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Really need help with sql join and displaying data


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Hi guys,


Firstly i have 3 tables:



3.school_course (linker table)


What i want to do is make a page which lists all courses with its school name above it.


I have done the sql statment to the best of my ability but to be honest i need someone to help me.


Heres my sql statement, it doesnt error out, but it doesnt seem to echo anything out, any ideas?


			$query = "select school_course.school_id, school_course.course_id, course.course_id, course.name, course.level, course.price, course.duration, course.info, school.school_id, school.name, school.street, school.town, school.city, school.county, school.region, school.postcode, school.country, school.school_facts, school.general_info, school.school_facilities
			FROM school_course
			LEFT JOIN course
			ON school_course.course_id = course.course_id
			LEFT JOIN school
			ON school_course.school_id = school.school_id";

			//Use this query below 		  
			$result = mysql_query($query, $conn)
				or die ("Unable to perform query");	

			while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
				echo $row["school.name"];



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Why are you selecting all that info, only select what you need, also; when the query is fetched into an array, the keys will not be included in the array indexes, since you have multiple fields with the 'name' alias being fetched in the query, I am not sure which will be returned from the school table and how mysql will handle the array indexes sent to PHP, please run this and paste back the results.


            $query = "select school_course.school_id, school_course.course_id, course.course_id, course.name, course.level, course.price, course.duration, course.info, school.school_id, school.name, school.street, school.town, school.city, school.county, school.region, school.postcode, school.country, school.school_facts, school.general_info, school.school_facilities
            FROM school_course
            LEFT JOIN course
            ON school_course.course_id = course.course_id
            LEFT JOIN school
            ON school_course.school_id = school.school_id";
            //Use this query below         
            $result = mysql_query($query, $conn)
               or die ("Unable to perform query");   
            while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))
                 echo '<pre>' . print_r($row, true) . '\r\n\r\n</pre>';
               //echo $row["school.name"];

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Please change it to this and let me know when you've done it so I can take another look at the output.


            $query = "SELECT course.course_id, (course.name AS course_name), course.level, course.price, course.duration, course.info, school.school_id, (school.name AS school_name), school.street, school.town, school.city, school.county, school.region, school.postcode, school.country, school.school_facts, school.general_info, school.school_facilities
            FROM school_course
            JOIN course
            ON school_course.course_id = course.course_id
            JOIN school
            ON school_course.school_id = school.school_id";
            //Use this query below         
            $result = mysql_query($query, $conn)
               or die ("Unable to perform query");   
            while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))
                 echo '<pre>' . print_r($row, true) . '</pre>';
               //echo $row["school.name"];


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            $query = "SELECT course.course_id, course.name AS course_name, course.level, course.price, course.duration, course.info, school.school_id, school.name AS school_name, school.street, school.town, school.city, school.county, school.region, school.postcode, school.country, school.school_facts, school.general_info, school.school_facilities
            FROM school_course
            JOIN course
            ON school_course.course_id = course.course_id
            JOIN school
            ON school_course.school_id = school.school_id";
            //Use this query below         
            $result = mysql_query($query, $conn)
               or die ("Unable to perform query: " . mysql_error());   
            while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))
                 echo '<pre>' . print_r($row, true) . '</pre>';
               //echo $row["school.name"];


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Looks like nothing is being returned, have you checked your mysql database to ensure that there are matching id's for the criteria in the linker, course and school tables.




I canged the LEFT JOIN to JOIN as the arrays were not being populated correctly, this indicates that the JOIN criteria was not being matched and data was being pulled from the course table alone (Due to LEFT JOIN)

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P.S You may wat to add something to let a user no when no results are matched -

            $query = "SELECT course.course_id, course.name AS course_name, course.level, course.price, course.duration, course.info, school.school_id, school.name AS school_name, school.street, school.town, school.city, school.county, school.region, school.postcode, school.country, school.school_facts, school.general_info, school.school_facilities
            FROM school_course
            JOIN course
            ON school_course.course_id = course.course_id
            JOIN school
            ON school_course.school_id = school.school_id";
            //Use this query below         
            $result = mysql_query($query, $conn)
               or trigger_error("Unable to perform query: " . mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);

            $n = mysql_num_rows($result);

               if ($n == 0)
                  echo 'Sorry, no results matched your search criteria!<br /><br />';
               } else {

                  echo number_format($n) . ' matches returned: <br /><br />';
                  while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))
                       echo '<pre>' . print_r($row, true) . '</pre>';
                     //echo $row['school_name'];

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Hi, one thing i was gonna ask is

how do i just litterally print out a school name, and then display the courses based on that school.

so the school name is mentioned once, then underneath it shows all the courses.


