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Clearing a session variable


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Hi people I have a ajax send that sends an php $SESSION array to the server side does some stuff adds the records to the mysql database

This all works fine

My problem is that when the ajax php is done i want to clear the $_SESSION['batcharray'] with unset. So i thought i would send a repsonse back from ajax with the number 1 in it and if it is one clear the $_SESSION['barcharray'] So the user can start a new batch of records.. But it keeps clearing it not allowing me to add anymore records I am totally lost. I haven't posted code becuase i have no idear and i would be waisting your time any advice would be great im desperate

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just use $_SESSION['barcharray'] =


that should work and replace the original one.

ok im doing this

function addDatadbRecv(data)   


                        $_SESSION['batcharray'] = data;


But i get this is the responce tab


$_SESSION is not defined

$_SESSION['batcharray'] = data;

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Could you please post your code?

function addDatadb()	
					myarray = <?= json_encode($_SESSION['batcharray']) ?>;
					send( '/ajax/arrayclean.php', 'myarray=' + myarray, null , addDatadbRecv );

function addDatadbRecv(data)	
				$_SESSION['batcharray'] = data;

this is whats in ajax/arrayclean.php

$db = new Database();

$batcharry = $_REQUEST['myarray'];
$parts = array_map(create_function('$e', 'return implode("','", $e);'), array_chunk(explode(',', $batcharry), 13));
		foreach ($parts as $value)
				$comma_separated = implode("','", $value);					
				eval("\$comma_separated = \"$comma_separated\";");									
				$myquery = "INSERT INTO batch_import VALUES(null,'$comma_separated','0');";
				//echo $myquery . "<br />";
			if (isset($_REQUEST['myarray']))

				echo $_REQUEST['myarray'];


so when$_REQUEST['myarray'] is emptied im sending back to client side and want to replace whatsin $_SESSION['batcharray'] with whats in data.... nothing

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If this is Javascript (which it looks like)


function addDatadb()   
                  myarray = <?= json_encode($_SESSION['batcharray']) ?>;
                  send( '/ajax/arrayclean.php', 'myarray=' + myarray, null , addDatadbRecv );
   function addDatadbRecv(data)   
               $_SESSION['batcharray'] = data;


$_SESSION means nothing to it. You'll need to clear $_SESSION['batcharray'] on the server.

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