; function contentx() { global $date, $ext, $fletch, $imgletter, $num, $file, $alttext; $imgletter++; if (file_exists("upload/" . $fletch . chr($imgletter) . ".gif")) { rename("upload/" . $fletch . chr($imgletter) . ".gif","stripsx/" . $fletch . chr($imgletter) . ".gif"); } elseif (file_exists("upload/" . $fletch . chr($imgletter) . ".png")) { rename("upload/" . $fletch . chr($imgletter) . ".png","stripsx/" . $fletch . chr($imgletter) . ".png"); } elseif (file_exists("upload/" . $fletch . chr($imgletter) . ".jpg")) { rename("upload/" . $fletch . chr($imgletter) . ".jpg","stripsx/" . $fletch . chr($imgletter) . ".jpg"); } if (file_exists("stripsx/" . $date . chr($imgletter) . ".gif")) { while ($imgletter <= 122) { $cxdate = "" . $date . chr($imgletter) . ""; echo "<img src=\"stripsx/" . $date . chr($imgletter) . ".gif\" alt=\"$alttext[$cxdate]\"><br>"; break; }} elseif (file_exists("stripsx/" . $date . chr($imgletter) . ".png")) { while ($imgletter <= 122) { $cxdate = "" . $date . chr($imgletter) . ""; echo "<img src=\"stripsx/" . $date . chr($imgletter) . ".png\" alt=\"$alttext[$cxdate]\"><br>"; break; }} elseif (file_exists("stripsx/" . $date . chr($imgletter) . ".jpg")) { while ($imgletter <= 122) { $cxdate = "" . $date . chr($imgletter) . ""; echo "<img src=\"stripsx/" . $date . chr($imgletter) . ".jpg\" alt=\"$alttext[$cxdate]\"><br>"; break; }}} function comment() { global $date, $fletch, $num, $file; if (file_exists("comments/$date.php")) { $commenturl = "comments/$date.php"; include ($commenturl); } elseif (file_exists("comments/$date.txt")) { $commenturl = "comments/$date.txt"; include ($commenturl); } } function commentx() { global $date, $fletch, $num, $imgletterx, $file; $imgletterx++; if (file_exists("upload/" . $fletch . chr($imgletterx) . ".php")) { rename("upload/" . $fletch . chr($imgletterx) . ".php","comments/" . $fletch . chr($imgletterx) . ".php"); } if (file_exists("upload/" . $fletch . chr($imgletterx) . ".txt")) { rename("upload/" . $fletch . chr($imgletterx) . ".txt","comments/" . $fletch . chr($imgletterx) . ".txt"); } if (file_exists("comments/" . $date . chr($imgletterx) . ".php")) { while ($imgletterx <= 122) { $commenturl = "comments/" . $date . chr($imgletterx) . ".php"; include ($commenturl); break; }} elseif (file_exists("comments/" . $date . chr($imgletterx) . ".txt")) { while ($imgletterx <= 122) { $commenturl = "comments/" . $date . chr($imgletterx) . ".txt"; include ($commenturl); break; }}} function content() { global $date, $prefix, $ext, $testarr, $stat, $num, $file, $bizzar, $bodytagxy, $bodytagxz, $testkey, $alttext, $altdefault; echo "<img src=\"strips/$prefix$date.$testarr[$date]\" alt=\""; if ($alttext[$date]) {echo $alttext[$date];} else {echo $altdefault; } echo "\"><br>"; } function archive() { global $date, $num, $file; if ($date == "archive") { static $x = 1; $staryear = 1990; $end_year = date("Y", time()); $count = 1; for ($i = $staryear; $i <= $end_year; $i++) { $yeardates[$count] = $i; $count++; } $monthname = array(1 => 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'); $monthdate = array(1 => '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12'); $monthnum = array(1 => '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12'); foreach ($file as $v) { $bodytag1 = str_replace ("$prefix", "", "$v"); $bodytag = str_replace ("$ext", "", "$bodytag1"); $year = substr($bodytag, 0, 4); $month = substr($bodytag, 4, 2); $day = substr($bodytag, 6, 2); $yearmonth = substr($bodytag, 0, 6); array_merge ($month, $monthname); } foreach ($yeardates as $yitti) { foreach ($file as $v) { $bodytag1 = str_replace ("$prefix", "", "$v"); $bodytag = str_replace ("$ext", "", "$bodytag1"); $year = substr($bodytag, 0, 4); $month = substr($bodytag, 4, 2); $day = substr($bodytag, 6, 2); $yearmonth = substr($bodytag, 0, 6); array_merge ($month, $monthname); if ($yitti == $year){ if ($yitti == $year){ $xyy++; echo "<table><tr><td><center><table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1 border=2 width=520><tr><td align=center valign=top><center>$yitti</center></td></tr></table>"; $jack = $year; echo "<table width=500><tr><td valign=top>"; } foreach ($monthnum as $jast) { foreach ($file as $v) { $bodytag1 = str_replace ("$prefix", "", "$v"); $bodytag = str_replace ("$ext", "", "$bodytag1"); $year = substr($bodytag, 0, 4); $month = substr($bodytag, 4, 2); $day = substr($bodytag, 6, 2); $yearmonth = substr($bodytag, 0, 6); array_merge ($month, $monthname); switch ($month){ default: echo "<table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1 border=2 width=170 height=150><tr><td align=center><table height=20><tr><td valign=top><center>$monthname[$jast]</center></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td valign=top><table height=130 valign=top><tr><td valign=top>"; break 2;}} foreach ($file as $v) { $bodytag1 = str_replace ("$prefix", "", "$v"); $bodytag = str_replace ("$ext", "", "$bodytag1"); $year = substr($bodytag, 0, 4); $month = substr($bodytag, 4, 2); $day = substr($bodytag, 6, 2); $yearmonth = substr($bodytag, 0, 6); array_merge ($month, $monthname); $jack2 = "$jack$monthdate[$jast]"; if ($bodytag = "") { print ""; }elseif ($yearmonth == $jack2) { print "<a href=\"?date=$year$month$day\">$day</a>\n"; $x++; }} echo "</td></tr></table></td></tr></td></table></td>"; if ($jast == 3 || $jast == 6 || $jast == 9 || $jast == 12) { echo "</tr><tr><td valign=top>"; } else { echo "<td valign=top>"; } } echo "</td></tr></table>"; break;}}} echo "</td></tr></table></center></td></tr></table>"; }} function navdrop() { global $date, $date; $dropdown = file("dropdown.txt"); $dropdownoption = file("dropdownurl.txt"); echo "<form NAME=\"SelectURL\"><select NAME=\"picker\">"; static $xnum = "0"; foreach ($dropdown as $t) { global $date, $date; $fleck = $dropdownoption[$xnum]; print '<OPTION VALUE="'; print '?date='; echo $dropdownoption[$xnum]; if ($fleck >= $date) { print '" SELECTED>'; } else { print '">'; } echo $t; print ''; $xnum++; }; echo "</select><input TYPE=\"BUTTON\" VALUE=\"Go\" onClick=\"GotoURL(this.form)\"><script LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\"><!-- function GotoURL(f) { top.location.href = f.picker.options[f.picker.selectedIndex].value; }<!--end--></script><br>";} function timestamp() { global $date, $pest, $pest2, $year; if ($date == "archive") {echo "Archive"; } else { echo "$pest $pest2, $year"; } } function first() { global $date, $xf; echo "?date=$xf"; } function last() { global $date, $xl; echo ""; } function previous() { global $date, $xy, $xf; if ($date >= $xy && $date > $xf) { echo "?date=$xy"; } } function forward() { global $date, $xz, $xl; if ($date <= $xz && $date < $xl) { echo "?date=$xz"; } else { echo ""; } } function firsttext() { global $date, $file, $bodytagxl, $stat, $xf; if ($date > $xf) { echo "<a href=\"?date=$xf\">"; echo "First"; echo "</a>"; } } function lasttext() { global $date, $xl; if ($date < $xl) { echo "<a href=\"\">"; echo "Current"; echo "</a>"; } } function previoustext() { global $date, $xy, $xf; if ($date >= $xy && $date > $xf) { echo "<a href=\"?date=$xy\">"; echo "Previous"; echo "</a>"; } } function forwardtext() { global $date, $xz, $xl; if ($date <= $xz && $date < $xl) { echo "<a href=\"?date=$xz\">"; echo "Next"; echo "</a>"; } } function firstbutton() { global $date, $xf; if ($date > $xf) { echo "<a href=\"?date=$xf\">"; echo "<img src=\"/navimg/first.jpg\" border=0 Alt=\"First\">"; echo "</a>"; } } function lastbutton() { global $date, $num, $xl; if ($date < $xl) { echo "<a href=\"./\">"; echo "<img src=\"/navimg/current.jpg\" border=0 Alt=\"Current\">"; echo "</a>"; } } function previousbutton() { global $date, $xf, $xy; if ($date >= $xy && $date > $xf) { echo "<a href=\"?date=$xy\">"; echo "<img src=\"/navimg/previous.jpg\" border=0 Alt=\"Previous\">"; echo "</a>"; } } function forwardbutton() { global $date, $xz, $xl; if ($date <= $xz && $date < $xl) { echo "<a href=\"?date=$xz\">"; echo "<img src=\"/navimg/next.jpg\" border=0 Alt=\"Next\">"; echo "</a>"; } } function poweredby() { $ver = "7.0"; echo "Powered by <a href=\"http://downloads.atp.cx/\" STYLE=\"text-decoration: none\">ATP AutoSite $ver</a> © 2002 <a href=\"http://atp.cx/\" STYLE=\"text-decoration: none\">ATP Productions</a></font><br>"; } function currentmonth() { global $date, $num, $testarr2, $month, $yearmonth, $file; $monthname = array("01" => 'January', "02" => 'February', "03" => 'March', "04" => 'April', "05" => 'May', "06" => 'June', "07" => 'July', "08" => 'August', "09" => 'September', "10" => 'October', "11" => 'November', "12" => 'December'); $monthdate = array(1 => '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12'); $monthnum = array(1 => '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12'); switch ($monthx){ default: echo "<table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1 border=2 width=170 height=150><tr><td align=center><table height=20><tr><td valign=top><center>$monthname[$month]</center></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td valign=top><table height=130 valign=top><tr><td valign=top>"; break;} foreach ($file as $v) { $bodytag1 = str_replace ("$prefix", "", "$v"); $bodytag = str_replace ("$ext", "", "$bodytag1"); $yearx = substr($bodytag, 0, 4); $monthx = substr($bodytag, 4, 2); $dayx = substr($bodytag, 6, 2); $yearmonthx = substr($bodytag, 0, 6); array_merge ($month, $monthname); if ($yearmonth == $yearmonthx) {print "<a href=\"?date=$yearx$monthx$dayx\">$dayx</a>\n"; }} echo "</td></tr></table></td></tr></td></table>"; } function news() { global $date, $xl; if (!$date || $date == $xl) { include ('news.php'); } } ?> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
B0b Posted January 30, 2010 Share Posted January 30, 2010 Assuming both are in separated files, you got to load up the script containing the function: <?php include 'filename'; echo timestamp(); Watchout, it will execute the full script then call the function. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hamza Posted January 30, 2010 Share Posted January 30, 2010 Hello, I'm getting the following error message: Fatal error: Call to undefined function timestamp() in xxxxxxxxxx on line 6 When I look at line 6, it's: $fletch = date ("Ymd"); There's no MySQL involved in this code, it's just PHP. For some reason it won't recognize today (current)'s date, but it recognizes anything backdated. make something like that $fletch = date ("Ymd",time()); or if u r fetching from database then fetching field be something lke that $db_firld = strtotime('your db field'); $fletch = date ("Ymd",$db_firld); Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