Also how do i get rid of it saying array


    [course_id] => 46
    [course_name] => royal course
    [level] => begginer
    [price] => 10
    [duration] => 14
    [info] => shit
    [school_id] => 11
    [school_name] => SCHOOL 1
    [street] => 
    [town] => 
    [city] => 
    [county] => 
    [region] => 
    [postcode] => 
    [country] => 
    [school_facts] => 
    [general_info] => 
    [school_facilities] => 


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            $query = "SELECT course.course_id, course.name AS course_name, course.level, course.price, course.duration, course.info, school.school_id, school.name AS school_name, school.street, school.town, school.city, school.county, school.region, school.postcode, school.country, school.school_facts, school.general_info, school.school_facilities
            FROM school_course
            JOIN course
            ON school_course.course_id = course.course_id
            JOIN school
            ON school_course.school_id = school.school_id";
            //Use this query below         
            $result = mysql_query($query, $conn)
               or trigger_error("Unable to perform query: " . mysql_error(), E_USER_ERROR);

            $n = mysql_num_rows($result);

               if ($n == 0)
                  echo 'Sorry, no results matched your search criteria!<br /><br />';
               } else {

                  while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))
                     if (!isset($done))
                        echo '<h2>' . $row['school_name'] . '</h2>' . "\r\n";
                        echo '<p>School Details</p> <br />';
                        $done = true;

                     //echo $row['rest_of_course_info'];


                     //echo $row['rest_of_course_info'];


With stuff like


                     echo 'Price: £' . number_format($row['price'], 2) . '<br />'."\r\n";
                     echo 'Difficulty: ' . $row['level'] . '<br />'."\r\n";

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Hi, i have managed to do it, Can you tell me if the way i have done it, would be correct, or is there a better way?


$query = "SELECT course.course_id, course.name AS course_name, course.level, course.price, course.duration, course.info, school.school_id, school.name AS school_name, school.street, school.town, school.city, school.county, school.region, school.postcode, school.country, school.school_facts, school.general_info, school.school_facilities
            FROM school_course
            JOIN course
            ON school_course.course_id = course.course_id
            JOIN school
            ON school_course.school_id = school.school_id";
            //Use this query below         
            $result = mysql_query($query, $conn)
               or die ("Unable to perform query: " . mysql_error());   
		// Initialise temp variable 
		$previousschoolname = "";

            while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))
			// Get the school name 
			$schoolname = $row['school_name'];

			// If the previous school name is equal to the new name then do not print 
			// it out as we only want the same school name printed once
			if ( $schoolname == $previousschoolname )
				$previousschoolname = "";		
			// Else it is a new school so print it out
				echo 'School Name ' . $schoolname . '<br />'."\r\n";
                echo 'Price: £' . number_format($row['price'], 2) . '<br />'."\r\n";
                echo 'Difficulty: ' . $row['level'] . '<br /><br />'."\r\n";

			// Make temp variable equal the previous school so can be used in check
			$previousschoolname = $schoolname;

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Pretty much mate, just 1 bit of redundant code there:


$query = "SELECT course.course_id, course.name AS course_name, course.level, course.price, course.duration, course.info, school.school_id, school.name AS school_name, school.street, school.town, school.city, school.county, school.region, school.postcode, school.country, school.school_facts, school.general_info, school.school_facilities
            FROM school_course
            JOIN course
            ON school_course.course_id = course.course_id
            JOIN school
            ON school_course.school_id = school.school_id";
            //Use this query below         
            $result = mysql_query($query, $conn)
               or die ("Unable to perform query: " . mysql_error());   
         // Initialise temp variable 
         $previousschoolname = "";
            while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC))
            // Get the school name 
            $schoolname = $row['school_name'];
            // If the previous school name is equal to the new name then do not print 
            // it out as we only want the same school name printed once
            if ( $schoolname != $previousschoolname )
               echo '<h2>School Name: ' . $schoolname . '</h2><br />'."\r\n";
                echo '<br />' . "\r\n";
                echo 'Course name: ' . ucfirst($row['course_name']) . '<br />'."\r\n";
                echo 'Course description: ' . $row['info'] . '<br />'."\r\n";
                echo 'Price: £' . number_format($row['price'], 2) . '<br />'."\r\n";
                echo 'Duration: ' . $row['duration'] . ' weeks<br />'."\r\n";
                echo 'Difficulty: ' . ucfirst($row['level']) . '<br /><br />'."\r\n";
                echo '<hr />' . "\r\n";
            // Make temp variable equal the previous school so can be used in check
            $previousschoolname = $schoolname;


Should work ok.

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