marcus Posted September 3, 2006 Share Posted September 3, 2006 Ok I am making a registration and it isnt working, i need some help here figuring this out.register.php[code]<? if($_COOKIE['auth'] == "yes") {include('./inc/');?><tr><td style="border:1px solid black; padding:0px;" colspan=5><div class=box><p align=right>Marra»Denied</p>You are already registered. One account per person please. </div><tr><td class=si colspan=5>© 2006 Infinite Productions Studios. All Rights Reserved</td></table><? }else{ include('./inc/');include('./inc/');$ip = $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR];?><? if($_COOKIE['auth'] == "yes") {echo '<tr><td style="border:1px solid black; padding:0px;" colspan=5><div class=box><p align=right>Marra»Error</p>You are already registered.</div><tr><td class=si colspan=5>© 2006 Infinite Productions Studios. All Rights Reserved</td></table>'; }else{ ?> <tr><td style="border:1px solid black; padding:0px;" colspan=5><div class=box><p align=right>Marra»Registration</p><form method=post action=do_reg.php>Please fill in all the details below. Email address is required for password recovery. <br><br>Username:<input type=text name=name><br><br>Password:<input type=password name=pass><br><br>Password:<input type=password name=pass2><br><br>Email:<input type=text name=mail><br><br>Below is information that is required for game play. Please choose carefully as these options cannot be changed later.<br><br>Name Your Hero: <input type=text name=hero><br><br>Guild:<select name=guild><option>Blood Alchemists</option><option>Iron Visage</option><option>Immortal Catalysts</option><option>The Legion</option></select><br><br>Alignment:<select name=align><option>Evil</option><option>Chaotic</option><option>Neutral</option><option>Good</option><option>Heroic</option></select><br><br><input type=hidden value="<? echo $ip ?>" name=ip><input type=submit value=Register></form></div><tr><td class=si colspan=5>© 2006 Infinite Productions Studios. All Rights Reserved</td></table><?}}?>[/code]and thendo_reg.php[code]<?php$new_user = $_POST[name];$new_pass = $_POST[pass];$new_pass2 = $_POST[pass2];$new_mail = $_POST[mail];$new_hero = $_POST[hero];$new_guild = $_POST[guild];$new_align = $_POST[align]; if($_COOKIE['auth'] == "yes") {echo '<tr><td style="border:1px solid black; padding:0px;" colspan=5><div class=box><p align=right>Marra»Error</p>You are already registered.</div><tr><td class=si colspan=5>© 2006 Infinite Productions Studios. All Rights Reserved</td></table>'; }else{ include("./inc/info.php"); //PASSWORDS MATCH?if($new_pass != $new_pass2) {$error = 'Your passwords do match, please go back and fix them.'; include("register.php"); exit(); } //IP ALREADY IN DB? $connection = mysql_connect($host,$user,$password); $db = mysql_select_db($database, $connection); $sql = "SELECT ip FROM USER WHERE ip='$ip'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $num = mysql_numrows($result); if ($num > 0) { $error = 'Ip Address already in use. We do not allow multiple accounts.'; include("register.php"); exit(); } //USERNAME ALREADY EXIST? $connection = mysql_connect($host,$user,$password); $db = mysql_select_db($database, $connection); $sql = "SELECT user FROM USER WHERE user='$new_user'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $num = mysql_numrows($result); if ($num > 0) { $error = 'Username already in use, please go back and select another.'; include("register.php"); exit(); } //EMAIL SYNTAX CORRECT? if (!ereg("^.+@.+\\..+$",$new_mail)) { $error = "$new_mail is not a valid email address. Please use a correct email."; include("register.php"); exit(); } //EMAIL ALREADY IN USE? $sql = "SELECT email FROM USER WHERE email='$new_mail'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $num = mysql_numrows($result); if ($num > 0) { $error = 'Email already present in Database. We do not allow multiple accounts.'; include("register.php"); exit(); } //HERO NAME TAKEN? $connection = mysql_connect($host,$user,$password); $db = mysql_select_db($database, $connection); $sql = "SELECT hero_name FROM USER WHERE hero_name='$new_hero'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $num = mysql_numrows($result); if ($num > 0) { $error = 'A hero under the name $new_hero has already been born, please go back and select another.'; include("register.php"); exit(); }else{ //END DATABASE CHECKS //CALCULATE STATS //BASE$att = 20;$def = 20;$arc = 20;$vit = 20;$eng = 20; //CALCULATE BAif($new_guild == "Blood Alchemists") {$att = 16;$def = 18;$arc = 22;$vit = 15;$eng = 30;} //CALCULATE IVif($new_guild == "Iron Visage") {$att = 30;$def = 22;$arc = 14;$vit = 24;$eng = 15;} //CALCULATE ICif($new_guild == "Immortal Catalysts") {$att = 14;$def = 20;$arc = 30;$vit = 22;$eng = 40;} //CALCULATE TLif($new_guild == "The Legion") {$att = 20;$def = 18;$arc = 24;$vit = 22;$eng = 25;} //INSERT REGISTRATION $sql = "INSERT INTO battle (total,win,lose) VALUES (0,0,0)"; mysql_query($sql); $sql = "INSERT INTO user (user,pass,email,ip,access,hero_name,guild_name,hero_align) VALUES ('$new_user','$new_pass','$new_mail','$ip','1','$new_hero','$new_guild','$new_align')"; mysql_query($sql); $sql = "INSERT INTO stats (attack,defense,arcane,health,energy) VALUES ('$att','$def','$arc','$vit','$eng')"; mysql_query($sql); $sql = "INSERT INTO skill (skill_learned) VALUES ('none')"; $sql = "INSERT INTO gear (head,body,hands,legs,feet,weapon,shield_book,special_1,special_2) VALUES ('NONE','NONE','NONE','NONE','NONE','NONE','NONE','NONE','NONE')"; mysql_query($sql);include('inc/');echo '<tr><td style="border:1px solid black; padding:0px;" colspan=5><div class=box><p align=right>Marra»Register»Complete</p>'; echo 'Thank you for registering with Marra! Please login to see all that awaits! You may wait 10 seconds to be redirected or just click "Home" at the top.';echo '<META HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="10"; URL="index.php"></div><tr><td class=si colspan=5>© 2006 Infinite Productions Studios. All Rights Reserved</td></table>'; } }?>[/code]It doesnt post into the DB and it keeps coming up with that the EMAIL is already in use. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fenway Posted September 3, 2006 Share Posted September 3, 2006 I can't wade through all that code... you'll have to narrow it down a lot. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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