teentorque Posted January 31, 2010 Author Share Posted January 31, 2010 Hi, Thanks for looking at this. I tried the "$fletch = date ("Ymd",time());" suggestion, but it's still not working. Is there anything I'm supposed to add to the "time" part other than that? That code above, named ATP-autosite.php, gets loaded into my main site with the below code: <?php include 'ATP-autosite.php'; ?><html> <head><title> EDITED OUT</title></head> <body> EDITED <p align=right><b><?php echo timestamp(); ?></b></p> <center> <?php echo content(); ?> <br><br> <?php echo firstbutton(); ?> <?php echo previousbutton(); ?> <?php echo forwardbutton(); ?> <?php echo lastbutton(); ?></center> EDITED </body></html> The fatal error message is the same, but I managed to figure out that the line it's referring to is the one that has "<?php echo timestamp(); ?>" in it. Am I just writing it wrong? Should there be a paragraph break in it or something? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trq Posted January 31, 2010 Share Posted January 31, 2010 Obviously the timestamp() function is not being included. Try using require instead of include (to see if it generates an error) and make sure error reporting is on. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
teentorque Posted January 31, 2010 Author Share Posted January 31, 2010 Hi, I changed it to require, and used the full URL so I could see any errors (for some reason if I use localized links eg. autosite.php instead of http://url/autosite.php, the error message won't show up). Still getting the "Fatal error: Call to undefined function timestamp()" message for the line with php echo timestamp. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trq Posted January 31, 2010 Share Posted January 31, 2010 You cannot include a file via a url and have its variables, functions or classes enter the current scope. All you get is the output of the file. Put this at the top of your scipt. <?php error_reporting(E_ALL) ; ini_set('display_errors', '1'); ?> what errors do you get? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
teentorque Posted January 31, 2010 Author Share Posted January 31, 2010 Oh, okay. I'm getting these: Notice: Undefined variable: prefix in /home/tentativ/public_html/bp/ATP-autosite.php on line 30 Notice: Undefined variable: prefix in /home/tentativ/public_html/bp/ATP-autosite.php on line 30 Notice: Undefined variable: prefix in /home/tentativ/public_html/bp/ATP-autosite.php on line 30 Notice: Undefined variable: prefix in /home/tentativ/public_html/bp/ATP-autosite.php on line 30 Notice: Undefined variable: prefix in /home/tentativ/public_html/bp/ATP-autosite.php on line 30 Notice: Undefined variable: prefix in /home/tentativ/public_html/bp/ATP-autosite.php on line 30 Notice: Undefined variable: prefix in /home/tentativ/public_html/bp/ATP-autosite.php on line 30 Notice: Undefined variable: prefix in /home/tentativ/public_html/bp/ATP-autosite.php on line 42 Notice: Undefined variable: date in /home/tentativ/public_html/bp/ATP-autosite.php on line 48 Notice: Undefined variable: prefix in /home/tentativ/public_html/bp/ATP-autosite.php on line 54 Notice: Undefined offset: 7 in /home/tentativ/public_html/bp/ATP-autosite.php on line 62 This is the ATP-autosite code: <?php /************************************************************************* * ATP AutoSite * ATP-autosite.php * * version : 7.0 * begin : Friday, April 5, 2002 * copyright : (C) 2002 ATP Productions * email : atp@atp.cx **************************************************************************/ //WARNING!!! Changing the contents of this file in any way whatsoever could break the script entirely! //Only touch if you know what you are doing with php! if (file_exists("swnews.php")) { include ('swnews.php'); } if (file_exists("alttags.php")) { include ('alttags.php'); } $fletch = date ("Ymd",time()); $dir = dir("strips"); $num = 0; $zam = $dir->read(); $zam = $dir->read(); $testarr = array(); $testarr2 = array(); $testarr3 = array(); while ($file[$num] = $dir->read()) { $blext = substr($file[$num], 9, 3); $blmonth = substr($file[$num], 0, 6); $bodytag1 = str_replace ("$prefix", "", "$file[$num]"); $bodytag = str_replace ("$blext", "", "$bodytag1"); $bodytagx = str_replace (".", "", "$bodytag"); if (!isset($testarr[$bodytagx])) $testarr[$bodytagx] = $blext; if (!isset($testarr2[$num])) $testarr2[$num] = $bodytagx; if (!isset($testarr3[$bodytagx])) $testarr3[$bodytagx] = $bodytagx; $num++; } $dir->close(); sort($file); sort($testarr2); sort($testarr3); $bodytagg1 = str_replace ("$prefix", "", "$file[$num]"); $bodytagg = str_replace ("$blext", "", "$bodytagg1"); $garr1 = str_replace ("gif", "", "$bodytagg"); $garr2 = str_replace ("png", "", "$garr1"); $garr3 = str_replace ("jpg", "", "$garr2"); $bodytaggx = str_replace (".", "", "$garr3"); if ($date == "") { $date = $bodytaggx; } $year = substr($date, 0, 4); $month = substr($date, 4, 2); $day = substr($date, 6, 2); $yearmonth = substr($date, 0, 6); $bodytag1l = str_replace ("$prefix", "", "$file[1]"); $bodytagl = str_replace ("$blext", "", "$bodytag1l"); $bodytagxl = str_replace (".", "", "$bodytagl"); $stat = array_search ($date, $testarr2); $blextarr = array("gif"=>'gif', "jpg"=>'jpg', "png"=>'png'); $blext = substr($file[$stat], 9, 3); $ext = $blextarr[$blext]; $xy = $testarr2[$stat - 1]; $xz = $testarr2[$stat + 1]; $xf = $testarr2[0]; $xl = $testarr2[$num - 1]; $mot = substr($day, 0, 1); if ($mot == "0") { $pest2 = substr($day, 1, 1); } else { $pest2 = $day; } $monthname2 = array("01"=>'January', "02"=>'February', "03"=>'March', "04"=>'April', "05"=>'May', "06"=>'June', "07"=>'July', "08"=>'August', "09"=>'September', "10"=>'October', "11"=>'November', "12"=>'December'); $pest = $monthname2[$month]; if (file_exists("upload/$fletch.$ext")) { rename("upload/$fletch.$ext","strips/$fletch.$ext"); } elseif (file_exists("upload/$fletch.jpg")) { rename("upload/$fletch.jpg","strips/$fletch.jpg"); } elseif (file_exists("upload/$fletch.png")) { rename("upload/$fletch.png","strips/$fletch.png"); } elseif (file_exists("upload/$fletch.gif")) { rename("upload/$fletch.gif","strips/$fletch.gif"); } if (file_exists("upload/$fletch.php")) { rename("upload/$fletch.php","comments/$fletch.php"); } elseif (file_exists("upload/$fletch.txt")) { rename("upload/$fletch.txt","comments/$fletch.txt"); } $imgletter = "96"; $imgletterx = "96"; function contentx() { global $date, $ext, $fletch, $imgletter, $num, $file, $alttext; $imgletter++; if (file_exists("upload/" . $fletch . chr($imgletter) . ".gif")) { rename("upload/" . $fletch . chr($imgletter) . ".gif","stripsx/" . $fletch . chr($imgletter) . ".gif"); } elseif (file_exists("upload/" . $fletch . chr($imgletter) . ".png")) { rename("upload/" . $fletch . chr($imgletter) . ".png","stripsx/" . $fletch . chr($imgletter) . ".png"); } elseif (file_exists("upload/" . $fletch . chr($imgletter) . ".jpg")) { rename("upload/" . $fletch . chr($imgletter) . ".jpg","stripsx/" . $fletch . chr($imgletter) . ".jpg"); } if (file_exists("stripsx/" . $date . chr($imgletter) . ".gif")) { while ($imgletter <= 122) { $cxdate = "" . $date . chr($imgletter) . ""; echo "<img src=\"stripsx/" . $date . chr($imgletter) . ".gif\" alt=\"$alttext[$cxdate]\"><br>"; break; }} elseif (file_exists("stripsx/" . $date . chr($imgletter) . ".png")) { while ($imgletter <= 122) { $cxdate = "" . $date . chr($imgletter) . ""; echo "<img src=\"stripsx/" . $date . chr($imgletter) . ".png\" alt=\"$alttext[$cxdate]\"><br>"; break; }} elseif (file_exists("stripsx/" . $date . chr($imgletter) . ".jpg")) { while ($imgletter <= 122) { $cxdate = "" . $date . chr($imgletter) . ""; echo "<img src=\"stripsx/" . $date . chr($imgletter) . ".jpg\" alt=\"$alttext[$cxdate]\"><br>"; break; }}} function comment() { global $date, $fletch, $num, $file; if (file_exists("comments/$date.php")) { $commenturl = "comments/$date.php"; include ($commenturl); } elseif (file_exists("comments/$date.txt")) { $commenturl = "comments/$date.txt"; include ($commenturl); } } function commentx() { global $date, $fletch, $num, $imgletterx, $file; $imgletterx++; if (file_exists("upload/" . $fletch . chr($imgletterx) . ".php")) { rename("upload/" . $fletch . chr($imgletterx) . ".php","comments/" . $fletch . chr($imgletterx) . ".php"); } if (file_exists("upload/" . $fletch . chr($imgletterx) . ".txt")) { rename("upload/" . $fletch . chr($imgletterx) . ".txt","comments/" . $fletch . chr($imgletterx) . ".txt"); } if (file_exists("comments/" . $date . chr($imgletterx) . ".php")) { while ($imgletterx <= 122) { $commenturl = "comments/" . $date . chr($imgletterx) . ".php"; include ($commenturl); break; }} elseif (file_exists("comments/" . $date . chr($imgletterx) . ".txt")) { while ($imgletterx <= 122) { $commenturl = "comments/" . $date . chr($imgletterx) . ".txt"; include ($commenturl); break; }}} function content() { global $date, $prefix, $ext, $testarr, $stat, $num, $file, $bizzar, $bodytagxy, $bodytagxz, $testkey, $alttext, $altdefault; echo "<img src=\"strips/$prefix$date.$testarr[$date]\" alt=\""; if ($alttext[$date]) {echo $alttext[$date];} else {echo $altdefault; } echo "\"><br>"; } function archive() { global $date, $num, $file; if ($date == "archive") { static $x = 1; $staryear = 1990; $end_year = date("Y", time()); $count = 1; for ($i = $staryear; $i <= $end_year; $i++) { $yeardates[$count] = $i; $count++; } $monthname = array(1 => 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'); $monthdate = array(1 => '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12'); $monthnum = array(1 => '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12'); foreach ($file as $v) { $bodytag1 = str_replace ("$prefix", "", "$v"); $bodytag = str_replace ("$ext", "", "$bodytag1"); $year = substr($bodytag, 0, 4); $month = substr($bodytag, 4, 2); $day = substr($bodytag, 6, 2); $yearmonth = substr($bodytag, 0, 6); array_merge ($month, $monthname); } foreach ($yeardates as $yitti) { foreach ($file as $v) { $bodytag1 = str_replace ("$prefix", "", "$v"); $bodytag = str_replace ("$ext", "", "$bodytag1"); $year = substr($bodytag, 0, 4); $month = substr($bodytag, 4, 2); $day = substr($bodytag, 6, 2); $yearmonth = substr($bodytag, 0, 6); array_merge ($month, $monthname); if ($yitti == $year){ if ($yitti == $year){ $xyy++; echo "<table><tr><td><center><table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1 border=2 width=520><tr><td align=center valign=top><center>$yitti</center></td></tr></table>"; $jack = $year; echo "<table width=500><tr><td valign=top>"; } foreach ($monthnum as $jast) { foreach ($file as $v) { $bodytag1 = str_replace ("$prefix", "", "$v"); $bodytag = str_replace ("$ext", "", "$bodytag1"); $year = substr($bodytag, 0, 4); $month = substr($bodytag, 4, 2); $day = substr($bodytag, 6, 2); $yearmonth = substr($bodytag, 0, 6); array_merge ($month, $monthname); switch ($month){ default: echo "<table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1 border=2 width=170 height=150><tr><td align=center><table height=20><tr><td valign=top><center>$monthname[$jast]</center></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td valign=top><table height=130 valign=top><tr><td valign=top>"; break 