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Execute php file


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I am running Debian 5.0 with latest updates, but I seem to be having problems when exciting a php script via Debian's CLI.


It seems that Debian Lenny changed #!/usr/bin/php -q; as in the /usr/bin/php directory no longer exists.  What is the proper way to add the hashbang to the top of the php script in debian?


I have php5 as well as php5-cli installed.


Thanks in advance!


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PHP is in the same location it always was in Debian. /usr/bin/php and its a file, not a directory.


If /usr/bin/php does not exist then php 's cli is not installed. At least not via apt anyway.


The proper way however to add a shebang is to use the env command.


#!/usr/bin/env php


This should make your script compatible across distributions.

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Ok I added that to the top of my php file and then added <?php right below, but it seems that the script still isn't executing properly (the script doesn't fully execute, it just hangs and I have to press control+c to break out of it) when called from Debian's CLI.


What I am trying to do is to pipe an incoming email to the php file.  Am I going about this wrong?  Here is what command I am using to forward the email: |/var/www/mail/forward.php


Thank you for the reply thorpe :)


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Right now I have it running wide open lol -rwxrwxrwx


This is my first time trying to pipe something to an email.  Is this command even correct for piping the mail? |/var/www/mail/forward.php?  Some sites show I need to point it to that php directory that I don't seem to have....


Thanks for helping,


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Postfix.  Here is a guide that I referenced when setting up my email (I know it is outdated, just used it as a reference): http://workaround.org/ispmail/etch


I can send and receive email fine via telnet as well as outlook or squirrelmail.


Here is what is in my php file that I am using for testing:

#!/usr/bin/env php
// start output buffering

// get your email from stdin
$email = file_get_contents('php://stdin');

// do stuff

// log your email to logfile
$fp = fopen('log.txt', 'r');
if ($fp) {
fwrite($fp, $email, strlen($email));

// or send you a copy
mail('myemail@********.com', 'email received', $email, 'from: mailman@********..com');

// clean the output

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Update: Here is a log from the mail.log file.  Looks like I have done something wrong bigtime...


Feb 10 20:20:14 ******** postfix/pipe[30361]: 63941EC086: to=<|/var/www/mail/forward.php@********.com>, orig_to=<test@********.com>, relay=dovecot, delay=0.05, delays=0.01/0.03/0/0.01, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (delivered via dovecot service)

Feb 10 20:20:14 ******** postfix/qmgr[30344]: 63941EC086: removed

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