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Algorithm to order my records


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I'm writing a script where I need to order my results based on two things: the number of hits they receive, and the date the record was created.


Ideally, I want the most popular records at the top (or do I, I'm not sure of this yet!) but I also need newly created records to have a chance of receiving hits (ie. if they are new and don't have any hits, I don't want them to be at the bottom from the get-go and not have a chance of being seen.)


My hits are recorded in a separate table and the 'date created' field is in the main table.


Does anyone have any idea as to how I can organise these records to that the new ones get a fair chance of getting clicked. I also want to avoid the situation where the most popular ones remain at the top and don't allow the others a chance to get clicked. I don't want these records to spiral out of control with regards to hits.


I'm relatively new to PHP and I don't really have a clue where to start with this.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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if you have your hits in a table called hits, and your main table is called main and your hits table has a field called main_id then you can do this


select * from main,hits where hits.main_id=main.id order by hits.hitcounter desc,main date_created desc


Hope that helps

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Well, this really isn't a PHP or even MySQL question. Moving topic.


But, on the face of it, one solution would be to sort by the hits per day: TOTAL_HITS/DAYS_OLD. So, if you have a link that is one day old and it has 1 hit, it will be sorted above a link with 300 hits that was a year old. Trying to develope the "right" method of displaying the most relevant results is more of an art form than a skill.


Personally, I would do something like hits per day AND also reserve some room at the top for 3-5 random NEW links - last day or two. Otherwise, new links will still not make the list as they will always start with 0.

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You will need to calculate the days between the date_created and today and then divide the hits by that number. BUT - you have to be careful of not doing a division by zero.


I'm too lazy to try all o this out, but here is a quick run down of what I was able to google for in 30 seconds. Although, I have no idea why you would store the URL creation record and the hits in two separate tables.


This is what I would try:

SELECT links_table.URL, hits_table.hits as hits,
       DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), links_table.date_created) AS days,
       IF(days<1, hits/days, 0) as hits_per_day
FROM links_table
JOIN hits_table ON links_table.URL = hits_table.URL


Although, I'm not 100% sure you can use a calculated value (i.e. days) in a subsequent equation. If not, then you would have to write out the entire formula:


SELECT links_table.URL, hits_table.hits as hits,
       IF(DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), links_table.date_created)<1,
          hits/DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), links_table.date_created),
          0) as hits_per_day
FROM links_table
JOIN hits_table ON links_table.URL = hits_table.URL


Again, none of this is tested.



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