2;}} foreach ($file as $v) { $bodytag1 = str_replace ("$prefix", "", "$v"); $bodytag = str_replace ("$ext", "", "$bodytag1"); $year = substr($bodytag, 0, 4); $month = substr($bodytag, 4, 2); $day = substr($bodytag, 6, 2); $yearmonth = substr($bodytag, 0, 6); array_merge ($month, $monthname); $jack2 = "$jack$monthdate[$jast]"; if ($bodytag = "") { print ""; }elseif ($yearmonth == $jack2) { print "<a href=\"?date=$year$month$day\">$day</a>\n"; $x++; }} echo "</td></tr></table></td></tr></td></table></td>"; if ($jast == 3 || $jast == 6 || $jast == 9 || $jast == 12) { echo "</tr><tr><td valign=top>"; } else { echo "<td valign=top>"; } } echo "</td></tr></table>"; break;}}} echo "</td></tr></table></center></td></tr></table>"; }} function navdrop() { global $date, $date; $dropdown = file("dropdown.txt"); $dropdownoption = file("dropdownurl.txt"); echo "<form NAME=\"SelectURL\"><select NAME=\"picker\">"; static $xnum = "0"; foreach ($dropdown as $t) { global $date, $date; $fleck = $dropdownoption[$xnum]; print '<OPTION VALUE="'; print '?date='; echo $dropdownoption[$xnum]; if ($fleck >= $date) { print '" SELECTED>'; } else { print '">'; } echo $t; print ''; $xnum++; }; echo "</select><input TYPE=\"BUTTON\" VALUE=\"Go\" onClick=\"GotoURL(this.form)\"><script LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\"><!-- function GotoURL(f) { top.location.href = f.picker.options[f.picker.selectedIndex].value; }<!--end--></script><br>";} function timestamp() { global $date, $pest, $pest2, $year; if ($date == "archive") {echo "Archive"; } else { echo "$pest $pest2, $year"; } } function first() { global $date, $xf; echo "?date=$xf"; } function last() { global $date, $xl; echo ""; } function previous() { global $date, $xy, $xf; if ($date >= $xy && $date > $xf) { echo "?date=$xy"; } } function forward() { global $date, $xz, $xl; if ($date <= $xz && $date < $xl) { echo "?date=$xz"; } else { echo ""; } } function firsttext() { global $date, $file, $bodytagxl, $stat, $xf; if ($date > $xf) { echo "<a href=\"?date=$xf\">"; echo "First"; echo "</a>"; } } function lasttext() { global $date, $xl; if ($date < $xl) { echo "<a href=\"\">"; echo "Current"; echo "</a>"; } } function previoustext() { global $date, $xy, $xf; if ($date >= $xy && $date > $xf) { echo "<a href=\"?date=$xy\">"; echo "Previous"; echo "</a>"; } } function forwardtext() { global $date, $xz, $xl; if ($date <= $xz && $date < $xl) { echo "<a href=\"?date=$xz\">"; echo "Next"; echo "</a>"; } } function firstbutton() { global $date, $xf; if ($date > $xf) { echo "<a href=\"?date=$xf\">"; echo "<img src=\"navimg/first.jpg\" border=0 Alt=\"First\">"; echo "</a>"; } } function lastbutton() { global $date, $num, $xl; if ($date < $xl) { echo "<a href=\"./\">"; echo "<img src=\"navimg/current.jpg\" border=0 Alt=\"Current\">"; echo "</a>"; } } function previousbutton() { global $date, $xf, $xy; if ($date >= $xy && $date > $xf) { echo "<a href=\"?date=$xy\">"; echo "<img src=\"navimg/previous.jpg\" border=0 Alt=\"Previous\">"; echo "</a>"; } } function forwardbutton() { global $date, $xz, $xl; if ($date <= $xz && $date < $xl) { echo "<a href=\"?date=$xz\">"; echo "<img src=\"navimg/next.jpg\" border=0 Alt=\"Next\">"; echo "</a>"; } } function poweredby() { $ver = "7.0"; echo "Powered by <a href=\"http://downloads.atp.cx/\" STYLE=\"text-decoration: none\">ATP AutoSite $ver</a> © 2002 <a href=\"http://atp.cx/\" STYLE=\"text-decoration: none\">ATP Productions</a></font><br>"; } function currentmonth() { global $date, $num, $testarr2, $month, $yearmonth, $file; $monthname = array("01" => 'January', "02" => 'February', "03" => 'March', "04" => 'April', "05" => 