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Hi all


I have a table called `classes` which looks like




I also have a table called `staff` which looks like




in my URL string I am using




how can I write a QUERY to return a list of all `classes` which staff are attending.


In my example (staff[]=2&staff[]=1) it would return just




because in the URL string I am geting "staff ID 1" (staff[]=1) and "staff ID 2" (staff[]=2) which are Dave & Sarah which both attend the "French" class


but if for example I passed the URL string




it would return nothing, as there is no staff with ID number 5 (staff[]=5)


Any help would be brill





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Sure, I have changed my db fields a little, but the QUERY I use is


SELECT s.name FROM staff s JOIN classes c ON s.id = c.staff WHERE c.class IN (1,3,10) GROUP BY c.staff


basically I only want it to return a result if "c.class" equals all the values passed, so it must match ID 1,3,10.


At the moment it returns a result if any of ID (1,3,10) exist, I only want it to return a result if all the IDs exist


Can anyone help?


Thanks very much

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But even if I run


SELECT s.name FROM staff s JOIN classes c ON s.id = c.staff WHERE c.class IN (1,3,10) GROUP BY c.staff


it finds a result, where as it should not find anything, as id 3 and 10 don't exist under the "class" field in the "classes" table.


If the QUERY was


SELECT s.name FROM staff s JOIN classes c ON s.id = c.staff WHERE c.class IN (1,2) GROUP BY c.staff


then it should find something, as id 1 and 2 exist


does that kind of make any sense?


any help would be great





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Are you still trying to find classes that have two staff members in them? An example using your new table structure would help. And do you want only results that have exactly two staff members in a class or is it actually two or more in a class?


In general, here is what you would need to do to check if there are x (or more) rows in a group -


1) The GROUP BY should actually be on the class value column.

2) You need to do a count(*) to get the number of rows in each group.

3) Use a HAVING clause to only return results that have x (or more) rows in a group.


Edit: You would actually only use a WHERE clause if you want to pick a subset of either the classes or the staff to include in the check.

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Basically what I want to do is, if I pass




in my QUERY, I want it to only return `staff` values from the `classes` table where it matches every ID passed.


So with my table


`classes` (`id`, `class`, `staff`)
(3, 1, 1),
(4, 2, 1),
(5, 2, 2);


If I ran (1,2) in my QUERY, it would only return `staff` id 1 from the above table, because only `staff` id 1 has `class` values "1" and "2" in the above table.


If I ran just (2), then it would return, ID numbers 1 and 2, because both contain `class` values "2"


If I ran (1,2,10), then it would return nothing, as non of the staff ID's have a matching "1","2" and "10" IDs


I might not be explaining this very well


Does it make any sense?

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I've read this a few times and I am completely lost.


What you are trying to do is probably so simple but i don't get what you're saying


Try this and tell me what happens


SELECT s.name FROM staff s JOIN classes c ON s.id = c.staff WHERE c.staff IN (1,3,10) GROUP BY c.staff

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But even if I run


SELECT s.name FROM staff s JOIN classes c ON s.id = c.staff WHERE c.class IN (1,3,10) GROUP BY c.staff


it finds a result, where as it should not find anything, as id 3 and 10 don't exist under the "class" field in the "classes" table.


Bu the class id 1 does exist so it would return a result (only for that id)

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Actually, I think I understand.  You want to provided an arbitrary list of classes (2 or 1,2 or 1,3,10 ...) and you want the staff that have attended each of the classes in the supplied list?


The only generic way I know of and have used for doing this is by using the HAVING clause, but you must supply how many classes to match (i.e. if your list of classes contains two values, you need to supply the number 2 in the HAVING clause.) If you are willing to do that (or you could figure out how to get mysql to do this for you), the following should work -

$num = 2; // produce the number 'classes' for the HAVING clause. The IN() term is a list containing two items, $num is the value 2 

$query = "SELECT s.name, count(*) as cnt FROM staff s JOIN classes c ON s.id = c.staff WHERE c.class IN (1,2) GROUP BY c.staff HAVING cnt = $num";


Since php would be dynamically producing the list in the IN() term, it would be a simple matter to produce the correct $num value.


I have seen a more complex way of joining a table to itself, once for each item it the list (the example using IN(1,3,10) would consist of a table joined to itself three times) but this requires that you dynamically produce the whole query, rather than just dynamically producing the IN() list and a number for the HAVING clause.

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I'm sure i'm making sound harder than it is.


Let me try and explain a bit better


Okay, so I have 2 tables, one is called `staff` and it contains a list of staff (ie: Dave, Sarah).


I also have another table called `classes` which contain a list of ID numbers for classes attended (that field is called `class`) and ID numbers of staff runing the class (that field is called `staff`).





So if in my QUERY, I pass ID number 1, I want it to look in the `classes` table, and grab a list of `staff` ID numbers which attend `class` ID number 1 ONLY, so it would get just;





But if in my QUERY, I pass ID numbers 2 and 3, then it would get just;





But if in my QUERY, I pass ID numbers 1, 2 and 3, it would get nothing, as there are no staff that attend all classes 1,2 and 3, so it would get just;




Does that make it anymore clear for anyone?


Thanks so much everyone for your help



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Thanks everyone, I didn't see a 2nd page of comments  :o


It seems that PFMaBiSmAd suggestion to use


$num = 2;
$query = "SELECT s.name, count(*) as cnt FROM staff s JOIN classes c ON s.id = c.staff WHERE c.class IN (1,2) GROUP BY c.staff HAVING cnt = $num";


Works fantastic  :D , i'm not 100% until I run all the tests, but it seems to be working.


Thanks to PFMaBiSmAd and everyone else  :)

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Just one question, if I pass the `class` ID numbers in my URL string such as




How can I count the total number of




passed in the URL string, so in the above example, it would be "3" in total


It's just to that I can calculate the number for


$num = 2


Or is there a better way to pass those ID numbers in the URL string?


Thansk again



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