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Increasing user's log-in time?


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So I made this basic user system where every guest can register, log in, change their details etc. But the problem is that if they stay on one page for too long (i.e reading a long article) and then click somewhere, they have to login again, which is quite annoying.


So could anyone tell me, how could I increase the log-in time of a user. I already tried increasing session expire time, but that didn't work. I googled alot but didn't find much there either, only a few tips and advices but those didn't work either.


Thanks in advance!

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I used sessions.



I did, at first it said I have no permissions. Then I removed the part where it made an extra folder for sessions, after that it didn't give an error but it didn't work either. My user logs out already after 10 minutes, shouldn't the default value should be like 24 minutes or something?

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No don't use client side cookies to auto-login a user many do something like:


$_COOKIE['username'] = $username;
$_COOKIE['password'] = $password;


And then one of your users logs in on a public computer and his data is readable by any competent hacker that uses that computer after him


Try any of the below options:




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I already tried those commands. Didn't work.


I think I'm still gonna stick with cookies, but I aint gonna set username and password inside the cookie, I'm just gonna put a md5-like hash to identify if the user's logged in or not.

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It also depends on your system settings, Is this a home brew server? Is it a hosting company (which)? Is it linux or windows based. What are your privilege settings for your hosting (if its home brew did you check your apache config make sure your session directory is set right, your time out for sessions on the server itself are set sometimes this can override your script commands..


Side note: for the hell of it.. try

<?php print_r($_SESSION); ?>

somewhere lower in your script (maybe the bottom of the page, and see if your sessions are being captured.

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It's not about my code, never has been.


I got it to work by the way, partially atleast.. I had to make a new session folder manually in ftp.

Now I set it to 5400 (1,5h) but it logs me out after 50 minutes. I'm happy with the 50 minutes already, but just curious, why won't it go all the way to 1,5h?


Here are some values I wrote into htaccess:


php_value session.gc_maxlifetime 5400
php_value session.cookie_lifetime 5400
php_value session.gc_divisor 1
php_value session.save_path /new_sessions/


Any ideas?

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