'May', "06" => 'June', "07" => 'July', "08" => 'August', "09" => 'September', "10" => 'October', "11" => 'November', "12" => 'December'); $monthdate = array(1 => '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12'); $monthnum = array(1 => '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10', '11', '12'); switch ($monthx){ default: echo "<table cellspacing=1 cellpadding=1 border=2 width=170 height=150><tr><td align=center><table height=20><tr><td valign=top><center>$monthname[$month]</center></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td valign=top><table height=130 valign=top><tr><td valign=top>"; break;} foreach ($file as $v) { $bodytag1 = str_replace ("$prefix", "", "$v"); $bodytag = str_replace ("$ext", "", "$bodytag1"); $yearx = substr($bodytag, 0, 4); $monthx = substr($bodytag, 4, 2); $dayx = substr($bodytag, 6, 2); $yearmonthx = substr($bodytag, 0, 6); array_merge ($month, $monthname); if ($yearmonth == $yearmonthx) {print "<a href=\"?date=$yearx$monthx$dayx\">$dayx</a>\n"; }} echo "</td></tr></table></td></tr></td></table>"; } function news() { global $date, $xl; if (!$date || $date == $xl) { include ('news.php'); } } ?> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
trq Posted January 31, 2010 Share Posted January 31, 2010 The error is pretty self explanatory. $prefix isn't defined anywhere. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
teentorque Posted February 1, 2010 Author Share Posted February 1, 2010 Slapping my forehead right now. Thanks so much!! Please bear with me. . . . Okay, I put "$prefix = "";" at the top of the code, and that's taken out the repeated error notices. Now I'm seeing this: Notice: Undefined variable: date in /home/tentativ/public_html/bp/ATP-autosite.php on line 49 Notice: Undefined offset: 7 in /home/tentativ/public_html/bp/ATP-autosite.php on line 63 So line 49 is: if ($date == "") { So that means I haven't defined what the $date variable is, correct? I put this in the code: $date = date ("Ymd"); So now I'm getting: Notice: Undefined offset: 0 in /home/tentativ/public_html/bp/ATP-autosite.php on line 62 Notice: Undefined offset: -1 in /home/tentativ/public_html/bp/ATP-autosite.php on line 63 And then later on, where the image (YYYYMMDD.jpg) is supposed to appear, it reads: Notice: Undefined index: 20100131 in /home/tentativ/public_html/bp/ATP-autosite.php on line 146 Is undefined offset/index similar to undefined variable? I'm looking at those lines and they seem to have been mentioned before. . . . Sorry about this. I really appreciate the time you're taking to look at it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
teentorque Posted February 1, 2010 Author Share Posted February 1, 2010 Okay, I went back and removed the "$date = date ("Ymd");" line because it broke the rest of the site. Apparently that was not the thing to do. . . . So that means it's just: Notice: Undefined variable: date in /home/tentativ/public_html/bp/ATP-autosite.php on line 49 Notice: Undefined offset: 7 in /home/tentativ/public_html/bp/ATP-autosite.php on line 63 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
aebstract Posted February 1, 2010 Share Posted February 1, 2010 I'm pretty sure the offset error means you're trying to grab an array value that is undefined. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
teentorque Posted February 3, 2010 Author Share Posted February 3, 2010 Okay. Thanks for looking at it and helping me figure stuff out. Lots of thanks especially to you, Thorpe! I really appreciate it!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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