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is this code correct?


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hey guys,


is the following rewrite rule correct for allowing "mysite.com/user/USERNAME"  from the full address of  "mysite.com/user/index.php?USERNAME


#Rewrite URL for User Profile, from /user/index.php?USERNAME to /user/USERNAME
Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^user/([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)?$ user/index.php?$1 [NC,L]


...it seems to be working fine, but im no good with expressions or rewriting in general so i thought id make sure its 100% fine and with no extra bits that arent needed.


oh, and the 'USERNAME' can only be letters (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9) and underscores.



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ive decided that i actually need this rewrite code to accept any characters so i can filter incorrect usernames on the actual page, instead of it throwing a 404 error once a username with the wrong characters is entered.


so far i have this:

RewriteRule ^profile/(.*)$ profile/index.php?$1 [NC,L]

...but this gives a 403 error if a url with characters such as * " %  are included.


can someone please tell me how to change this code to allow any characters to be entered into the username part of the url



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okay, i have another problem now =/

this is the folder structure of /user/....



/user/index.php            <--- this is the index page within the user folder i am wanting to be rewritten

/user/USERNAME1/        <--- each user gets a folder, this folder contains images etc


now it seems with the rewrite rule that was suggest above, the images arent being found.


can this problem be solved?




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Nevermind, it's because you wanted to match ALL characters, therefore 'user/USERNAME/40cabc290f43631cb4a7844790b1f2f8.png' matches and is redirected. Try this instead.


RewriteRule ^user/([^/]+)/?$ user/index.php?$1 [NC,L]

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yeah, when i user signs up, php will make a folder with their username under the folder /user/


(and to add to my previous reply, ive also tried url such as: "http://localhost/user/USERNAME/40cabc290f43631cb4a7844790b1f2f8.png")




and thanks, that last code seems to have worked.... havnt got time to test it properly at the moment, my tea is ready xD


thanks for all the help cags

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