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For each cat , how to show its subcat !


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Here is problem was always hurts me, i think it is about "where"


if we have db table with id,name,


`catid` int(3) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`catname` varchar(255) default NULL,
PRIMARY KEY  (`catid`),
KEY `catid` (`catid`)

INSERT INTO `cat` VALUES (1, 'cat1');
INSERT INTO `cat` VALUES (2, 'cat2');



then for subcat i've added table with subcat id,subcat name,cat id


CREATE TABLE `subcat` (
`subcatid` int(3) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`subcatname` varchar(255) default NULL,
`catid` varchar(255) default NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY  (`subcatid`),
  KEY `subcatid` (`subcatid`)

INSERT INTO `subcat` VALUES (1, 'x', 1);
INSERT INTO `subcat` VALUES (2, 'y', 2);
INSERT INTO `subcat` VALUES (2, 'z', 2);



this means for


cat1 ==> has subcat  x

cat2 ==> has subcat y and z


now my problem with php code.

how to write


show subcat for certain cat

i mean when i click on cat, it shows me its subcat


so for index file that shows only cat




$qma = "select * from cat";
$rma = mysql_query($qma) or die(mysql_error());
$ama = mysql_fetch_array($rma);

echo "<a href=\"sub.php?id=[color=red]$catid[/color]\">[color=red]$catname[/color]</a>";


then for sub.php that will show subcat of each cat id


how to code it

also is the index code is right  :shrug: should shows all cat which i click on any cat will send me to sub.php that shows the sub cat for that cat


thanks in advance







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Assuming your current page has catid of 1, I.e.



SELECT cat.*, subcat.*,
FROM cat INNER JOIN cat ON cat.catid = subcat.catid
WHERE cat.catid = ".$ID."";
$result = mysql_query($sql, $db);
if ($total!="0")
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result))
while ($i<$total)
echo "".$row['subcatid']."\r\n";
          } //end while
     } //end while
  }; //end if


Not sure if that's exactly right, and Im sure it could be written better, but I'm rather noob myself. It's how I'd try it anyhow.


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thank you very much for help but i've tring to be more simple


i've created file let it be  index.php

then when i do call index.php?id=1


where id=1 will be the same as catid then


$sql ="SELECT * FROM subcat WHERE `catid` = $id";
$rma = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error());
$ama = mysql_fetch_array($rma);
blah blah anything anything



now  for calling index.php?id=2

it should shows the subcat in the cat which has id=2


in the above example should show  y  and  z


but it shows only  y !!!  that is the point.

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